OFFICIAL HALO MASTER PATCH COLLECTION, VOL: sign up for a patch beta! No really....

Playlist update just dropped.
  • Team Objective added
  • Team SWAT is now permanent
  • Halo 3 map variants updated across all playlists (Boundless instead of Snowbound, New Narrows instead of Old Narrows, Maulerless Guardian, Pit Stop instead of Pit, etc etc)
  • Halo Championship Series playlist updated to most recent settings
And Bravo confirmed on reddit that Team Doubles would be returning soon and it would be permanent.


But it wouldnt be a 343 update without something getting screwed up in the process. Radar has been added to the CE 2v2 playlist. How did they mess with a playlists settings when the update didnt even touch that playlist. It just gets worse and worse.

The playlist team really has been just as bad as the rest of the staff and they have the easiest job, just copy all the gametypes from the last games and make BR Starts outweigh AR Starts by at least a 60/40 ratio. It really isnt hard man.

Team Objective has AR/SMG starts in it.... 
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Playlist update just dropped.
  • Team Objective added
  • Team SWAT is now permanent
  • Halo 3 map variants updated across all playlists (Boundless instead of Snowbound, New Narrows instead of Old Narrows, Maulerless Guardian, Pit Stop instead of Pit, etc etc)
  • Halo Championship Series playlist updated to most recent settings
And Bravo confirmed on reddit that Team Doubles would be returning soon and it would be permanent.


But it wouldnt be a 343 update without something getting screwed up in the process. Radar has been added to the CE 2v2 playlist. How did they mess with a playlists settings when the update didnt even touch that playlist. It just gets worse and worse.

The playlist team really has been just as bad as the rest of the staff and they have the easiest job, just copy all the gametypes from the last games and make BR Starts outweigh AR Starts by at least a 60/40 ratio. It really isnt hard man.

Team Objective has AR/SMG starts in it.... :rofl:  
I don't be understanding anything u ever be saying in ur posts about MCC
I Just know they must be bad :lol:
I Just know they must be bad
All you need to know is that 343 sucks. They barely fix things, and whenever they do "fix" something, another thing is broken in the process, and they're just overall incompetent and detatched from this fanbase. From big things to small things they do none of it right.



Case in point. The "compensation" for this dumpster fire that no one cares about or even asked for is coming out this month. Wasted time and resources doing this while the game is STILL BROKEN
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[thread="596556"]I don't be understanding anything u ever be saying in ur posts about MCC[/thread]
I Just know they must be bad :lol:
All you need to know is that 343 sucks. They barely fix things, and whenever they do "fix" something, another thing is broken in the process, and they're just overall incompetent and detatched from this fanbase. From big things to small things they do none of it right.
But I thought 343 isn't even the company doing the patches
I thought I read they been outsourcing it
[thread="596556"]Official Halo Master Patch Collection Vol Sign Up For A Patch Beta No Really/570#post_23306713​[/thread]
I Just know they must be bad
All you need to know is that 343 sucks. They barely fix things, and whenever they do "fix" something, another thing is broken in the process, and they're just overall incompetent and detatched from this fanbase. From big things to small things they do none of it right.
But I thought 343 isn't even the company doing the patches
I thought I read they been outsourcing it
As far as I know they only outsourced the March one which was the biggest one. Its even worse that they dont even feel comfortable fixing the game they're responsible for, the UI of this game will never be fixed everyones scared to touch it.

Not only that they're still continuing to lie about "issues not being seen during in house testing" when its obvious they're lying.

I could rant all day though.

I Just know they must be bad :lol:
All you need to know is that 343 sucks. They barely fix things, and whenever they do "fix" something, another thing is broken in the process, and they're just overall incompetent and detatched from this fanbase. From big things to small things they do none of it right.
But I thought 343 isn't even the company doing the patches

I thought I read they been outsourcing it
As far as I know they only outsourced the March one which was the biggest one. Its even worse that they dont even feel comfortable fixing the game they're responsible for, the UI of this game will never be fixed everyones scared to touch it.

