OFFICIAL HALO MASTER PATCH COLLECTION, VOL: sign up for a patch beta! No really....

Well it got delayed....... Shocker. But people still wanna buy H5 seeing how this company operates

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Just before the launch of Halo: The Master Chief Collection, you may recall that the Halo Bulletin moved to video form for the first time, taking our weekly written news drop of all things Halo and video-ifying it. While we hope you’re enjoying the new Bulletin on The Halo Channel, we recognize that it is sometimes better (and necessary) to provide updates in the traditional blog form. Thus, I’d like to provide an update on developments across the studio, including MCC content and playlist updates as well as Halo 5. Let’s get to it.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection Content Updates
Continued improvement to the MCC experience remains our top priority as a studio. Work on our upcoming content update focuses on three major areas:
  • Matchmaking search time
  • Match search success
  • Lobby / Party Functionality
Fundamental changes to these systems will improve the overall experience while also allowing us to address additional issues such as title-specific hit registration, matchmaking ranking, and beyond. As this update contains the biggest changes to the Matchmaking system yet, we’ve identified that additional time and testing is required, and we are currently evaluating both timing and need for a CU beta with the Xbox One Preview program, as well as the final public release date in February. We’ll continue to provide the latest updates here on Waypoint.

Lastly, I’d like to thank those of you on Waypoint, r/Halo, Twitter, and elsewhere who have continued to provide info regarding issues you’ve encountered, and more specifically identifying which ones are most important to you – your continued feedback has been invaluable as we work to prioritize fixes within the CU schedule.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection Playlist Updates
As the dev team works on the above content update and beyond, the playlist team continues to work on upcoming experiences, including featured playlists, updates to existing playlists (available game types, voting options, etc), and more. In the near future, we are aiming to release Team Snipers and an objective-only playlist as featured playlists, and also converting the Halo 2: Anniversary Rumble playlist into a cross-game Rumble Pit playlist. We know Team Doubles remains at the top of many wish lists, and it remains at the top of ours as well, but we need to resolve some team creation issues before we can deploy it. So it’s on hold for now, and these fixes are being slotted into content updates. As always, we’ll keep an eye on playlist data to determine what stays, what goes, and what’s next.
Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta – What’s Next
During and since the beta, the Halo 5 team has been pouring over community feedback and data to build an extensive list of improvements for the game. I’ve been able to discuss some of the changes with Executive Producer Josh Holmes, and he’s working on a blog that will provide you with the details of what the team is working on, complete with a healthy list of learnings and changes from the beta. Stay tuned – I’m excited about it and I think it’s gonna be a good one.

I look forward to providing more regular updates in this same fashion across the above areas and beyond, and certainly recognize that they should’ve come a bit sooner. Thanks for reading, and I’ll be back again soon with the latest.

Theyre getting more and more confident that this is gonna be the patch to fix the game.


"Stuff to Maintain and Grow populations". Nothing short of making this game free is going to bring a large amount of people back. I dont even care they dont refund people who still have it, but making it free or 20$ at most is the right thing to do.
I’ve been able to discuss some of the changes with Executive Producer Josh Holmes, and he’s working on a blog that will provide you with the details of what the team is working on, complete with a healthy list of learnings and changes from the beta. Stay tuned – I’m excited about it and I think it’s gonna be a good one.

Late last year, we gave you a first look at the future of Halo multiplayer with the release of the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta. This was a huge endeavor for everyone on the Halo 5: Guardians team and one that we approached with nervous excitement. After all, this was the earliest that we have ever released a beta for a Halo game, coming almost a year before release. Putting a work-in-progress game out in the wild this early was a leap of faith, and something new for our studio. How would fans react? What results would we find?

In the past, betas for games on console have typically been used for online scale testing in the weeks prior to a game’s launch. In our case, we provided a true ‘working’ beta that was a snapshot of our game in development. Halo 5: Guardians represents one of the most substantial evolutions of core combat in franchise history. We felt it was crucial to get it in the hands of fans early to ensure we have enough development time to react to key learnings and deliver the best possible game when we release later this year. This represented a shift for us as a team and a studio by sharing the development process with our community and having you help shape the game.

