Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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True, but I was thinking more about his intelligence. Remember when Varys said "A small man can cast a big shadow" I can't think of anything intelligent or significant he's done in the past few seasons. Sansa being more clever than him makes no sense; it's just something the writers are forcing us to believe
Yeah, They could be setting up that he's on the outs with Jon stepping into Dany's life. It does feel like he's been less and less diplomatic of late, and that used to be his biggest strength.
What kind of dude smashes, then spends the post-smash time comparing himself to her other partners.

Euron may be able to aim a boat in directions well, but he's such an insecure cornball, man.:lol:
He's so desperate for her approval, though. Recipe for disaster for any man.

If you get to smash the Queen before the dead arrive, you smash and bounce. ***** sticking around being jealous of her incestuous brother.:lol::sick:





Sansa :nthat:
They’ve done such a terrible, lazy job with Jon being a Targaryen. The dragon riding scene should’ve come out of necessity. And I still believe the reveal of him being Rhaegar’s kid should’ve come from him sacrificing himself surrounded by white walkers and being burned by the dragon and he stands up and walks out of the fire flabbergasted.
Isn’t it the same overhead view of when the Children of Men made the first white Walker at the weirwood tree, plunging the dragon glass into his heart?


Part of me thinks that’s in winterfell. The tree they all pray/meet at got that significance. Idk

That's not the same tree, you can clearly see the surrounding mountains, which Winterfell has none. Where the Children of the Forest created the Night King was well north of the wall. There is a scene in season 7 where they show the area (covered in snow though now), episode 6.

I can't wait to find out what the significance of this thee in Winterfell is

I believe it's significance is that it's the only Weirwood in Winterfell or the surrounding area.
They’ve done such a terrible, lazy job with Jon being a Targaryen. The dragon riding scene should’ve come out of necessity. And I still believe the reveal of him being Rhaegar’s kid should’ve come from him sacrificing himself surrounded by white walkers and being burned by the dragon and he stands up and walks out of the fire flabbergasted.
Targs aren't immune to fire... just Dany
tyrion did tell dany not to torch most of westeros and be hated by most of the people. At least I think he was the one who told her that.

He did...

He pulled hard to save the Tarley’s...Also talker her out of a straight up attack on King’s Landing because the casualties would’ve been massive...
I don't know. Maybe not Joffrey, but the other two, yes. She had the Knights of the Vale come in for the save, and it was definitely her plan to kill LF
maaaaan lil finger was just tryna plot again
and have a ear to the lady of winterfell
and maybe smash
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