Not only that they're still continuing to lie about "issues not being seen during in house testing" when its obvious they're lying.

I could rant all day though.
U gonna sell ur X1 or wait for gears
Dont like Gears. Just gonna wait until Batman/Metal Gear comes out and buy those. After that IDK, this game was the reason I bought the console. At some point its just gonna become not worth it to still own it.
Dont like Gears. Just gonna wait until Batman/Metal Gear comes out and buy those. After that IDK, this game was the reason I bought the console. At some point its just gonna become not worth it to still own it.
Have u played asylum and city????
Both are good games but no replay value imo
New Arkham should be the same
Should just rent it from redbox or something
[h1]Halo Community Update 5.12.15[/h1]
Halo: The Master Chief Collection

We’ve got a few different things moving on the MCC front, including this month’s content update, which will include Relic and ODST. As we get closer to the update, we’ll have additional details about how these goodies will be available, as well as what else will be included. Lastly, we’re happy to announce today that Relic will be re-mastered as Remnantin Halo 2: Anniversary.


Relic, soon to be re-mastered in Halo 2: Anniversary as Remnant
In the last blog, we provided some background on MCC playlists – how the initial design was created, some of the feedback we’ve received, and what types of changes we’re making moving forward based on your feedback. If you’d like to catch up, head here. I’d also like to thank you for the feedback that this blog received, and ask that you continue to provide your comments, as it very much shapes what will come in future weeks.

Last week, we made fixes that allowed us to update the Halo 2: Anniversary playlist to 4v4, as well as Rumble Pit to 6-8 players. As you may have read on Twitter, upping BTB to 8v8 remains a top priority, and the team is working on necessary fixes to ensure that 16 player matches function correctly in matchmaking. Next up, let’s get into the new stuff.
[h2]Today's playlist update[/h2]
Our most recent playlist update just dropped, which means that Team Objective is now the featured playlist, and it contains some of the greatest objective hits from Halo: CE, H2, H2A, H3, and H4. Last week, we also talked about your feedback shaping playlist design, and SWAT fans will be happy to know that the playlist is here to stay, and will remain in the lineup. We’ve also gone through the feedback you provided last week, and have reorganized the Halo: CE voting options to increase the occurrence and variety of Slayer game types, and voting slots 1 and 2 will now only contain Slayer game types. Some of you have also called out that this playlist update incorrectly added motion tracker to Halo: CE, and work is already underway to get this corrected as soon as possible.

Additionally, we've added some new maps to select playlists, including Burial Mounds to Halo 2 Classic (as well as Team Objective), Exile and Harvest CTF to the Halo 4 playlist, and Longest to Team Slayer, and also reduced the occurrence of Team Slayer BR on Warlord in H2A. We also updated the Halo Championship Series playlist with the latest tournament settings, including the addition of Warlord & Lockdown Oddball, updated score limit for King of the Hill, and an updated Shrine Assault map variant. Last up, we’ve updated Halo 3 map variants, which means Pit Stop, Sand Tarp, Epilogue, Boundless, and all other updated variants can now be found in matchmaking.

While we’re excited about each of these, we know many of you are also itching to know what’s up with more ranked playlists. So, let’s talk about just that.

Our May update will include with it some improvements to the ranking system, and we’ll provide full details as we get closer. While we don’t yet have an exact date for when ranks will begin to roll out to additional playlists (we’re aiming for as soon as possible after this CU), here’s a sneak peek at which of the current playlists will be ranked:
  • Halo: CE
  • Halo 2 Classic
  • Halo 3
  • Halo 4
  • Team Hardcore
This means that playlists like SWAT, Rumble Pit, Big Team Battle, and each featured playlist will remain unranked, but will use skill matching. Additionally, as each game’s individual playlist will become ranked, we’ll be moving Team Slayer to an unranked playlist within the next few updates (most likely in June), to ensure that there is a strong mix of ranked vs social experiences within MCC matchmaking. While the appeal of a who’s-the-best-all-around-Halo-Slayer ranked playlist is a particularly interesting one, we also see great value in a social slay-‘em-all experience, and we wanted to provide a head’s up in case you’re on the grind.

