OFFICIAL HALO MASTER PATCH COLLECTION, VOL: sign up for a patch beta! No really....

Yeah they ported the PC version of Halo 2 rather than the Xbox version. Essentially ported a port when they had unrestricted access to the original :lol:. Asinine.
For all the stuff still wrong the one thing that I can say got better is the match making. There are party restrictions and rank restrictions now which makes the ranks matter. The old system didn't have that.
For all the stuff still wrong the one thing that I can say got better is the match making. There are party restrictions and rank restrictions now which makes the ranks matter. The old system didn't have that.
Of all the stupidest decisions that may have been the worst. Why have ranks when you can play anyone :lol:
Yeah, it’s not a 1 to 1 port of the Xbox version. I think I remember reading they began with the PC version and ported it from there. Either way it was never working correctly. 2 console dominating games spanning over a decade and they botch the port. Inexcusable

Yeah they ported the PC version of Halo 2 rather than the Xbox version. Essentially ported a port when they had unrestricted access to the original :lol:. Asinine.

Literally the definition of asinine lol.

For all the stuff still wrong the one thing that I can say got better is the match making. There are party restrictions and rank restrictions now which makes the ranks matter. The old system didn't have that.

No wonder I've been winning :lol: .. But I agree the matchmaking got a tad better. I was saying earlier that it's crappy that you can't vote board play anymore but the auto selected levels have some good diversity with weapons and what not. But the 3 games in a row of odd ball on Midship is painful lol.
Yeah they ported the PC version of Halo 2 rather than the Xbox version. Essentially ported a port when they had unrestricted access to the original :lol:. Asinine.
The halo 2 pc version was also known to have problems with hit detection. Why they went that route make zero sense
Literally the definition of asinine lol.

No wonder I've been winning :lol: .. But I agree the matchmaking got a tad better. I was saying earlier that it's crappy that you can't vote board play anymore but the auto selected levels have some good diversity with weapons and what not. But the 3 games in a row of odd ball on Midship is painful lol.
I almost prefer the non voting. I played the same 3-4 games and maps over and over again. On paper picking levels and maps sounds good but in actuality you pretty much play team slayer on Valhalla over and over again :lol:

The real problem is the player base. It’s horrible. People quit all the time, betray for no reason, etc. 2004-2012 magic will never come back sadly. People just don’t care
update is buns just because I like to play ranked slayer

hate how you have to play King of the hills and CTF but I like the old look and feel tho :lol:
I almost prefer the non voting. I played the same 3-4 games and maps over and over again. On paper picking levels and maps sounds good but in actuality you pretty much play team slayer on Valhalla over and over again :lol:

The real problem is the player base. It’s horrible. People quit all the time, betray for no reason, etc. 2004-2012 magic will never come back sadly. People just don’t care

Yooooooooo!! The quitting and betrayals!!! Man you are SO right about that. Once it gets pointless to play against what feels like experts, people just crap out :lol: And the same thing happens in H2 when everyone wants the same 3 levels where they can snipe all the live long day.
Yooooooooo!! The quitting and betrayals!!! Man you are SO right about that. Once it gets pointless to play against what feels like experts, people just crap out :lol: And the same thing happens in H2 when everyone wants the same 3 levels where they can snipe all the live long day.

Games now feel like I’m playing with and against 9 year olds. Nobody uses the mics, nobody is “serious”, nobody is good lol. It’s like team training no matter what. No matter how good the game may get, as far as functionality, the experience is trash.

Oh, and if I get a party going we win by landslides. It’s like the cheat code

Games now feel like I’m playing with and against 9 year olds. Nobody uses the mics, nobody is “serious”, nobody is good lol. It’s like team training no matter what. No matter how good the game may get, as far as functionality, the experience is trash.

