Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I’m just glad it was Arya that killed the night king tho. That was truly the high point for me. From beginning to now, she’s had the best story to me of all these characters. Tyrion was a strong number 2 until these last two seasons.
what if jon goes to kill dany but he doesnt know arya already did it and took her face and he kills arya by accident?

then drogon sees and kills jon and the rest of westeros?
If you have HBO and aren’t watching Chernobyl yet I don’t know what to tell ya cause imo that’s the best thing going TV wise rn
could this finale affect the spinoffs?

like could they still cancel them?

Nah, it will have the opposite effect and prompt them to invest more into the prequels and take better care of them. GOT/ASOIAF is HBO's golden goose.

GOT's prequel, Bloodmoon, has already begun filming in Ireland.
I’m just glad it was Arya that killed the night king tho. That was truly the high point for me. From beginning to now, she’s had the best story to me of all these characters. Tyrion was a strong number 2 until these last two seasons.
Arya is my favorite character but that NK moment didn't resonate well with me, due to that fact D&D said she only did it because .......surprise, nobody seen it coming. :rolleyes

That was a slap in the face to the grounded story that was already laid out.
what if jon goes to kill dany but he doesnt know arya already did it and took her face and he kills arya by accident?

then drogon sees and kills jon and the rest of westeros?
Arya mask is 100% coming into play tonight

Its finna go down like DooDoo Brown, Bout to burn like a badd *** perm
I cant lie, I liked Dany goin Ham, Idk **** got me goin.

It would be sik if Arya went mash mode on GreyWizzle and wore His Fizzle and put a Swizzle through Danizzle
Y’all have discussed the literal Iron Throne being desecrated because of the Red Keep crumbling ya? So no one technically should “sit” on any throne this last episode

I’d tell Brienne my face is the throne.
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