Now, we’re certainly well aware that some players would like to see ranked Team SWAT, and some may want unranked H3. The playlist lineup, by its very nature, cannot accommodate every possible player preference, but we’ll be keeping an eye on player feedback as well as data to ensure that all players have a go-to experience, if not many, waiting for them each time they head into matchmaking. For example, if a certain playlist begins to have a larger player base than others, we’ll start to think about making changes and ensuring that an appropriate amount of content – both ranked and unranked – is available for the audience. Similarly, if we find that future featured playlists perform particularly well, we’ll work on how to best integrate these game types and/or similar experiences into the lineup.

The return of Team Doubles, Halo 3’s Hardcore game types, and as mentioned earlier, 8v8 BTB all remain on the way as well. While some of these require some additional updates before they can be integrated into matchmaking, they remain a priority for the team, and we’ll let you know when these updates are close. As for Team Doubles, it will indeed return as a permanent playlist with an increased variety in terms of voting options.

@nawghtyhare  I have played Asylum, City, and Origins, they were all fun games. Probably is a rent more than a buy though cause I've never played them more than once.
Dont like Gears. Just gonna wait until Batman/Metal Gear comes out and buy those. After that IDK, this game was the reason I bought the console. At some point its just gonna become not worth it to still own it.
Gears >>>>>

That game has a real  skillgap.
Dont like Gears. Just gonna wait until Batman/Metal Gear comes out and buy those. After that IDK, this game was the reason I bought the console. At some point its just gonna become not worth it to still own it.
Gears >>>>>

That game has a real  skillgap.

I didnt play and barely watched any high level gears to know, but IDK if its touching TS/MLG/Team Objective in 4s, or BTB 8s customs back when people cared.

Halo when everyone cared was the most competitive video game experience I ever had. 

I didnt play and barely watched any high level gears to know, but IDK if its touching TS/MLG/Team Objective in 4s, or BTB 8s customs back when people cared.

Halo when everyone cared was the most competitive video game experience I ever had. 
One of my irl friends is a god with the GoW sniper. As in consistently headshotting dudes when they're barrel rolling etc.

Warzone is where it's at on that game. 1 life per round.

If I had to guess we were definitely one of the best teams in Belgiums. We've beaten actual pros on multiple occasions.

In GoW3 the only team we consistently lost to most of the time was the guy who was #1 on the warzone leaderboards.

Highest my friends and I got were in around the #1000 mark but we didn't play enough to really get to the top spots.
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Yesterday was the most fun I've had with the game since launch. Got to play for an extended period and didnt have to search forever to find games, the vast majority of my games were BR stats, Team Objective has some good gametypes, got to play with friends, got to play Ranked and didnt have to deal with any full parties vs my party of two and two randoms, got some mediocre clips and three perfections. Shame that its taken six months for me to have a day like this. A real shame.
Tell me what's missing in MCC
Theres now a list:
Halo: Combat Evolved - Campaign
  • N/A
Halo: Combat Evolved - Multiplayer
Halo 2 Anniversary - Campaign
Halo 2 Anniversary - Multiplayer
Halo 2 Classic - Multiplayer
Halo 3 - Campaign
  • Aim acceleration in both Campaign and Multiplayer is still off, specifically diagonal movements.
Halo 3 - Multiplayer
Halo 4 - Campaign
  • Long pickup animations for Promethean weapons play every single time you start a new level, game forgets you have picked them up and doesn't show the short animation.
Halo 4 - Multiplayer/Spartan Ops
User Interface
  • Parties splitting up is still a common occurrence, resulting in friends being placed on the other team.
  • Random rank resets still occurring in all playlists
  • The host quitting can still result in games ending early across all titles
  • Random emblems being assigned during games of Halo 2 Classic, Halo 3 and Halo 4 - not fixed
  • Turning on "Competitive Time" in Campaign doesn't work most of the time
  • It is currently impossible to join games in progress in custom games
  • Local file limit is only 50 files, shared across maps, gametypes and temporary films. Halo: Reach had a 1000 limit. This limit needs to be increased
[h3]  [/h3]