Oh, and if I get a party going we win by landslides. It’s like the cheat code

I use to be super good back when it first came out. I was in college and a Halo addict lmao. Now, I'm pretty good but there are guys out there that are insane and I turn into the 9 year old. I get invited to the parties sometimes when I do really well but by the time I try and join them it's like too late or something. I'm still getting used to that portion of the game.
I use to be super good back when it first came out. I was in college and a Halo addict lmao. Now, I'm pretty good but there are guys out there that are insane and I turn into the 9 year old. I get invited to the parties sometimes when I do really well but by the time I try and join them it's like too late or something. I'm still getting used to that portion of the game.
Yeah. When a game is dead the player base becomes extreme. You got the no lives and then you got the 6 year olds from Geutamala :lol:

The mid levels players leave
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Of all the stupidest decisions that may have been the worst. Why have ranks when you can play anyone :lol:
I'm still finding games, at certain times of the day it's like the same 16 people searching and we play each other over and over but I've been there before with Halo. I'd rather wait 10 minutes and be guaranteed a good game than have every single game be social and I find a game in one minute. Unranked Halo is terrible in comparison to ranked

update is buns just because I like to play ranked slayer

hate how you have to play King of the hills and CTF but I like the old look and feel tho :lol:
I disagree with this. While Slayer is what I played the most, I much prefer objective. Slayer is the weakest game type in Halo.
Agreed which is why cross game type playlists are the only option. A standalone objective playlist in this game would die just like it has in every game before it
Agreed which is why cross game type playlists are the only option. A standalone objective playlist in this game would die just like it has in every game before it
It’s odd in a sense becuase they made specific game type categories but then made them span all the games throwing it all away essentially.
I'm still finding games, at certain times of the day it's like the same 16 people searching and we play each other over and over but I've been there before with Halo. I'd rather wait 10 minutes and be guaranteed a good game than have every single game be social and I find a game in one minute. Unranked Halo is terrible in comparison to ranked

I disagree with this. While Slayer is what I played the most, I much prefer objective. Slayer is the weakest game type in Halo.
Sure, it doest get boring. I played it the other night and enjoyed CTF and oddball

but seems like with this update you actually play some maps that you would never get in the previous MCC

I played some maps already that I haven't played in 10+ years
Slayer is my fav but I agree that the objective games can be fun as hell. I just hate when they put objectives with odd *** matching maps. I also miss when players used to be able to make games and fix things (for variety) .. like setting up an all shot gun board game.

But I think it might be too chaotic now vs back in 05 when the community was smaller, I more so wish it would randomly do it more often.. I think it's incredibly annoying trying to fight off a team that runs to get sniper rifles and rocket launchers-it's like another cheat code.
update is buns just because I like to play ranked slayer

hate how you have to play King of the hills and CTF but I like the old look and feel tho :lol:

hold up bert you got a xbox this whole time ? why aint you say anything in discord fam lol id rock with you
hold up bert you got a xbox this whole time ? why aint you say anything in discord fam lol id rock with you
LOL when MCC first dropped me and a bunch of NTers might have been this thread all got on to play a few times.

I rarely if ever play it anymore, legit once every 2 months ill randomly hop on just for MCC :lol: then my brother told me the update so I checked it out. Been really busy lately but I might hop tonight when im done with this paper if y'all down to play :nerd:
Trying to play now.. this new patch is super trash.. takes foreverrrrr to find a game now smh.
Trying to play now.. this new patch is super trash.. takes foreverrrrr to find a game now smh.
Apparently region lock is back on now. There's no real answer for this cause no one wants to play people from different countries but region lock makes it so you can't find a game at all.

Never forget that they knowingly sold us a broken game, lied about it, then took four years to barely fix it. Buy H6 though you can dress up your Spartan Barbie doll and Cortana is evil now or something.
Apparently region lock is back on now. There's no real answer for this cause no one wants to play people from different countries but region lock makes it so you can't find a game at all.

Never forget that they knowingly sold us a broken game, lied about it, then took four years to barely fix it. Buy H6 though you can dress up your Spartan Barbie doll and Cortana is evil now or something.

This is so frustrating.. I literally only use it for H2 Classic with multiplayer. I don't even play the actual regular game. I don't understand why they keep finding ways to kill the damn game.

I did manage to get it going with finding more games.. not sure if it was luck or w/e but I rebooted the box and got back on the regular H2 and not the hardcore version.
Apparently region lock is back on now. There's no real answer for this cause no one wants to play people from different countries but region lock makes it so you can't find a game at all.

Never forget that they knowingly sold us a broken game, lied about it, then took four years to barely fix it. Buy H6 though you can dress up your Spartan Barbie doll and Cortana is evil now or something.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :smh: :smh:

I couldn't even finish H5's campaign because of how corny it was. Sad.
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