Official Heat VS. Knicks Series Thread....Series Over...Knicks fans never learn....

I don't really understand why the saltiest person in here is a heat fan. Coulda sworn Miami won
i cannot wait until somebody humbles fake +$% heat fans.
i guess that'd come at the expense of the real ones that don't talk like their team is God's gift to the NBA.
Good series Knicks fans,I could see you guys making a real nice push towards your intended goal with everyone healthy next year and getting rid of the dead weight(Fields,Jeffries,Douglas). Best of luck to you.
Originally Posted by debs 168

i cannot wait until somebody humbles fake +$% heat fans.
i guess that'd come at the expense of the real ones that don't talk like their team is God's gift to the NBA.
Go fishing man. You guys had no chance in the first place...smh
We are not gods gift to the nba otherwise we would have won last year. I just want to hear all you Knick fans with all that you would shock the world. Talk that bs now.

Miami has no easy road no matter how many people are injured on other teams. They still have to go out there and play, to win. We are not going to win anything if we don't go out there and play like we wanted.

But the fact that even after we swept you all in the reg season, you guys still wanted to play the Heat, saying things like Bron always chokes when he plays Melo, or Melo always beats bron 9 out of11 times they have played in the nba.

All the &^# you New York fans always talk, but you want people to be classy when you get kicked out of the first round? Get out of here with all that. 
Originally Posted by abutta13

I don't really understand why the saltiest person in here is a heat fan. Coulda sworn Miami won
+%@$+ talking all this irrelevant #%! nonsense like we know who he is. Just another "fan" that makes himself visible around here come playoff time.

Keep patting yourself on the back though.
first off, personally i was one of the ppl saying that we should view our success under lin (and in general) with cautious optimism...and i said that some ppl shouldn't be so quick to want that matchup with the heat.
we shot ourselves in the foot by not playing well earlier in the season so we got stuck with the 7th seed. period.

with that said, a healthy knicks team can go toe to toe with the heat IMO. i stand by that. i have confidence in my team.


what you guys got was not a healthy knicks team at all. i mean you're in this thread beating your chest but you guys just beat a knicks team with starters out, a coaching change late in the season, the third and fourth string pg, etc. etc.
**%% did you expect?

**%% did anybody expect given the injuries???

like nobody gives the knicks the benefit of the doubt when it comes to all these factors (injuries, coaching change, roster changes, etc.). its typical and i don't expect it but its odd to me that some ppl in the media and SOME heat fans beat their chest when it comes to the heat dominating the knicks.

when you guys flop and get calls your way which takes teams out of the game...and you don't have to. its digusting.

like i said, i can't wait to see the heat against a non injured team with a great coach and refs that aren't on your payroll.
Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

because they talked so much crap before the series started. all this, Melo is going to shut down Lebron, novak and Jr will have a field day with 3 pointers, Amari will out class Bosh, this this and that...
And now they are on hush hush.....smh
Exactly. Biggest troll fanbase of know it alls in the world. Talk so much beforehand then when it goes the other way they're all of a sudden classy and honorable. !@+@#. Look at the first few pages before the first game even started. "Shock the world."

Same time next year, same results. 

You hear me!
 I kept it classy when we found out we would play them first rnd, but with all the bad talking they did, and the way they didn't want to tank games to avoid miami made me FURIOUS. i couldn't believe they actually thought that Knicks team was competition for the heat...smh.

Its obvious Melo wanted the Heat also, smh, he thought he could beat them with that team.. should have stayed in denver.

How anyone could ever say Melo>>> Bron is beyond me, Bron has been to the finals twice, 2 mvps with another one coming, a couple All Star game MVP's and what has melo done....NOTHING.
Yeah, because awards like that actually matter 

It's fans like you that make the NBA really hard to watch. You guys have no idea what it's all about. It's all about the rings and last time I checked LeBron has just as many as Melo which is NONE. 