It’s been a short while since we last spoke, and as some new goodness is on the horizon, I think it’s appropriate we talked a bit about it. To begin, the additions of Remnant (Relic) and Halo 3: ODST draw nearer, and the team is currently finalizing the exact availability date for these drops. Once locked, we’ll be providing the full details of what’s to come, including the exact timing of the releases, the ODST achievement list, and more. As always, we’ll also be providing the full details of what’s included in the next content update as soon as it’s available.

As I type this, the playlist team also continues to finalize changes for our next playlist update, which is currently scheduled to drop shortly after the content update. There are a few changes inbound, so let’s get to ‘em.
First up, let’s talk about Remnant. The new Relic remake will be making its way into the matchmaking lineup shortly after the map becomes available, and will be integrated into Big Team Battle and Team Halo 2: Anniversary with an increased weighting, to ensure that you have ample opportunity to battle it out for control of the base, Sniper Rifles, vehicles, shores, and wherever else you’d like to set up shop. In Big Team Battle, Team Slayer, 1 Flag CTF, 1 Bomb Assault, and 3 Plots will be available, and in Team H2A, 1 Flag CTF and 1 Bomb Assault will be waiting for you.

Ah, Team Doubles. A fan-favorite gathering of four players who battle to control an arsenal of power weapons that often outnumber them. There’s something special about Doubles, a bond that is created between partners through the ups and downs. But I’ll spare the details, as I think we’re all on the same page: Doubles is awesome, and many of us enjoy going up against two foes with our best friend at our side. So, we’re bringing it back as a permanent playlist, with improved voting options. Also, it will indeed be ranked when we roll out additional rankings.

Overall, the decision to make Team Doubles a mainstay required that some changes be made. For starters, we’ve received overwhelming feedback from all of you stating that it’s at the top of the list for many players. For us, this meant we needed to make it happen. As we mentioned previously, Halo: The Master Chief Collection has a substantial amount of what we’d call “essential” playlists, which doesn’t give us a ton of room to play with. As a result, we’ll need to make some cuts eventually, but for now, Team Doubles will be replacing Team Objective (the current featured playlist), and featured playlists will be put on a temporary hold as we evaluate the health and popularity of all playlists. We’ll keep you updated on findings and updates that are in the pipeline.

As I started to say earlier, after Team Doubles' first appearance in matchmaking, we took some time to really evaluate the voting options, ordering, game types, and more. Thanks to substantial amounts of feedback on the forums, reddit, Twitter, and elsewhere, we’ve made the following changes:
  • Halo 2 Classic: SMG Slayer weighting significantly reduced
  • Halo 3: Updated map variants to the latest matchmaking versions (Pit Stop, etc)
  • Halo 3: VIP removed
  • Halo 3: All AR-start Slayer replaced with BR-start
  • Halo 3: Added Heretic Ball, King, and CTF (with low weighting)
  • Halo 3: Added BR-start Slayer for Citadel and Assembly
We’re excited to get Doubles back in the mix, and we’ll see you in the playlist. As always, thanks for your continued feedback as we look to improve your matchmaking experiences and create .gifv worthy opportunities for greatness and enjoyment.

Team Objective has been great. It’s provided a wide breadth of content that may otherwise lose the vote against Team BRs on Lockout. We’ve been enjoying it, and we hope you have too. If you haven’t yet hopped in, be sure to do so, as it will only be around for a bit longer. As we mentioned above, Team Objective will be rotated out to make room for Team Doubles, but we’ve also received feedback that you’d like to see increased opportunities to play objective game types throughout matchmaking, so we’re making some changes that’ll make this transition a bit easier, and matchmaking better.