The level of engagement and response from our community shattered all of our expectations. Over the course of the three week beta we saw nearly 20 million games played, accounting for 290 years of collective game time. Throughout the beta we monitored feedback channels including web forums, reddit, Twitter and Facebook. From these sources we tracked literally thousands of pieces of detailed feedback.

To coincide with the beta, we also launched the Halo Community Feedback Program (HCFP) to directly engage with the most passionate and experienced members of our fan base. Over 19,000 of you have already signed up for the HCFP, with the average amount of Halo played per HCFP participant clocking in at over 900 hours (that’s more than 37 days of Halo playtime per participant!). So far, we have conducted two surveys and we plan to continue expanding this program as we see it as an important tool to help shape our game for launch and beyond.

The team has spent the past few weeks poring over player feedback from the aforementioned sources. From this we have developed an extensive list of improvements for the game. What follows is a short summary of items that we are addressing for launch. Some of these improvements were already in development and didn’t make it in time for the beta. The majority of changes address issues that surfaced during the beta and relate to feedback coming directly from the community. It’s important to point out that there will be a massive list of additional improvements and bug fixes that are not captured here, as we hosted this beta almost a year from release.


For Halo 5: Guardians we’ve developed a consistent suite of abilities that are available to all players on the battleground. These abilities give Spartans increased mobility in combat and open up new gameplay possibilities. Throughout the beta we saw fantastic response from fans as they put them through their paces. One of my favorite moments was watching legendary pro Halo player Dave “Walshy” Walsh as he streamed a game of Slayer. Walshy came up behind an unsuspecting enemy and just as he was about to strike for the assassination, his opponent jumped up, using his Thrusters to propel himself back over Dave’s head and take him out with an assassination of his own. The stunned look on Walshy’s face was priceless.

In the ViDoc that introduced the new Spartan Abilities before the beta went live, I touched on the fact that a portion of the Halo community strongly prefers to play without sprint. The results from the HCFP surveys showed that nearly 11% of HCFP participants felt that Halo should not have sprint. It is important that we continue to evolve Halo multiplayer while ensuring that legacy Halo players feel right at home. As a result, I’m happy to say that we will provide toggles in custom games so that sprint and the other Spartan Abilities can be turned off. By putting these tools in the hands of players we will give them the ability to play the game their way, enabling them to create a more traditional style of Halo if they prefer.

Some of the other improvements that we are making to Spartan Abilities and general mobility coming out of the beta:

Increase base speed (faster base movement)
Increase strafe acceleration (faster, more responsive strafing)
Reduce top sprint speed (narrow the delta between base movement and sprint)
Modify Ground Pound controls to prevent conflicts w/ crouch jumping
General tuning & bug fixes for all Spartan Abilities (Thrusters, Clamber, Ground Pound, etc.)
At the core of any first-person shooter is gunplay. For Halo, the experience of aiming and firing weapons is king and we put a lot of effort into making sure that it feels great. We want the player to feel connected to each weapon, so that it feels like a natural extension of the player. We want the right amount of feedback to sell the sensation of firing the weapon. And of course we want all of the weapons to be balanced against one another so that each one is effective within its own encounter range without a single weapon becoming dominant.

With the introduction of our new Smart-Link aiming system we’ve given all weapons the ability to zoom. This new system creates a more natural feel and reinforces the connection between Spartans and their weapons. The advantages of a zoomed weapon are balanced by the ability to de-scope and force your opponent out of zoom if you land your shots first. Our goal is to balance all weapons to be equally effective both in and out of zoom while continuing to respect the function of each mode.


Our newest weapon, the Hydra, received a mixed response from fans. Hard to use at first, it took some time for players to realize how effective the Hydra is at curving shots around cover at range from within the new Smart-Link system. Once it clicked, people began mopping up, but many players still felt that the weapon didn’t have enough utility in general combat. We’ll be buffing the weapon to make it more effective out of zoom and ensure that it feels like a true power weapon.

