Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Dany peaked when she got the Unsullied and had her dragons burn down the masters. Ever since then she's been beyond annoying. Every time she goes against common sense with some dramatic quote to prove her power it makes me cringe
I think the real reason all of you hate on Dany is because she doesn't go full nude anymore. I started noticing the jabs at her character the more she was shown with her clothes on.
I think the real reason all of you hate on Dany is because she doesn't go full nude anymore. I started noticing the jabs at her character the more she was shown with her clothes on.

She hasn't been naked since the 1st season, and I just mentioned I liked her until season 3. So I don't know what you're talking about

Dany letting Drogo kill her brother, burning the witch and hatching dragons, locking up traitors in Qarth, letting her dragons loose on slavers, acquiring armies, freeing slaves, taking over cities= :pimp:

Dany going against every single piece of wisdom from her advisors/subjects while having 0 experience and replying with "I AM THE QUEEN" type responses to all common sense, letting her loyal subjects die as a result = annoying as hell
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All I want to see is Littlefinger/Varry's playing their manipulation games, Brianne and Pod going on badass adventures, Bronn and Jaime going on badass adventures, Arya getting her Assassins Creed on with the faceless men, and Tyrion getting drunk and out-witting people.

I want to see what the Mountain has turned into, I want to know what happened to Aryas water dancing teacher, I want to know what happened to Brandon stark, I wanna know what happened to Gendry, and also I want to know more about the dude that keeps getting killed and brought back to life. Oh and I wanna see more prostitutes.

This episode had none of that, so I didn't like it all much.

PS, Stannis is the one true king of Westeros by all laws of man. Why is there even a debate in the kingdom?
Ps, ps Jon Snow making real soft decisions. Even that crossbow kid called him out. How many starks have to get their heads cut off before they learn how to play the game??!!
She hasn't been naked since the 1st season, and I just mentioned I liked her until season 3. So I don't know what you're talking about

Dany letting Drogo kill her brother, burning the witch and hatching dragons, locking up traitors in Qarth, letting her dragons loose on slavers, acquiring armies, freeing slaves, taking over cities= :pimp:

Dany going against every single piece of wisdom from her advisors/subjects while having 0 experience and replying with "I AM THE QUEEN" type responses to all common sense, letting her loyal subjects die as a result = annoying as hell

And she isn't getting naked anymore.

Dany is wack
Arent the Sons of the Harpy also military trained?
I'm saying. Some of the assumptions in this thread are crazy when drawing conclusions. Why are we just gonna assume the Sons of the Harpy are bums, like lets just forget the fact that in this world it's the well off who tend to benefit from superior training and are the best fighters? Idk just seems like a terrible and lazy assumption to me.

Catching up on this thread and reading all the complaints about the scene leading up to Ser Barristan's death at the end of episode four. How 10 Unsullied should have washed 30 Son's of the Harpy, yall know it's pretty much impossible to fight with a spear in a hallway right? I mean, the goon from King's Landing who led the Crow rebellion at Craster's straight up told us last season, daggers were the better than swords when fighting in the narrow alleyways of Flea Bottom. 

And you guys are tripping saying the good Ser Barriston looked slow and old during the scene, watch the episode again and peep the technique and execution, dude was 80 years old and still saucy with the blade. 
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Dany just lost one of her trusted advisors, now she needs Tyrion to teach her how to rule.

Tyrion is a smart mothereffer and he can teach her the ways of Westeros.

glad i got to see my bae myranda again

some good shots from last night

What assumptions? I never said the sons of the harpy were bums. The Unsullied are supposed to be beasts. An elite fighting force. They remind me of Spartans with their shields and spears. The sons of the harpy looked like they had no armor and they had no shields themselves. They had smaller weapons like knives and daggers. So I was definitely surprised they fought to basically a draw. I think they had more numbers too. The audacity to say I made a lazy and terrible assumption. I'm obsessed with the books and the story so that's not possible.
I wasn't talking directly at you man. 

Like I said I read the last five pages, catching up on this thread since last week. Multiple people were saying how could the elite Unsullied be beat by bums, trash of the street, word for word. 

The Harpy's had them far out numbered. Spears are ineffective in close quarters. Daggers and Knives are most effective. The Harpy's had them flanked from both sides, numerous tactical advantages.

I'm just saying, multiple people said the scene was weak, unrealistic, poorly shot. I disagree. My main point is we really don't know the caliber of warrior that the Son's of Harpy employ. Assuming their poor fighters is an assumption. 

