Originally Posted by DIDITHEPEST

he didnt get any dunks. he got free tickets to the game

Gotcha, I was only going off what I read on NiceKicks:
Only 130 pairs were released to the public, but the first person in line was treated with tickets to tonight's game as well as hyperstrike Lebron Dunks.
Certainly not trying to question your knowledge. You seem to be on top of things at HOH.
Originally Posted by dmxgod

^^okay i'ma step in..i wasn't there nor was plannin on coppin the lebrons but i wanted to..however just based on your responses you are a very YOUNG and IMMATURE think you are better than anyone that was waitin in line at HOH..just because you had on a supposed 1,000 outfit..and i highly doubt that..u sound like a herb to me from what people are makin you out to make urself out to b this hardcore thug who likes to talk crap on NT..ur not big dude..grow have a lotta living to quit while your ahead since now everyone knows what you look like..and they know for a fact that you would not say anythin in person as you do here..ur soft from the likes of how you talk on here..and what people were sayin you were doin in the line..

1.Stop assuming.2.When did I say I was better than anyone waiting at the HOH I said the shoes I mentioned that I was going to wear wasjust to see what haters like you were going to say...
...They did prettygood for a 2 page talking about me and why I'm a "hardcore thug who likes to talk crap on NT" 3.I dont care if you care that everyone knows whatI look like and who said I was going to say anything in person?...I'm not that type of dude,I dont even know whos who here and besides I'm not the onethats talking dumb crap about someone else on a forum so whoever IS should say SOMETHING in person right..."dmxgod"?
...Ok Ok I'm soft then come to the next release/campout and tell me all thisthat your saying EXACTLY how you said it so I can know who YOU are and so you can live up to your words since you love to express yourself so much here.

Mez...Selling a 300 pack for 250 is called selling it for a deal to a friend...I noticed some of them are backstabbers/snakes also,your probably one too butwho cares and mez thanks but like I said I only resold a few things within my 2 years of collecting(and I remember every single thing,I dont lie) and meetinghaters like you but I am sure you resold enough over the years to build up money to start and buy new things.Good luck selling those beats for $100each,NowImma just use them and diss you on it with straight facts...Now...
Sue me.

Thanks to Rob for holding down the release and not pushing me all the way at the end of the line for coming late in the morning,It was a pleasure meeting youDQ,I was very close but next time I'm going to come 2 hours earlier to steal that number 1 spot
and maybe thats the only way I'll get MY size after this 3rd release sinceI didnt even get my size when the titaniums released and I was number 3.

Thank You.
See ya for the next release...?
Dude is 5'3-5'5 and no more than 90 pounds soaking wet lookin' like a sick patient
I read soaking wet lookin like a silica (sp?) pack
when you see me take a clear look,stare,take pictures, ask for an autograph because this is the FIRST and LAST time you will EVER see a regular person wearing these... besides a celeb/rapper,etc.
Salute the soldier.

Oh boooooyyyyy.!
Was the guy came on the court the guy that won the tickets to the game??

That was pretty funny.
So tickets were given only to the 1st person on line? (I was under the impressions random boxes had some tickets to the game).

Mez...Selling a 300 pack for 250 is called selling it for a deal to a friend...I noticed some of them are backstabbers/snakes also,your probably one too but who cares and mez thanks but like I said I only resold a few things within my 2 years of collecting(and I remember every single thing,I dont lie) and meeting haters like you but I am sure you resold enough over the years to build up money to start and buy new things.Good luck selling those beats for $100each,Now Imma just use them and diss you on it with straight facts...Now...
Sue me.

Why are you still talking, just chill already.
You brought the attention onto yourself thinking your important with some air force don'tbring out dumb comments like your going to run a business better than I would saving money re-selling and working at a sneaker store, or that I'm abackstabber when I've probably helped more random dudes on this board than you ever will. Nobody on here ever questions my persona cause they know I'mstraight to the point and I'm cool with 99.9% of the people on here.

There is absolutely nothing about you that people could possibly "hate" on, so stop thinking your special dude.
KampoutKid, you know that receipt doesnt do her justice, this is NT bro remember that, we gonna need pics of the girl hahaha......ill be waiting......
I skimmed this thread, couple of questions:

1- DId son really have plastic bags on his kicks!?

2- What was retail on these and what should I expect to see as far as prices on ebay/resell?
3- Is shorty at HOH really that cute? I live like 15 blocks from there and I've only gone in once
The D ride on this thread is increasingly high,but I guess that comes from camping/hanging out too much with mez,but from what I heard instead of camping outwith him they have an orgy with mez at Camp-Outs.:lol: Mez...Imma contact you about them wack %#! beats,I need to buy one and expose you on it so I hope youknow how to rap or have friends that do and are good or at least know how to man-up in reality instead of a forum.:rolleyes BTW,I dont work at a sneaker storeand I'm not a AF1 head so those are my first and only AF1s brong out specially for this release but you know what,Imma keep wearing heat so you can keepsaying that "Your still trying to think that your important" :wink: :lol:

Edit. Banned - personal attacks. offense to anyone forreal...but could we please just drop this already?...what does it really have to do with the HOH thread?

Got my size 15 today...

Not for nothing, I never been there before but the staff of HoH is really nice and helpful....
I think kampoutkid is referring to that white girl(Briana*) with the Rihanna forehead?(NO OFFENSE) I never met her before but she seems like a very cool girlbut the most coolest and accurate girl there is Pamela(the caramel skin girl with the glasses) shes such a sweetheart!,shoutouts and a thanks to her!
Michael. Stop flooding the post, take the L, and keep it moving...your making no sense right now and you sound childish.

NYCBaller, how'd ya manage to scoop up a size 15, I thought they only made em up to a 13?
Originally Posted by MichAeLegend

I think kampoutkid is referring to that white girl(Briana*) with the Rihanna forehead?(NO OFFENSE) I never met her before but she seems like a very cool girl but the most coolest and accurate girl there is Pamela(the caramel skin girl with the glasses) shes such a sweetheart!,shoutouts and a thanks to her!

wrong kid..shes not white..and she has a sexier forehead than Rihanna
Michael. Stop flooding the post, take the L, and keep it moving...your making no sense right now and you sound childish.

NYCBaller, how'd ya manage to scoop up a size 15, I thought they only made em up to a 13?
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