.: Official GoldenState Warriors @ Sacramento Kings 11/28: 10pm EST :.

Originally Posted by Burn916

What I can't comprehend is how you guys don't understand that Kevin Martin does not draw "BS calls". He draws defenders off of their feet. If you've played basketball, you'd know that you never leave your feet on a perimeter shooter. That's just bad defense. You should be complaining about your team's defense, not Kevin Martin.

It's ok to bite on a pump fake

What don't you get? Al Harrington bit on the pump fake... ok. You're not supposed to bite on a pump fake, but he did. I'll let that slide.You're also not supposed foul a jump shooter. When you land 2 feet away from a player, there's supposed to be no foul called on you because thedefender didn't make contact with the offensive player. But when the offensive player jumps into the defender 2feet away from him, and they call a foul on the defender? That's absurd.
Beno is ******ed for that foul,
lmao @ "THE WARRIORS DEFENSE IS INCREDIBLE!!!!!" Don't outdo it man.

Granted they have something to do with the score. But the Kings' terrible offense has a lot more to do with it.
WOOO...hella warriors fans at arco. great defense in the fourth quarter to make up for that crappy offense, mainly 3's. great win.
SenorRoboto2k5 wrote:
lmao @ "THE WARRIORS DEFENSE IS INCREDIBLE!!!!!" Don't outdo it man.

Granted they have something to do with the score. But the Kings' terrible offense has a lot more to do with it.
That why i named his as my least favorite commentator in that other thread

but he has a point with only 2 FGs for Sac
gusyouout wrote:
WOOO...hella warriors fans at arco. great defense in the fourth quarter to make up for that crappy offense, mainly 3's. great win.
where did they all come from? i never noticed warrior fans in Sac during the webber/divac days.
Great D by the W's in the 4th. I'm loving see all the Warriors fans takin over Arco. They shot terrible tonight, the refs absolutley sucked and stillwon.
They really showed alot of character. Great Win on the road.

Monta & Sjax were clutch and came up real big in the 4th.
Originally Posted by LALAKERFAN213

gusyouout wrote:
WOOO...hella warriors fans at arco. great defense in the fourth quarter to make up for that crappy offense, mainly 3's. great win.
where did they all come from? i never noticed warrior fans in Sac during the webber/divac days.

They drove up there...
HAHA! We got the win.
We closed it out. To tell you the truth, ichanged the channel when the Warriors were down 92-96 because it was hard to watch. I missed those damn 3's by Jackson
. Great defense by the Warriors. Beidrins played good off the bench. I'm notgoing to lie, i was ##@#%$* shaking that last minute. So intense.

Next up we got Houston.
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