Some of the other improvements that we’ll be making to weapons in the game follow:

halo 2 rocket launcher

Sniper Rifle: improve scope experience to making it less “clunky” and faster to scope
DMR: adjust position of the scope to improve visibility
Bring back the SPNKr Rocket Launcher as a legendary version of the weapon
Reduce bonuses for automatic weapons in Smart-Link & w/ headshots
Remove grenade detonation in mid-air based on weapon fire
Ability to turn on/off vibration feedback for weapons
General tuning and bug fixing for all weapons
The arena multiplayer experience was designed with a competitive theme. We imagined this to be a place where Spartans would train against one another in preparation for upcoming battles. As such there would be a certain amount of comradery, gamesmanship and fanfare involved. We approached match presentation as though these showdowns might be broadcast within the UNSC to other enlisted military watching intently as the Spartans trained.

Each match includes an intro and a victory sequence. These are meant to reinforce your identity within your team, to show important locations within each map prior to battle and to celebrate the winners of the match. Despite the fact that the intro and victory sequences in particular seemed to be universally loved by Halo bros, we weren’t 100 percent satisfied with the tone of these moments in the game. Expect the final sequences to feature considerably fewer chest bumps and high fives.

Other improvements we’ll be making to presentation based on fan feedback:

Post-death replay: this will become an opt-in feature. After death, players will see a traditional follow-cam and have the option to view a replay of their death from the killer’s perspective (as long as the feature is enabled within the playlist)
Medals: decrease frequency and number of medals displayed in the medal feed
Spartan chatter: players will have the option to turn this on or off in the settings menu
Adding highlights to placed/dropped weapons to make them easier to see
General tuning for announcer and Spartan chatter to reduce the frequency of events and focus on the information that matters most to players

Halo 5: Guardians features a brand new seven-tier competitive skill rating system. We put an early version of this system through its paces in the beta and uncovered a number of bugs that are being addressed.

Probably the most common question that we heard about CSR was regarding recognition of individual performance. The system is designed to reflect wins and losses at the team level. Individual performance is not taken into account when calculating bonuses/penalties to CSR; it’s all about team. The one exception is during the initial placement process when the system is solving on individual skill. The biggest complaint we heard was in the case of a losing team member that significantly outperformed the other members of their team. Many players felt that in this case the penalty for losing should be reduced.

Philosophically we believe that in a team sport the only thing that should matter is wins and losses. We also believe that incentivizing players to prioritize their own individual stats in a team game can undermine team play. A player’s Kill/Death Ratio (the stat that tends to be focused on in these discussions) is not always a reliable indicator of impact on team success. A player may have inflated kills from finishing off enemies that their teammates have damaged, or may have pursued kills at the expense of positioning and map control. The simplest and best way to assess performance within a team sport, is the team’s success.

Bonuses and penalties are based on the relative strength of the teams at play. Teams are assessed on their collective skill at the beginning of the match. You gain more by winning against a team that is considered to be stronger than your own. Likewise, losing to a more skilled team will result in a lesser penalty to your CSR. These gains and losses are further modified by a player’s individual CSR relative to the teams at play. So for example, a lower tier player gains more from a win than someone at a higher CSR tier. We will continue refining these bonuses & penalties to reflect the difficulty of each match.

Our skill rating system is one of the pillars for competitive play of Halo 5: Guardians and we’ll be continuing to refine it throughout development. The focus for our team coming out of the beta includes:

Improved skill detection during placement phase
Improved skill matching
Improved team balancing
Prevent skill boosting
General bug fixing & tuning
One of the challenges with matchmaking for a competitive Halo experience is the need to find matches of appropriate skill (due to the skill gap between players) and ensure that matches don’t start unbalanced. These priorities are weighed against matchmaking speed. If you loosen the skill requirements and allow games to start with less players (backfilling live with join-in-progress) it makes the process much faster, but it does so at the expense of fairness. We need to balance these factors carefully and for beta we weren’t satisfied with the balance that we achieved.

Coming out of beta we have a number of fixes and improvements already in flight for matchmaking but at a high level our focus is on the following:

Much faster matches
Better skill matching
Better feedback to players in the lobby and matchmaking experiences
Allow players to set desired datacenter for matchmaking (may impact matchmaking speed and skill balance)
Improved party vs party matchmaking
Hide CSR ranks until in match to de-incentivize quitting
Punish quitters with CSR penalties and matchmaking bans
With the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta being held so early in development, there is a laundry list of other bug fixes and improvements that we are tracking as a team. Far too many to document here. Everything from weapon placements on maps, to lighting improvements, to rule tweaks in game modes and modifications to the motion tracker to encourage more movement at higher levels of play. Our team constantly looks for ways to improve the game and we’ll continue to do so until launch later this year and beyond.

