Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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The dragon riding scene was okay. Jon had to practice before the battle because the Night King is close. I think he learned a bit too quick. I would have preferred to see him get the hang of it by the 2nd episode. Of course, CGI costs money so they have to make it work in shorter time as well. The idea of Jon riding a dragon for the first time during the Battle of Winterfell would make less sense than Dany teaching him before the battle.
They’ve done such a terrible, lazy job with Jon being a Targaryen. The dragon riding scene should’ve come out of necessity. And I still believe the reveal of him being Rhaegar’s kid should’ve come from him sacrificing himself surrounded by white walkers and being burned by the dragon and he stands up and walks out of the fire flabbergasted.
I thought the dragon riding scene was cool. I also do get people’s pov that it was Disney-esque/corny. I like that they did it this way because if they did it out of necessity it’d be like they were just copying the dany
Targaryens can all be burned though from what I can recall. Dany being immune to fire is a rare occurrence. I remember in one of the Game Of Thrones bts they talked about it.
I thought the dragon riding scene was cool. I also do get people’s pov that it was Disney-esque/corny. I like that they did it this way because if they did it out of necessity it’d be like they were just copying the dany
Targaryens can all be burned though from what I can recall. Dany being immune to fire is a rare occurrence. I remember in one of the Game Of Thrones bts they talked about it.
i wonder if she drinks really hot soup
will it burn her tongue
Who else is ready for Jon Snow to grab his nutz and hit Dany with her own ****

“I am Aegon Targaryen 6th of his name, the 98th Lord Commander, King of the Andals and first men, protector of the 7 realms, King in the North...... Jon mutha ****in Snow”


Am I missing something here? I feel like this really should have happened last night, everyone was just walking around like it was a high school reunion. Oh hey I haven't seen you since.
I hope Lyanna Mormont didn't age too much over these past couple years. Her youth and innocence is a big part of her appeal IMO. Makes her character that much funnier being so young.
I remember when I first saw and heard her, I was like DAMN she talking with much authority for someone so young. Where she from and what was her upbringing like.
Yo I never looked at it with a critical eye but thats not even a sword swing of chopping someone's head off.

That diagonal slash :smh: Let me find out Brienne cut Stannis' head in half.
Oh that is the anime slash, always slicing someone like that.
Am I missing something here? I feel like this really should have happened last night, everyone was just walking around like it was a high school reunion. Oh hey I haven't seen you since.

Jorah probably ducking her after he heard that venom she gave Jon.
We ready at my house !!

Winter is here!!!!

Those shoes homie
tenor (4).gif

If Battle of Winterfell is episode 3, then I wonder if the night king loses or wins that one and who fights the rest of the season.
I think he wins and they retreat to the Iron Islands and regroup. Speaking of the Iron Islands I think Theon will be Jon's Lord Varys once he takes the throne. Another nutless individual to scheme and do the dirty work for you to get results.
I think mad people are catching the L at battle of winterfell.

Filling out of one those deathpools before last night's premiere put into perspective how many characters are alive still and could ultimately die/become a wight.
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