Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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If Tyrion & Jamie survive the Great War, the Lannister name will live on once the both of them sew their seeds.
Oh **** that.

If Jamie isn't dead by the end of this I'll be pissed.

If this level of writing is what I should be expecting then another Bran/Sansa/Arya fast tracked trial and execution needs to go down where Arya lops off his lower half.
how many troops cersei supposed to have that they even need her help tho?

i thought half the lannister army got burned and the other half are prisoners so its only those at casterly rock left and who?

survivors of highgarden army still sworn to dany right?
bran might thank him for pushing him out that window. Maybe he was meant to be pushed out and become dr manhattan raven eye.
how many troops cersei supposed to have that they even need her help tho?

i thought half the lannister army got burned and the other half are prisoners so its only those at casterly rock left and who?

survivors of highgarden army still sworn to dany right?

highgarden was taken over, any left over soldiers are probably imprisoned or given the ultimatum to fight for the Lannister army. I honestly don't see 20k Golden Company even defeating Dany's army if the NK and the wights weren't in the conversation.

I'm not saying there is 0 chance that Tyrion betrays Dany, I'm saying theres 0 chance that Tyrion betrays Dany for Cersei. Maybe he does it for the greater good, maybe Dany and Jon are equally bad news for the kingdom like Cersei. But Tyrion linking up with Cersei again? Nah, all his life, she has despised him. He's not gonna be her fav brother just by betraying Jamie. We know how smart Tyrion is.
For all we know, Jamie went to go get that Golden Company that Cersei paid for herself with the Iron Bank to route them towards Winterfell.
So he traveled across the sea on horseback. To get 20k men that euron already went and got by boat days later?
Geezus rice......

Littlefinger and the terrible plot no jutsu.
Smartest man in westeros didn't
1. Ask for proof
2. Say how was a boy of 10 that was still in a coma know.
3. Ask for a fair trial. Or trial by combat.
4. Start calling out everyone

Everyone took the word of Bran who claims he can see the past.... He has talked and proved this to no one else but Sansa and Arya.. (once)
Never proved it to the other lords. (which could've been simple)
The same lords who have still yet to see white walkers or dragons... And still didn't believe Jon before he left. The north that's suppose to be so Honorable.
What a ridiculously sad and atrocious ending for him. I don't know how anyone could've been satisfied with that.

Anything involved with Bran is by far the worst writing in this show.
I have to admit that the writing of this last season was weak. I really expected more.
So he traveled across the sea on horseback. To get 20k men that euron already went and got by boat days later?

We've seen more impossible time lapses. Gendry got back to the wall -> Sent a raven to Dragonstone -> Dany done flew all three lizards north of the Wall, found the Suicide Squad in all the vastness :emoji_dragon:
Did any of you guys watch the commentary of the last episode from the writers?

Cleary they said that Tyrion is worried that the mating of Jon and Danny may cause some issues.
Did any of you guys watch the commentary of the last episode from the writers?

Cleary they said that Tyrion is worried that the mating of Jon and Danny may cause some issues.

I saw this. Tyrion knows that when emotions are involved, someone is going to lose bad.
Northerners not gonna trust Jon anymore. They're ready to overthrow him just for leaving the North. If they read that letter saying he bent the knee to Dany, they're gonna think Jon only left for this..

the current generation of northerners are sketchy with their alliances but they gonna learn quick when they have to choose between the army of the dead and bending the knee
Dany's reaction to Jon being the rightful Targaryen heir is gonna be priceless.

She already has him acting dumb by not telling cersei he would stay neutral. She probably thinks she can boss him around even if he has an official title of king of westeros.
So he traveled across the sea on horseback. To get 20k men that euron already went and got by boat days later?
Geezus rice......

Littlefinger and the terrible plot no jutsu.
Smartest man in westeros didn't
1. Ask for proof
2. Say how was a boy of 10 that was still in a coma know.
3. Ask for a fair trial. Or trial by combat.
4. Start calling out everyone

Everyone took the word of Bran who claims he can see the past.... He has talked and proved this to no one else but Sansa and Arya.. (once)
Never proved it to the other lords. (which could've been simple)
The same lords who have still yet to see white walkers or dragons... And still didn't believe Jon before he left. The north that's suppose to be so Honorable.
What a ridiculously sad and atrocious ending for him. I don't know how anyone could've been satisfied with that.

Anything involved with Bran is by far the worst writing in this show.
Let me not go off and go in to detail.

I'll just say I recall the Tyrion trial in the Vale, Jamie's capture, Tyrion's trial after being charged with killing Joffrey that turned in to a trial by combat. Cersi's trial, Loras' trial, Margery's trial.

Hell the first ep where Ned justly carries out an execution after a member of the NW admits to desertion.

They carried out an execution in Winterfell based off heresay. **** was like Ramsey killing his pops.


After some scandal of his is revealed Aiden should play Olsteen in the movie.
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She already has him acting dumb by not telling cersei he would stay neutral. She probably thinks she can boss him around even if he has an official title of king of westeros.

Isn't that almost any woman though :lol:
I was telling people how Davos was mirin missandei and probably wants some. They all looked at me like I was crazy and making it up. I told them about the scene where he was asking where she was from and showing interest in her. They said it was nothing.
The convo with Missandei, Jon and Davos in episode 4 of Season 7, I thought Missandei and Tyrion was going to tell Jon he's not a Snow...The way that convo was leading
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Yup Tyrion knows they're in trouble because Dany and Jon are suckas for love. He knows they gotta be focused and approach this like business if they want to win. It ain't looking good for them, Cersei is just smarter and she will capitalize.
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