Looking back, this beta has been an amazing gift for us. The feedback we have received from all of you has been invaluable in helping us to improve our game. On behalf of the entire Halo 5: Guardians team, we thank you for your support. We absolutely couldn’t do this without you. I hope you enjoyed your first glimpse into the future of Halo multiplayer and look forward to sharing more with you in the months ahead.


Will refrain from criticism but theres a lot of selective wording in here and flat out lies. Ya'll have fun with this game man.
My buddy bought the MC collection awhile back so we got together to play it last Saturday. Man this game is a wreck. We wanted to play online but finding a match took forever, and even when they started the game weren't populated. We ended up running through the H2 campaign in co-op
Since last week’s blog, I’ve received a fair bit of questions similar to and along the lines of “Does this mean the written Bulletin has returned?” and “Will there be a written update along with every video Bulletin?” While I haven’t quite determined the day of the week for these updates just yet, the weekly written update has indeed returned. Below, you’ll find the latest of what's going on inside the studio walls, and more specifically, progress and status updates on MCC and Halo 5: Guardians.
After further evaluation, the team has determined that that final testing for the content update will be completed internally, and we will not be conducting a beta test for the next CU. Also, it was determined that the additional time and work devoted to the beta would’ve actually postponed the public availability of the content update. Lastly, there were some added challenges surrounding the CU beta – including an extra series of required updates and rollbacks - that made us take a step back and reexamine the CU beta. Ultimately, this plan will allow us to deliver the smoothest possible experience, and ensure that the next content update becomes available as soon as possible.

Progress on the CU continues, and we’ll work to provide an ETA once the final date is locked. As stated last week, our current focus and priority remains delivering the upcoming improvements to the matchmaking and party systems, but the team is also working on and prioritizing additional items beyond this, and I look forward to discussing these – a lot more – as we get closer to those updates.

Lastly, the playlist team is looking to update the playlist lineup with some new options that were mentioned last week, with the soonest additions coming in the form of Team Snipers and an updated cross-game Rumble Pit playlist. Team Snipers will temporarily replace SWAT as the featured playlist, and Rumble Pit will replace Halo 2: Anniversary Rumble. The objective-only playlist is receiving finishing touches and spot checks, but will not be part of this update. As we’ve stated previously, we’re keeping an eye on data and feedback to determine which playlists stay in the mix, and which are swapped out for new experiences.
As we announced  just before the holidays, we’re reimagining Relic, the legendary Halo 2 map, and bring it to life in Halo 2: Anniversary. Relic was selected not only due to its popularity, but also how it complements the suite of H2A maps and adds another map fitting for 12-16 players.

Our friends over at Certain Affinity have begun development of the Relic remake, and over the course of the next few months, we’ll take you behind the scenes on the development process. For the first part in the series, we’re unveiling some concept art, and have provided wallpaper versions for your desktop.


Wallpapers: [1920x1080]  [1280x720]  [1024x768]


Wallpapers: [1920x1080]  [1280x720]  [1024x768]

We hope you enjoyed this early sneak peek, and we’ll be back with more Relic updates as development progresses. Stay tuned.
[h3]HALO 5: GUARDIANS[/h3]
By now, you’ve likely caught Josh’s blog  which covered some of the learnings, thinking, and changes coming out of the beta. We’d like to thank you for your continued feedback on Arena multiplayer, and are excited to share lots more in the coming months. Which reminds me – if you didn’t catch The Sprint on Halo Channel, you can watch it now on YouTube – head here  to get started with episode 1. For now, I bothered our stats and data teams enough that they provided me with some extra beta stats, and I’d like to take a moment to share some, which celebrate specific community members and their achievements:
  • Most Combat Evolved medals earned: hardshocker, 38
  • Most Big Game Hunter medals earned: SSlCK, 48
  • Most Groundpound medals: PaperPlanes327, with 324
  • Most Spartan Charge Medals: AnonymouzKILL3R, with 424
  • Most Assists: General WDC, with 5057
  • Most Assassinations, Slayer playlist: Otch VIII, 564
  • Most Kills, Slayer playlist: Zapity Zap Zap, 10,397
Special congratulations to all of the players mentioned above for topping the leaderboards, and a thanks once again to all of you who participated.