And don't even give me the "well, at least LeBron had a shot at it" excuse, but that doesn't fly. You either win and talk or not win anything and shut up. I swear, some people will never get it. Why don't you go look for pandora or king tuts treasure, Drake? 
Point is yall talk before the serious "cook this" and "shump that" then

want to scream class. Yall had no chance, yall have no chance next year maybe the year

after you can get a 4 seed but until then yall 1000+ page is pretty pointless.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Exactly. Biggest troll fanbase of know it alls in the world. Talk so much beforehand then when it goes the other way they're all of a sudden classy and honorable. !@+@#. Look at the first few pages before the first game even started. "Shock the world."

Same time next year, same results. 

You hear me!
 I kept it classy when we found out we would play them first rnd, but with all the bad talking they did, and the way they didn't want to tank games to avoid miami made me FURIOUS. i couldn't believe they actually thought that Knicks team was competition for the heat...smh.

Its obvious Melo wanted the Heat also, smh, he thought he could beat them with that team.. should have stayed in denver.

How anyone could ever say Melo>>> Bron is beyond me, Bron has been to the finals twice, 2 mvps with another one coming, a couple All Star game MVP's and what has melo done....NOTHING.
Yeah, because awards like that actually matter 

It's fans like you that make the NBA really hard to watch. You guys have no idea what it's all about. It's all about the rings and last time I checked LeBron has just as many as Melo which is NONE. 

And don't even give me the "well, at least LeBron had a shot at it" excuse, but that doesn't fly. You either win and talk or not win anything and shut up. I swear, some people will never get it. Why don't you go look for pandora or king tuts treasure, Drake? 

Yes rings are the BIGGEST thing, but please don't act like other accolades are just not important at all. They may not be as important as rings, but at least it shows he's been doing something instead of getting kicked out in the first rnd ever year.
Lebrons career>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Melos in every aspect there is.

But i agree with you all, he needs that ring. he needs it BADLY! NO EXCUSES WHAT SO EVER.
I don't take responsibility for other Knick fans talking junk, saying that we would beat the Heat.

I never believed that, I had the Heat winning in 5 games (which they did).

The Heat are obviously the better team here, by far.

Lets not get things twisted tho, You guys have LeBron James, Dwyane Waden and a very underrated Chris Bosh. You shouldn't be running around everywhere glorifying the fact you beat us. Heat fans should never be content or get "gassed" until they win a championship. Look whose on your team fellas. Enough said.  
Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

You hear me!
 I kept it classy when we found out we would play them first rnd, but with all the bad talking they did, and the way they didn't want to tank games to avoid miami made me FURIOUS. i couldn't believe they actually thought that Knicks team was competition for the heat...smh.

Its obvious Melo wanted the Heat also, smh, he thought he could beat them with that team.. should have stayed in denver.

How anyone could ever say Melo>>> Bron is beyond me, Bron has been to the finals twice, 2 mvps with another one coming, a couple All Star game MVP's and what has melo done....NOTHING.
Yeah, because awards like that actually matter 

It's fans like you that make the NBA really hard to watch. You guys have no idea what it's all about. It's all about the rings and last time I checked LeBron has just as many as Melo which is NONE. 

And don't even give me the "well, at least LeBron had a shot at it" excuse, but that doesn't fly. You either win and talk or not win anything and shut up. I swear, some people will never get it. Why don't you go look for pandora or king tuts treasure, Drake? 

Yes rings are the BIGGEST thing, but please don't act like other accolades are just not important at all. They may not be as important as rings, but at least it shows he's been doing something instead of getting kicked out in the first rnd ever year.
Lebrons career>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Melos in every aspect there is.

