Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Because THEY believed we can get his confidence back up...Pathetic.

This guy is beyond pathetic. Instead they amnesty Bell who was at 4mill and an expiring contract?
And waive Jeremy Lin just to sign DeAndre Jordan to an offer sheet that had no chance to begin with?

SMH at our management
And Reggie Williams.
And...What was the point of signing Earl Barron?
starts around :50.

JL admitting how nervous he was playing in front of the home crowd last season.

get #2 pick and hope portland drafts in front of you

or memphis in 09 when you get into top 3 again

lol @ mayo too

but really
gotta get lucky and win a lottery, well get into top 3 at least
and thats hard when ur in the 8-12 range

read the "pledge," and thats all well and good for new ownership to put out there, but FAs arent coming so you just gotta get lucky

i mean if the clips can turn decent overnight, anyone can right?
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Bump for David Lee's first missed J of the night
as terrible as his contract is, at least he's playing well. God beans is just a waste of money and a roster spot.

You know your team sucks when your commentators can only praise the coach for his ability to take a good time out.
Steph is OUT HERE!!!
$!@ was that.... I'm convinced the refs had it out for G State. Worst officiating I've seen in a while. This is also the 11th loss by 4 points or less by G state I believe.  Why can't they ever close
Love how Bob makes it sound so impressive that when Monta drives there's 4 defenders...well yeah, weak side collapsed and he's GOING TO THE BUCKET. Converging on the ball anyone?
OJ Mayo got that Brandon Jennings draft day haircut
aka Roger Klotz from "Doug".

This team just gets trigger happy after getting a small lead.
As badly as we played, the officiating was terrible tonight. Tony Allen with that putback...
@ Dorell just standing there.
Lee had no where to go and despite a subtle push in the back from Gasol, I think it was a charge. But to not put any time on the clock when it was completely obvious, that I can't accept. Horrible.
At the end of the day, the whistles weren't hurting the Warriors their lack of execution/coaching is just the glaring deficiency. For all the "top assistants" they have, how come no one knows how to run a goddamn play at the end or remind guys how to block-out?

As for Brothers, if my memory serves right, he's had some real bad nights reffing Warrior games no doubt....
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