That does it for this week. I'll be back again soon with the latest on MCC and beyond. Until then,

You cannot make this up, its UNREAL. 

Lol at "That does it for this week" the nerve of these people.
That bait :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:. I saw it earlier and refrained from posting about it, but what kind of guy would I be if I didnt give you what you came for?

Does it really? Or does it look like a hodge podge of three different game mechanics that come together very poorly?

Every gun is inaccurate, the BR has bloom.... Lol lol lol lol.

It's cool for what it is (a market expansion game) and being pc I'm sure people will mod the hell out of it or maybe they'll let you toggle everything but from what I've seen I'm not wowed. There was no regard for what would work together and what wouldn't which isn't new for post Bungie Halo games.

That being said I really don't care about this game so I won't be "complaining" about it.

Its out there for anyone who wants to play it.

You saw right through me :lol:

I do think it looks good though...especially for being F2P
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[h1]Halo Community Update 4.16.15[/h1]

We’ve got quite a few things to talk about this week, including the upcoming MCC playlist and content updates, the just-released Halo: Spartan Strike, and this weekend’s Halo Championship Series Season 2 Opener. I’m personally quite excited about all of these, so let’s get into it.

[h3]Halo: The Master Chief Collection: April CU, Ranks, and more[/h3]

Over the past few weeks, the team has been cranking away on the upcoming April update, which has now entered the certification process and is on track for release next week. We’ll have the full patch notes when the update goes live, but here are a few of the items that will be included in the update:

  • New penalties and monitoring for quitting and betrayals
  • A variety of ranking system improvements and fixes
  • Updated Halo 3 Forge to include editing for all game types
In addition to the above, we’ll also have game-specific improvements for each title, improvements to parties and stability, and more. We’re excited for this update, and we are hope you are too. Which brings us to the next question – what’s up with ranks?

As mentioned above, the April CU will contain a wide variety of improvements to the ranking system, which will allow us to begin to roll out ranks to additional playlists. Shortly after the content update drops (we’re aiming for the next day or so), we’ll be resetting ranks for the Halo 2: Anniversary playlist, and also adding ranking to Team Slayer and the Halo Championship Series playlists. Over the following days, we’ll be monitoring results to ensure that everything is working properly before adding ranks to additional playlists. With this same update, we’ll be bringing SWAT back as the featured playlist, this time with Halo 3 game types included, as the April CU will also bring with it some additional fixes to allow for Halo 3 map / game type integration into new and existing playlists. This also means that over the next few updates, you can expect more non-default Halo 3 maps and game types to make their way into matchmaking.

Once the CU is here, we’ll be back with the full patch notes. Be sure to keep an eye on Waypoint and Twitter to know exactly when everything goes live.

[h3]Halo: Spartan Strike[/h3]

As you likely heard earlier this morning, Halo: Spartan Strike is now available on Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, Steam, iPhone, and iPad, giving you plenty of options for some top-down shooter action. If you aren’t yet familiar with the title, or want to learn more, read on!

The team here at 343 has teamed up once again with Vanguard Games to create 30 unique missions through cities and jungles that will equip you with an arsenal of weapons, abilities and vehicles (including the ‘Hog) to fight against Covenant and Promethean enemies. In Spartan Strike, you are a Spartan in a classified ONI simulation that starts during the events of Halo 2 on New Mombasa in 2552.

For more info on Halo: Spartan Strike or how to grab the game, head here.