Another assumption that was made earlier that I actually agree with, I don't think we should just assume the Unsullied are God's. They're trained warriors, of course they're  excellent fighters but as someone else said, they're known as the most obedient and best tactical soldiers in the world, not necessarily the best at hand to hand combat, at least going off the show. 
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Dany just lost one of her trusted advisors, now she needs Tyrion to teach her how to rule.

Tyrion is a smart mothereffer and he can teach her the ways of Westeros.

glad i got to see my bae myranda again

some good shots from last night
Dope Pics... Are there more like this for other episodes? i'm sure GOT is loaded with cool imagery that may go under the radar.

more pix of myranda too
Dope Pics... Are there more like this for other episodes? i'm sure GOT is loaded with cool imagery that may go under the radar.

more pix of myranda too
yea i stole most of the pics from the GoT subreddit, lots of cool pics there. Not many Myranda pics on the interwebz sadly but will post more when i find em
Did not notice the outline of Bran in that shot before

I thought I was the only one dawg she just has that look:pimp:  

I been told you about Myranda. I was steady reppin Myranda since she her, Ramsay and the dogs had that other girl got.

When I mentioned her back in page 325, and used some of the same pics on this page, y'all blew me off completely. Glad you guys opened your eyes finally.
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sundays episode was super boring.

Where is Bran? I just completely froget what happened to him

I just want the Bolton kid to die...kill Theon too he sucks
I don't care at all about how Dany rules....get your dragons and start taking over the world

If it weren't for Little Finger and Tyrion i wouldn't be interested at all. Tyrion just has enjoyable dialogue and little finger's plotting is well written. I used to like Jon Snow but this episode basically played out so that now he is going to go get the wildlings for the rest of the season which i don't care about
Dany's story has just got real boring is all

Lol at comparing GOT characters to Dallas Mavericks players :lol:
I wasn't talking directly at you man. :lol:

Like I said I read the last five pages, catching up on this thread since last week. Multiple people were saying how could the elite Unsullied be beat by bums, trash of the street, word for word. 

The Harpy's had them far out numbered. Spears are ineffective in close quarters. Daggers and Knives are most effective. The Harpy's had them flanked from both sides, numerous tactical advantages.

I'm just saying, multiple people said the scene was weak, unrealistic, poorly shot. I disagree. My main point is we really don't know the caliber of warrior that the Son's of Harpy employ. Assuming their poor fighters is an assumption. 

Another assumption that was made earlier that I actually agree with, I don't think we should just assume the Unsullied are God's. They're trained warriors, of course they're  excellent fighters but as someone else said, they're known as the most obedient and best tactical soldiers in the world, not necessarily the best at hand to hand combat, at least going off the show. 

I think what we should agree is the show did a ****** job of making the scene believable.

The unsullied wouldn't be walking around in teams of two in tight corridors with long spears.

The show writers/costume people are lazy for that ****.

**** is the point of using siege weaponry in a closet?

They're Spartans and savvy soldiers who repelled dothraki riders. if you're gonna have them taken out at least show us how it'd be done correctly
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Cool to see the Japanese girl from wolverine and arrow on the show. Weird seeing Asian people on this show.

The actress who dresses up as Dani in the brothel is a pronstar. She's been on the show before on a different season.

Which part of the episode was this? The only asian in the show, and I didn't even notice. :lol:

Cool to see the Japanese girl from wolverine and arrow on the show. Weird seeing Asian people on this show.

The actress who dresses up as Dani in the brothel is a pronstar. She's been on the show before on a different season.

Which part of the episode was this? The only asian in the show, and I didn't even notice. :lol:

Episode 4 when just before Tyrion and Varys go to the brothel.

She's the red preistess preaching about Dany.
wish I could follow this thread.

I'm still on Season 1. I just finished episode 8 and I JUST noticed I was missing subtitles for the Othraki. 
Cool to see the Japanese girl from wolverine and arrow on the show. Weird seeing Asian people on this show.

The actress who dresses up as Dani in the brothel is a pronstar. She's been on the show before on a different season.

Which part of the episode was this? The only asian in the show, and I didn't even notice. :lol:

Episode 4 when just before Tyrion and Varys go to the brothel.

She's the red preistess preaching about Dany.

Thanks, man.

Yeah, I definitely missed that scene. :lol:

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