Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Well Tyrions is the brother of the king slayer..

And as far as the capital goes...Dany shows no love for any of those families cause they basically killed off all her peoples. She has a legit reason to off Tyrion.

Tyrion's the only Lanister she has legit reasons to spare and pardon.
yo semisrs.

he really was.

he had dark humor too. the stuff he said was gold.

call me crazy but....we technically never saw him die though. |I

...really wishful thinking.

No I'm with you I want him to come back too...I was mad how they let him die. One of the greatest warriors should of went out by the blade...I was mad arya at least didn't end him with needle. She didn't have to do him like that.

Oh and I was was pissed when hound lost to dirk nowitzki like that...she is not that nice. This whole female empowerment agenda is going too far.

Brah I was thinking this was a reach. But Dirk on draft day :x :rofl:

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Yup. That's Brienne alright. Wonder who would GOT Steve Nash be?
Finally catching up, on episode 3. Tommen already drunk off Margaery's yambs after one time. SMH at her not even showing her boobs.
Dani bathed in boiling hot water that someone else couldn't even put a finger in.

Season 1

All I remember bout her in season one was Drogo giving her yambs dat work, and her walking around like she needed a hip replacement

- I know my boy Grey feasting like now, eating everything. Gonna show up in a couple episodes looking like:

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Aside from him wanting to reunite with Kaleesi, why would Tyrion be afraid of being brought to her? What connection/knowledge does she have to/of Cersei's manhunt for Tyrion?

We never saw him die? Who was moving him? :lol: He for damn sure could not move himself, and Arya went off on her own... not that she could have helped his mobility. She wouldn't have helped either. Her satisfaction was denying him the luxury of being killed on the spot and avoid the pain and suffering it would take him to sit there and slowly die due to exposure/injuries.


A. i dont understand what Dany would really want with Tyrion either.
B. i know its completely ridiculous to think he survived. i know. but. its GOT. i feel no matter what im never sure of anything. even more so that he said something like "im finished unless theres a maester around the bend"...which i feel like whether one would like it or not its def possible that they pulled THAT angle if they wanted him back... straight up "youre never gonna believe this but THERE WAS a maester around that bend".

I also want to know since Dany can't be killed by fire does that include dragon fire as well?

i read that GRRM said shes not fireproof.

her birthing the dragons was some "special" thing.

but she can get burned.

Of all the people plotting, Tyrion is the best damn strategist of them all.
Cool to see the Japanese girl from wolverine and arrow on the show. Weird seeing Asian people on this show.

The actress who dresses up as Dani in the brothel is a pronstar. She's been on the show before on a different season.
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Cool to see the Japanese girl from wolverine and arrow on the show. Weird seeing Asian people on this show.

The actress who dresses up as Dani in the brothel is a pronstar. She's been on the show before on a different season.

Maybe I wasn't paying close attention, but what ******* sparrow guys and what asian chick?

The sparrows are those really religious dudes in the robes that were beating people up in he brothels and took ser loras. Cersei talked to their leader that people call the high sparrow.

The Japanese girl was the red priestess Tyrion and varys saw preaching in that town.
This fool Jon Snow really knows nothing. Melisandre was on your lap showing you the most perfect nips and the warmest of warm yambs. Dude was mesmerized for a little bit.
I thought Stannis was a sketchy character last season when he killed his own brother (although I just re-watched it and he offered Renley a pretty good peace offering) and did that failed siege attempt on King's Landing, but he actually seems pretty cool to me now from his interactions with Snow, the trader guy, and his daughter.

Not sure if I'm team Stannis or Dani.
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Easy choice. I don't like annoying so I would choose stannis if I had to choose between those two teams.
Dany peaked when she got the Unsullied and had her dragons burn down the masters. Ever since then she's been beyond annoying. Every time she goes against common sense with some dramatic quote to prove her power it makes me cringe
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The unsullied need some Spartan formation training. The sons of the harpy took out a lot of them armed with only daggers and knives.
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