[h3]Iron Games HCS Atlanta[/h3]

This weekend, Season 2 of the Halo Championship Series officially kicks off in Atlanta, GA, at Iron Games HCS Atlanta. In the off-season, team rosters saw quite a shakeup - to get a full breakdown of the new team lineups, head here, or keep reading for some quick highlights: Following the season 1 Finals, CLG’s Heinz made his way to Denial eSports, while CLG picked up Cloud to round out their roster. Maniac made the move to the now 8th
 seeded OpTic Gaming, taking the place of ContrA, who now joins RyaNoob, Naded, and Randa on the 1st
 seeded squad. Unsurprisingly, Evil Geniuses, the Season 1 Champions, are the only squad to have made no changes, and they come in with the 2nd
 seed. One of the biggest stories of the weekend, though, will undoubtedly be the return of iGotUrPistola to the Halo Championship Series. He’ll be joining long-time teammates Hysteria, FearItSelf, and Victory X on Cloud9.

It’s going to be an intense weekend of competition, and I’ll be surrounded by some of the best casters and analysts in the game – Dave “Walshy” Walsh, Alex “Goldenboy” Mendez, and Michael “StrongSide” Cavanaugh. I can’t wait for everything to get started, and we hope you’ll join us at all weekend long.

That’s it for this time. Until next week,

5 months in and we'll finally get ranks, and its the three playlists that I expected. H2A is the only game that 100% works so it makes sense.

Plus H3 forge is fixed which means H3 MLG is coming and  the out of the box H3 Maps are removed and replaced with their up to date MatchMaking Versions which is very much needed. 

Still no mention of the H3 aiming or the sound being fixed. This was my initial concern with adding the ranks to begin with, hard to see the point in adding ranks when the games themselves have issues, but whatever, it says "game specific improvements" so maybe they finally got to it.

Team Doubles is already going away and "playlist data" is being cited as the reason. Lol at this when the Team doubles playlist was so poorly put together to begin with, with its poor gametype mix and repeating game types. The person in charge of playlists gotta be the dumbest person there

Couldnt care less about Halo Spartan Strike.
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Shame to see them removing Doubles. The whole issue was the crap gametypes.

Appreciate the update Anti. Keep the faith!
What's this game looking like now? Been a while since I returned it.
Eh. MatchMaking works, I havent seen any team splits/uneven teams that werent the result of people quitting, taking a year and a day to find a game since the March patch

But every game still has something wrong with it fundamentally, and the quitting is rampant
[h3]  [/h3]
The next time you log into Halo: The Master Chief Collection, you will be prompted to download the latest content update, which focuses on ranking, matchmaking penalties, stability, as well as game-specific improvements for each title.