In Halo 2 Classic, Halo 3, Halo 4, and Halo 2: Anniversary, the following changes will be made to voting options in the next playlist update:
  • You’ll always have an objective game type option in slot 1
  • You’ll always have a Slayer BRs option in slot 2
  • You’ll always have a standard (non-BR) Slayer option in slot 3
Now, this is a significant change, and here’s how we’re thinking about it: For starters, objective game types often lose the vote to Slayer or Slayer BRs due to ties, and this change will default to objective game types in the event of a draw. Slayer BRs will be available in slot 2 and break any Slayer ties, and if the majority of players would like to play a standard Slayer variant, it will be chosen. It’s also worth noting here that if you really only prefer to play Slayer experiences, the Team Slayer playlist ensures that no Flags or Bombs will get in the way of your Killing Sprees, and both Halo: CE and Rumble Pit offer Slayer-heavy experiences.

We’re confident that this update will help improve variety for these playlists, but we’ll be keeping an eye on feedback, and will continue to make adjustments.
[h3]MORE RANKS[/h3]
As we mentioned previously, the upcoming CU includes with it specific ranking improvements, and we’re looking to add ranks to additional playlists (Halo: CE, Halo 2 Classic, Halo 3, Halo 4, Team Hardcore, and Team Doubles) shortly after the CU drops to ensure that things are working properly. As a reminder, at the time of this playlist update, Team Slayer will also become unranked, in order to ensure that there is a healthy variety of social experiences within matchmaking.
Yes! Here are a few more things that are on the way:
  • In SWAT, we’ll be updating H2A respawn time to a more appropriate 3 seconds, rather than the current setting, “way too long”
  • In Halo 2 Classic, we’ll be updating BR-start objective game types to include “BR” in the naming convention, to avoid confusion during voting
  • We’ll be correcting Halo: CE variants across matchmaking to no longer utilize motion tracker
[h3]  [/h3]
[h3]By 343 Industries  - 42 minutes ago[/h3]
The next time you log into Halo: The Master Chief Collection, you will be prompted to download the latest content update, which adds the new multiplayer map “Remnant” to Halo 2: Anniversary, as well as additional game updates.

Below, you’ll find a summary of what is included in today’s update:
New Features and Content
  • Remnant [Remake of the Halo 2 Classic multiplayer map Relic] is now available for all users
  • 100 New Achievements added for ODST and Remnant. To see the list, head here.
  • Players can now search for Gamertags and access file share, by selecting their own Gamertag in the Active Roster. To learn how, head here.
  • Enables DLC addition of Halo 3: ODST campaign (available separately via the Xbox Store). For more information on Halo 3: ODST campaign, go here.
  • Improved skill matchmaking for parties in ranked playlists
  • Made an updated to ensure that parties are no longer separated onto different teams in ranked playlists
  • Improved rank stability to prevent ranks from incorrectly resetting
Quit and loss Penalties
  • Quit and loss penalties are now applied immediately in matchmaking
Halo: CE
  • Resolved Assault Rifle and Shotgun registration issues
  • Fixed an issue with vehicle audio in split-screen
  • Reduced occurrences of players falling out of map
  • Improved stability while title is in “suspend” mode
  • Improved music playback for Campaign
Halo 2 Classic
  • Fixed an issue where playlist scores posted to Leaderboards incorrectly
  • Improved host migration handling in for peer-to-peer custom game matches
Halo 3
  • Added UI support for Halo 3 voice chat in matchmaking
  • Improved Campaign stability
  • Fixed an issue where the scoring HUD would not display in Campaign
  • Fixed an issue where some players could experience a delayed spawn into a matchmade game
Halo 4
  • Fixed an issue where the scoring HUD would not display in Campaign
Parties & Roster
  • Added support for displaying parties as a group in the roster
  • Improved handling of dedicated servers
  • Team colors are preserved after every match in custom games
  • Fixed a host migration issue for Custom Games
  • Improved handling of player joinability and leader promotions through Active Roster
  • Improved stability of 16 player parties
  • Improved Forge Stability with large number of players on high budget maps
  • Added support for Infection within Halo 3 Forge maps
  • Fixed an issue where “Place at Start” did not function correctly in Halo 3
  • Fixed an issue where controller settings were not respected in Halo 2: Anniversary
  • Improvements to achievement unlocking throughout title
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Blast Can achievements from unlocking in matchmaking
UI, Stability, & Misc
  • Made improvements to stat tracking for all titles
  • Improved functionality of unlock notifications
  • Improved voice chat functionality throughout all titles
  • Improved PGCR stats/details and stat uploading reliability
  • Fixed issues where local & shared files may not appear under “My Files”
  • Improved Stability of Co-op play in Campaign Playlists
  • UI now sorts achievements, nameplates, and avatars based on what you have unlocked
  • Improved Scoring functionality during Co-Op Campaign sessions
  • Improved Spartan Ops performance
  • Improvements made to mission progression in Campaign Playlists
  • Improved Rival functionality in Campaign Playlists
  • Improved stability for Halo 2: Anniversary map loading in matchmaking
  • Final scoreboard is now displayed during outro loading screen after a match
Bringing this back from the dead. All I play is H2 Classic on the collection disc. They just updated it and its glitchy without the option to vote on maps anymore. I have no other place to vent about this lol.
Bringing this back from the dead. All I play is H2 Classic on the collection disc. They just updated it and its glitchy without the option to vote on maps anymore. I have no other place to vent about this lol.
Man...... talk about one of the absolute worst drops of all time and it’s a simple port. 343 is pure fail. I had high hopes for the patch but news points to not being all that great
Man...... talk about one of the absolute worst drops of all time and it’s a simple port. 343 is pure fail

