well well well, 651 is back

where have you been?

Did you miss me?

Minnesota and San Jose both lost. I was really into it, too. I'm cheering for Canada. Hasn't been forever since one of their teams won?


DSA, I was all in, man. Setting schedules around watching some of these games. Minnesota's Game 5 loss in OT was exhilarating as hell, but when they lost was so deflating. Sharks was just disappointing.

I watched Ottawa and Boston quite a bit too. Kind of surprised, but as I said, I've been pulling for Canada teams, since I need to find some sort of rooting interest to stay alive in this ish...I love hockey, yo. :lol:
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Minnesota and San Jose both lost. I was really into it, too. I'm cheering for Canada. Hasn't been forever since one of their teams won?


DSA, I was all in, man. Setting schedules around watching some of these games. Minnesota's Game 5 loss in OT was exhilarating as hell, but when they lost was so deflating. Sharks was just disappointing.

I watched Ottawa and Boston quite a bit too. Kind of surprised, but as I said, I also been pulling for Canada teams too, since I need to find some sort of rooting interesting to stay alive in this ish...I love hockey, yo. :lol:

:lol: that's awesome, man. playoff hockey will do that! sucks you right in. glad you enjoyed it and got into it. i'm with you about getting that gut punch. bruins going out early hurt, but was half expected for me. i'm all in on EDM and WAS now. want one of them to take it.
Minnesota and San Jose both lost. I was really into it, too. I'm cheering for Canada. Hasn't been forever since one of their teams won?


DSA, I was all in, man. Setting schedules around watching some of these games. Minnesota's Game 5 loss in OT was exhilarating as hell, but when they lost was so deflating. Sharks was just disappointing.

I watched Ottawa and Boston quite a bit too. Kind of surprised, but as I said, I also been pulling for Canada teams too, since I need to find some sort of rooting interesting to stay alive in this ish...I love hockey, yo. :lol:

:lol: that's awesome, man. playoff hockey will do that! sucks you right in. glad you enjoyed it and got into it. i'm with you about getting that gut punch. bruins going out early hurt, but was half expected for me. i'm all in on EDM and WAS now. want one of them to take it.

Well, they were a lower seeded team, yeah? I noticed the playoff seeding in the NHL is caddywhompus, but I actually like it. I guess I compared it directly to the NBA for relation, but I think it's great and creates watchable, competitive hockey throughout.

Minnesota and San Jose both lost. I was really into it, too. I'm cheering for Canada. Hasn't been forever since one of their teams won?

Join the Oilers wagon before its too late. Ive noticed its filling up quick.

Cool. I'm in.
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well well well, 651 is back

where have you been?

Did you miss me?


Just kidding. Been busy with work?


Yes, I have been, however, that never stopped me before. Candidly, I just wanted to take a break. It's not hard to explain, I just don't want to bore you or anyone else...I will just keep it at that.
Well glad to see that you're alive at least.
Fun fact I saw today
During the Crosby/Malkin era, the penguins are 8-0 in series in which they win the first 2 games :smile:
Oilers fans cant stop patting themselves on the back for singing the American national anthem before game 3.

No one cares.
Because they are too worried about charging fans $80 to watch the game in the concourse.

On tv screens.

While standing.
Crosby down :nerd:

hope it's not a concussion. broken arm? cool :lol:

not srs
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I want Washington to win this, but not if Crosby goes out like that. I mean, I still would want Washington to win, but you know what I mean.
I want Washington to win this, but not if Crosby goes out like that. I mean, I still would want Washington to win, but you know what I mean.

word. same here. not crosby's biggest fan, but don't want him to go out with a head injury.

caps better take advantage
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