But i agree with you all, he needs that ring. he needs it BADLY! NO EXCUSES WHAT SO EVER.
Stop acting like Melo is the ONLY superstar in this league that has a first round stigma. If memory serves me correctly CP3 has 8 out of 9 first round exits in the playoffs for his career. He is arguably the best PG in the league. He plays a position that demands leadership. And you're meaning to tell me just because he hasnt gone past the first round more often hinders his ability or takes away from the kind of player he is? And before you give me the "well, he did get knocked out by the Lakers and Spurs" excuse Melo got knocked out by those same teams. In fact, most of the teams that knocked Melo out of the first round eventually ended up in the finals or conference finals. 
But Melo will always get a hard time and get compared to Lebron because they share the position and draft class. But as long as we have delusional know it alls like yourself that propel this sort of crap I guess more people will always think this way. 
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Yeah, because awards like that actually matter 

It's fans like you that make the NBA really hard to watch. You guys have no idea what it's all about. It's all about the rings and last time I checked LeBron has just as many as Melo which is NONE. 

And don't even give me the "well, at least LeBron had a shot at it" excuse, but that doesn't fly. You either win and talk or not win anything and shut up. I swear, some people will never get it. Why don't you go look for pandora or king tuts treasure, Drake? 

Yes rings are the BIGGEST thing, but please don't act like other accolades are just not important at all. They may not be as important as rings, but at least it shows he's been doing something instead of getting kicked out in the first rnd ever year.
Lebrons career>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Melos in every aspect there is.

But i agree with you all, he needs that ring. he needs it BADLY! NO EXCUSES WHAT SO EVER.
Stop acting like Melo is the ONLY superstar in this league that has a first round stigma. If memory serves me correctly CP3 has 8 out of 9 first round exits in the playoffs for his career. He is arguably the best PG in the league. He plays a position that demands leadership. And you're meaning to tell me just because he hasnt gone past the first round more often hinders his ability or takes away from the kind of player he is? And before you give me the "well, he did get knocked out by the Lakers and Spurs" excuse Melo got knocked out by those same teams. In fact, most of the teams that knocked Melo out of the first round eventually ended up in the finals or conference finals. 
But Melo will always get a hard time and get compared to Lebron because they share the position and draft class. But as long as we have delusional know it alls like yourself that propel this sort of crap I guess more people will always think this way. 
Who cares if the teams he played ended up in the finals. You telling me out of 9 years this man has played in the nba, he has only made it out of the 1st rnd 1 time? thats not something a Superstar that gets compared to Lebron, should be doing. Either you get your team to the 3rd or 2nd spot in the west (like he did one Year), or you play better to get wins.
Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

Yes rings are the BIGGEST thing, but please don't act like other accolades are just not important at all. They may not be as important as rings, but at least it shows he's been doing something instead of getting kicked out in the first rnd ever year.
Lebrons career>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Melos in every aspect there is.

But i agree with you all, he needs that ring. he needs it BADLY! NO EXCUSES WHAT SO EVER.
Stop acting like Melo is the ONLY superstar in this league that has a first round stigma. If memory serves me correctly CP3 has 8 out of 9 first round exits in the playoffs for his career. He is arguably the best PG in the league. He plays a position that demands leadership. And you're meaning to tell me just because he hasnt gone past the first round more often hinders his ability or takes away from the kind of player he is? And before you give me the "well, he did get knocked out by the Lakers and Spurs" excuse Melo got knocked out by those same teams. In fact, most of the teams that knocked Melo out of the first round eventually ended up in the finals or conference finals. 
But Melo will always get a hard time and get compared to Lebron because they share the position and draft class. But as long as we have delusional know it alls like yourself that propel this sort of crap I guess more people will always think this way. 
Who cares if the teams he played ended up in the finals. You telling me out of 9 years this man has played in the nba, he has only made it out of the 1st rnd 1 time? thats not something a Superstar that gets compared to Lebron, should be doing. Either you get your team to the 3rd or 2nd spot in the west (like he did one Year), or you play better to get wins.