Below, you’ll find a summary of what is included in today’s update:
  • Made a variety of improvements to ranking consistency and penalties.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause a player to rank down excessively, such as dropping multiple levels after a loss.
  • Resolved an issue that caused a player’s rank to appear incorrectly.
Based on these improvements and updates, we’ll be resetting ranking for Halo 2: Anniversary, and separately, will begin to roll out ranks to additional playlists soon (we’re aiming for the next day or so), starting with the addition of ranking to the Team Slayer and Halo Championship Series playlists. We’ll be actively monitoring the ranking system across these playlists over the next few days to ensure that everything is working properly before adding ranks to additional playlists.
  • Added new quit and betrayal penalties to matchmaking:
    • In ranked playlists, quitting a match is now treated the same as a loss. Quitting is defined as exiting the game in any fashion. If you quit a match, your ranking will be impacted, and this may result in dropping a level.
    • All quits and betrayals are being tracked automatically, and action is being taken against offending players who commit these offenses more than what is considered normal behavior.
[h3]HALO: CE[/h3]
  • Resolved an issue that was causing off-host players to deal more damage than the host in peer-to-peer custom games.
  • Updated Derelict to include the Rocket Launcher when selecting the “Classic” weapon set.
  • Made improvements to vehicle weapon accuracy.
  • Resolved an issue that caused incorrect bullet and grenade collision with an invisible object on the map Derelict.
  • Update the “Boxer” controller layout by switching the “switch grenade” and “throw grenade” buttons.
[h3]HALO 2 CLASSIC[/h3]
  • Resolved a hitbox issue where shooting an enemy’s weapon from the front would not cause damage.
  • Corrected the matchmaking Team Ball respawn modifier from “Inheritance” to “None.”
[h3]HALO 3[/h3]
  • Updated Halo 3 Forge to include editing for all game types.
  • Made significant improvements to Halo 3 audio, specifically in regards to weapon fire and sound effects.
  • Made improvements to Halo 3 multiplayer networking stability.
  • Made improvements to Halo 3’s controller “deadzones.”
  • Resolved issues that were causing Halo 3 multiplayer stats to not track correctly.
  • Resolved lighting and shading issues occurring on the “Sandbox” multiplayer map.
  • Resolved an issue where the “Begins with a Single Step” achievement did not unlock correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where the Golf Club object did not appear correctly in Forge.
[h3]HALO 4[/h3]
  • Resolved an issue where Primary Weapons could display in the Secondary Weapon slot after removing the Firepower Tactical Package.
  • Made improvements to voice chat consistency, specifically in team-based matchmaking games.
  • Resolved an issue where a player may not hear another player via voice chat after completing a game.
  • Improved party functionality, specifically in regards to game invites and joinable states.
  • Increased the speed at which the roster populates with Xbox Live friends after completing a game.
  • Resolved an issue where players could get stuck on the “Leaving Matchmaking” screen for longer than usual.
  • Resolved an issue where players were unable to join immediately after becoming Xbox Live friends.
  • Resolved an issue that caused "The Guardians Are Coming" achievement to not unlock correctly.
  • Resolved issues that caused complications with Spartan Ops achievements unlocking.
[h3]UI, STABILITY & MISC.[/h3]
  • Made a variety of improvements to UI throughout the title, specifically in regards to notification messages and stability.
  • Improved Playlist and Campaign Career Stats tracking for Halo 2, Halo 3 & Halo 4.
  • Made a variety of significant improvements to stability throughout the title.
Additionally, we’re excited about the progress of the Relic multiplayer map remake and the Campaign for Halo 3: ODST, both of which are on track to release within Halo: The Master Chief Collection next month with our next content update. Look for more details next month, including the final map name for the Relic remake, release date and more. To hold you over, here’s a few brand new screenshots, complete with desktop wallpaper links:

Halo 3's aiming and sound is finally fixed? Gotta be a dream, this cant be real life. Cant even lie they did a good job this one, they fixed everything wrong with H3, and it was the one game they didnt touch since the game drop outside of fixing the walking

Not even joking they came with it this time

-Put the Rocks back on Derelict

-Fixed people off host being God in CE

-Fixed everything wrong with H3

-Fixed Stats

-Fixed the H2 oddball issue

-Hopefully fixed game chat

Now they just have to update the H3 maps and throw MLG in there. 
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Eh. MatchMaking works, I havent seen any team splits/uneven teams that werent the result of people quitting, taking a year and a day to find a game since the March patch

But every game still has something wrong with it fundamentally, and the quitting is rampant

Worth the rebuy? Level with me bro
Eh. MatchMaking works, I havent seen any team splits/uneven teams that werent the result of people quitting, taking a year and a day to find a game since the March patch

But every game still has something wrong with it fundamentally, and the quitting is rampant
Worth the rebuy? Level with me bro
I'll let you know how it is, I havent played it yet to see work
But wait @Antidope@Antidope<!--bluecoat_old_onload = window.onload;window.onload = function() { if (bluecoat_old_onload != null) {try {bluecoat_old_onload();} catch (e) {}}bluecoat_fixpopups();};//--> was people still quitting a lot? It's just annoying when it's 4 V 1 on like Team Slayer.
Yeah they were. I think I played 2 games where everyone stayed until the end. Theres quit penalties now though which hopefully includes quit banning for people who do it too much.

I've heard that parties have taken a step back with this update, but I only played alone so IDK, saw people on my list partied up running games though
But wait @Antidope@Antidope  was people still quitting a lot? It's just annoying when it's 4 V 1 on like Team Slayer.
Yeah they were. I think I played 2 games where everyone stayed until the end. Theres quit penalties now though which hopefully includes quit banning for people who do it too much.

I've heard that parties have taken a step back with this update, but I only played alone so IDK, saw people on my list partied up running games though
Yeah the quitting was my biggest gripe Ill play later on today and try it out.
Are all 4 campaigns only 2-players instead of 4? I was trying to start H4 campaign with a couple of friends over the weekend and I could only get one friend in the campaign. That's no fun :smh:
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