Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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David Benioff just said a while ago that only a Targ can ride a dragon though.

Discount the wording and I feel like he meant control.
The Targs are the only surviving dragon lord family I think so in context of the show I guess they would be the only ones that could control them.
If only Targs can control a dragon why would Dany put Jon on one? Maybe he wasn’t controlling. Maybe just along for the ride like they all were last season.
It’s not that only Targs can ride them it’s that they have a special bond with them like when Dany was about to get marked in the pits and Drogon pulled up.

We’ve got to understand that before John Dany was the only remaining Targaryen. Additionally dragons hadn’t been around for thousands of years. TBH Dany don’t eem really know what the **** she’s doing.

Think about it Aegon and his 3 sisters took over an entire continent by themselves and 3 dragons.....
I just thought of something earlier.

Isn’t dragonglass made by dragons?

Why was that blacksmith dude acting all careful “this is the last of it” when they can probably make more dragonglass if they needed it?

I mean I’m not in on the science of forming dragonglass, I’m sure there’s another element needed besides dragon fire. But I thought about that earlier.
Name list from 2016. Brings back memories :lol:

Sansa Stark = Salsa
Davos Seaworth = Davis
Hodor = Odor
Jon Snow = Snowman or Juan Nieve
Arya Stark = Area
Khal Drogo = Khal Dragic
New Khal from Season 6 = Khal Kaepernick
Theon Greyjoy = Memphis Reek
Walder Frey = Walter
Melisandre = Melisanbae
Myrcella Baratheon = Marcellus
Brienne = Captain Phasma, Dirk, Tharthwitzki
Theon= Memphis Reek
Robin= Vinny Del Negro
Littlefinger= Butterfinger
Ramsey= Macho Man Ramsey Savage
Jorah Mormont = Lord Friendzone
Syrio Forel= Cereal Pharrell
Jaquen Hager= Jay-Z
Sam= Ham Tarley
Cersie= Xerxes
Joffery= King Jaffe Joe
Podrick Payne= Pod the Gawd Payne

One of the best times on Niketalk. That was before the show broke from the books I believe, and the arguments and theories were off the charts :lol:

I really dig the new intro. It's probably been mentioned already but I love how they're depicting events that we've seen in the show like the Red Wedding above.
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