All im saying is that Melo has a target on his back for no reason. CP3 is in his same class (some people rank him higher) and yet cant get out of the first round too 

Love how you completely ignored that though. 
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt


Where are all the people that were all up in arms calling for D-Wades head after throwing Bibbys shoe, at now?
I dont have a problem with either show of disrespect for the record. I just get tired of these hypocrites always ready to chime in about the Heat because it's cool to hate them but disappear when things hit the fan. I dont have a problem with the regular, rational knicks fans around here and they know who they are. It's these delusional switch siders with their inflammatory comments that get me ticked off..
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt


Where are all the people that were all up in arms calling for D-Wades head after throwing Bibbys shoe, at now?
I dont have a problem with either show of disrespect for the record. I just get tired of these hypocrites always ready to chime in about the Heat because it's cool to hate them but disappear when things hit the fan. I dont have a problem with the regular, rational knicks fans around here and they know who they are. It's these delusional switch siders with their inflammatory comments that get me ticked off..
At least the Knicks dont flop 
Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

Yes rings are the BIGGEST thing, but please don't act like other accolades are just not important at all. They may not be as important as rings, but at least it shows he's been doing something instead of getting kicked out in the first rnd ever year.
Lebrons career>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Melos in every aspect there is.

But i agree with you all, he needs that ring. he needs it BADLY! NO EXCUSES WHAT SO EVER.
Stop acting like Melo is the ONLY superstar in this league that has a first round stigma. If memory serves me correctly CP3 has 8 out of 9 first round exits in the playoffs for his career. He is arguably the best PG in the league. He plays a position that demands leadership. And you're meaning to tell me just because he hasnt gone past the first round more often hinders his ability or takes away from the kind of player he is? And before you give me the "well, he did get knocked out by the Lakers and Spurs" excuse Melo got knocked out by those same teams. In fact, most of the teams that knocked Melo out of the first round eventually ended up in the finals or conference finals. 
But Melo will always get a hard time and get compared to Lebron because they share the position and draft class. But as long as we have delusional know it alls like yourself that propel this sort of crap I guess more people will always think this way. 
Who cares if the teams he played ended up in the finals. You telling me out of 9 years this man has played in the nba, he has only made it out of the 1st rnd 1 time? thats not something a Superstar that gets compared to Lebron, should be doing. Either you get your team to the 3rd or 2nd spot in the west (like he did one Year), or you play better to get wins.

Yeah you're right in some aspects but lets not forget the west have been the best conference by far this decade. compared to the east. You had the suns, lakers (prime kobe), and the spurs which were a mini dynasty. Garunteed if lebron was in melo's position he would have a hard time making out of the first round as well.
^ Go bother the clippers fans with that crap (in reference to the flopping comment above)

Good series to the knicks, I really didn't think you guys could even pull off one win but congrats
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt


Where are all the people that were all up in arms calling for D-Wades head after throwing Bibbys shoe, at now?
I dont have a problem with either show of disrespect for the record. I just get tired of these hypocrites always ready to chime in about the Heat because it's cool to hate them but disappear when things hit the fan. I dont have a problem with the regular, rational knicks fans around here and they know who they are. It's these delusional switch siders with their inflammatory comments that get me ticked off..

get the #!+% outa here fool, wade threw bibbys SHOE while bibby do anything to him. Shane battie is a proven FLOPPER. Ima pick him #!+% @@# up right ? After he flopped to get out the game ? Shut the #!+% up. Heat fans swear. Got the worst fan base and swear every year is their year. Talk %##% when you win a chip, till then sit ur fake !*!+! down.
Originally Posted by mannyfresh106

Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Stop acting like Melo is the ONLY superstar in this league that has a first round stigma. If memory serves me correctly CP3 has 8 out of 9 first round exits in the playoffs for his career. He is arguably the best PG in the league. He plays a position that demands leadership. And you're meaning to tell me just because he hasnt gone past the first round more often hinders his ability or takes away from the kind of player he is? And before you give me the "well, he did get knocked out by the Lakers and Spurs" excuse Melo got knocked out by those same teams. In fact, most of the teams that knocked Melo out of the first round eventually ended up in the finals or conference finals. 
But Melo will always get a hard time and get compared to Lebron because they share the position and draft class. But as long as we have delusional know it alls like yourself that propel this sort of crap I guess more people will always think this way. 
Who cares if the teams he played ended up in the finals. You telling me out of 9 years this man has played in the nba, he has only made it out of the 1st rnd 1 time? thats not something a Superstar that gets compared to Lebron, should be doing. Either you get your team to the 3rd or 2nd spot in the west (like he did one Year), or you play better to get wins.