So it was them again.. I logged in randomly and was like WTF. I dont understand where the need to change anything even came from lol. The only thing that seems decent is there seems to be some variety and sometimes you play without the people radar which can also be annoying after getting used to it.

Something I have noticed is that now after a game ends, you have to exit out of the pairing room and enter again to find a game. WTF. And just y'day I got hit with "you have been signed out of XBOX live" like 2 times. Joint is so glitchy; there are so many little things. Thankfully, it's still okay but damn it was nearly perfect before.
So it was them again.. I logged in randomly and was like WTF. I dont understand where the need to change anything even came from lol. The only thing that seems decent is there seems to be some variety and sometimes you play without the people radar which can also be annoying after getting used to it.

Something I have noticed is that now after a game ends, you have to exit out of the pairing room and enter again to find a game. WTF. And just y'day I got hit with "you have been signed out of XBOX live" like 2 times. Joint is so glitchy; there are so many little things. Thankfully, it's still okay but damn it was nearly perfect before.
Yeah the last patch was as good as it was going to get (still bad btw) so I don’t get the need to even touch it. 343 admitted the problems were so deep into the coding that only a complete overhaul would change anything for the better. I am a diehard halo 2-3 player so this all kills me.
Yeah the last patch was as good as it was going to get (still bad btw) so I don’t get the need to even touch it. 343 admitted the problems were so deep into the coding that only a complete overhaul would change anything for the better. I am a diehard halo 2-3 player so this all kills me.

That's ridiculous.. that's what testing it out is for. They had the coding for the OG.. just use that smh. I'm a die hard H2 player so I get it. Now it makes sense.. the lag is CRAZY and I always end up getting back to the game dead with the countdown going lol.
Still haven't the retail patch, but I'm not noticing the problems first hand.
That's ridiculous.. that's what testing it out is for. They had the coding for the OG.. just use that smh. I'm a die hard H2 player so I get it. Now it makes sense.. the lag is CRAZY and I always end up getting back to the game dead with the countdown going lol.
Yeah, it’s not a 1 to 1 port of the Xbox version. I think I remember reading they began with the PC version and ported it from there. Either way it was never working correctly. 2 console dominating games spanning over a decade and they botch the port. Inexcusable
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