Yeah you're right in some aspects but lets not forget the west have been the best conference by far this decade. compared to the east. You had the suns, lakers (prime kobe), and the spurs which were a mini dynasty. Garunteed if lebron was in melo's position he would have a hard time making out of the first round as well.

stop it, Lebron would have made it out of the first rnd, 9 out of 10 times if he was in the west, if he had melo's denver team. 
Give Bron the Denver team Melo had in 08, and Bron wins the NBA finals vs the Magic s that year. 
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Where are all the people that were all up in arms calling for D-Wades head after throwing Bibbys shoe, at now?
I dont have a problem with either show of disrespect for the record. I just get tired of these hypocrites always ready to chime in about the Heat because it's cool to hate them but disappear when things hit the fan. I dont have a problem with the regular, rational knicks fans around here and they know who they are. It's these delusional switch siders with their inflammatory comments that get me ticked off..

get the #!+% outa here fool, wade threw bibbys SHOE while bibby do anything to him. Shane battie is a proven FLOPPER. Ima pick him #!+% @@# up right ? After he flopped to get out the game ? Shut the #!+% up. Heat fans swear. Got the worst fan base and swear every year is their year. Talk %##% when you win a chip, till then sit ur fake !*!+! down.

Yea bro, taking a legit charge is flopping 

You sound like you're still pretty upset about the knicks getting eliminated so I'll give you a pass since you're probably not thinking level headed
Originally Posted by miamin2

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Originally Posted by Rudemiester

I dont have a problem with either show of disrespect for the record. I just get tired of these hypocrites always ready to chime in about the Heat because it's cool to hate them but disappear when things hit the fan. I dont have a problem with the regular, rational knicks fans around here and they know who they are. It's these delusional switch siders with their inflammatory comments that get me ticked off..

get the #!+% outa here fool, wade threw bibbys SHOE while bibby do anything to him. Shane battie is a proven FLOPPER. Ima pick him #!+% @@# up right ? After he flopped to get out the game ? Shut the #!+% up. Heat fans swear. Got the worst fan base and swear every year is their year. Talk %##% when you win a chip, till then sit ur fake !*!+! down.

Yea bro, taking a legit charge is flopping 

You sound like you're still pretty upset about the knicks getting eliminated so I'll give you a pass since you're probably not thinking level headed

Sorry....I just don't like Shanes flopping !%!#@%@%.....
Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

Originally Posted by mannyfresh106

Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

Who cares if the teams he played ended up in the finals. You telling me out of 9 years this man has played in the nba, he has only made it out of the 1st rnd 1 time? thats not something a Superstar that gets compared to Lebron, should be doing. Either you get your team to the 3rd or 2nd spot in the west (like he did one Year), or you play better to get wins.

Yeah you're right in some aspects but lets not forget the west have been the best conference by far this decade. compared to the east. You had the suns, lakers (prime kobe), and the spurs which were a mini dynasty. Garunteed if lebron was in melo's position he would have a hard time making out of the first round as well.

stop it, Lebron would have made it out of the first rnd, 9 out of 10 times if he was in the west, if he had melo's denver team. 
Give Bron the Denver team Melo had in 08, and Bron wins the NBA finals vs the Magic s that year. 
9 out of 10 times on the West ? The WEST ? No he wouldn't . Put down the pipe . Lebron can't even beat the fluke Mavs last year and you're talking about getting out the West 9 out of 10 times lol .

Heat fans since 2010 huh ?
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