Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

No windows 7 apparently.....But i didnt like the way windows 7 looked anyway and im pretty sure they wont change THAT much other than the look of it.

PLUS.............They have successfully ported android to the TP2....Im sure they will be working diligently at getting it on the HD2 also (im sure its already been ported to the first HD)
id want windows 7 or at least to be able to receive an upgrade to windows 7...

if news on that drops then ima cop this bad boy since my contract been up...just been waiting for something good and i like this phone (i got a rooted g1)
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

id want windows 7 or at least to be able to receive an upgrade to windows 7...

if news on that drops then ima cop this bad boy since my contract been up...just been waiting for something good and i like this phone (i got a rooted g1)
The only thing Microsoft has said in regard to WP7 on the HD2 is that it wont work because the HD2 doesn't have the 3 hardware buttons 
.  I'm sure a workaround could be developed on their part or by XDA at least. 

If you want WP7 then wait until later this year.  If you want to gamble then go with the HD2 and hope XDA comes through later.  WP7 itself doesnt impress me but more so the attention it'll get by app developers.
HD2 has been spotted running WM7 for the last couple of months, so if it doesn't come officially from Microsoft, you can bet the ROM will be ported soon after it's release. Personally, idc, I'm glad HTC covered it up as much as possible.
[h4]HTC Touch Pro2 gets a new lease of Android life, loves it (video)[/h4]
By Vladislav Savov posted Mar 11th 2010 4:56AM


Android for Windows phones -- simple concept, simple enough installation, but awesome results. The good people behind the XDAndroid project have been working hard to allow you to get your Google juices flowing nice and freely on your WinMo device and the latest build looks to have all but completed the task. Demonstrated on a Touch Pro2 -- a phone that recently got itself Ubuntu-ized -- the Android installation experiences no difficulty in making calls, sending SMS or email missives, or browsing the web. There are still limitations, mind you, with GPS, Bluetooth and "other key functions" not yet available, but for the most part you're looking at the full Android experience on devices that weren't initially meant for it. Check it out on video after the break or hit the source link for detailed instructions on how to load this up on your own phone.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

Update: Seems the Touch Pro2's keyboardless cousin has no intention of getting left out of the party -- m8cool has a little exposÃ[emoji]169[/emoji] on HTC's Touch Diamond2 dual-booting WinMo with Android. Thanks, stagueve!
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

HD2 has been spotted running WM7 for the last couple of months, so if it doesn't come officially from Microsoft, you can bet the ROM will be ported soon after it's release. Personally, idc, I'm glad HTC covered it up as much as possible.

Link? I know in the promo video, people thought it was it but it wasn't and there was a ps out there. I believe the main reason why it won't get an upgrade is because there is no search key which is a requirement.
I really can't see the HD2 not being upgradeable to WM7...

I mean highly impossible I think...even if it doesn't come directly from the carrier, it will be upgradeable somehow...

Definitely gonna cop and worry about that later though...
Consider the hd2 copped.  The screen size and the responsiveness alone makes this worth it imo.

As long as I can talk, text and browse the web, doesn't matter if its 6.5 or 7.

I'm currently on the tp2 with stock 6.5. 
[h4]Opera Mini 5 on Android mini review[/h4]
By Tim Stevens posted Mar 11th 2010 9:25AM



Opera's Mini 5 beta finally hit Android in the wee hours of this morning and, while writing about what it looks like is nice, we thought a little walk-through to demonstrate the impressive speed of the thing was worthwhile. So we have a short video for you below, with a comparison against the stock Android browser, plus some impressions of just how it is to use. So, click on through, won't you?

Mini 5 relies on Opera's servers to cache and compress pages for you, so what's sent to your phone is actually much smaller than what you normally would download if you were to get the entire page. It's not quite like Skyfire, where the entire page is rendered off-site, more of a hybrid where the page is still rendered locally, but using compressed text and images. The result is impressively fast page loads at the cost of reduced image quality -- though you can request it to send you higher quality pics if you're not in a hurry.

But it's not all about speed, and we're impressed by the simple UI of Opera 5. It's not groundbreakingly new or shocking compared to the earlier versions of Opera (or, indeed, any other mobile browser), but creating new tabs is quick and easy, selecting from bookmarks is about as painless as you can get, and the browser really makes great use of screen real estate. It should be no surprise that multitouch is not on offer here, so if you were hoping this would finally let you do some pinch-zooming on your Droid that's not the case, but double-tapping to get a closer look is very snappy, as is ducking back out to a wider view. Still, not everything is perfect. On the Engadget homepage some complex page elements are overlapping, and we often saw similar issues on other pages.

So, there's still some work to do (this is, of course, a beta), but the speed is so good that we won't be uninstalling this one anytime soon.
I don't believe all this talk about having certain buttons and blah, blah, blah for WPS7. I mean, its damn 2010--that %*%# can be worked around somehow by the geniuses that put these devices together. And if Microsoft isn't going to do it, you know someone else can and will. At this point, all it is is a matter of time and the HD2 will be running with the upgrade.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

I don't believe all this talk about having certain buttons and blah, blah, blah for WPS7. I mean, its damn 2010--that %*%# can be worked around somehow by the geniuses that put these devices together. And if Microsoft isn't going to do it, you know someone else can and will. At this point, all it is is a matter of time and the HD2 will be running with the upgrade.

Well if they close end it, it will be a problem. The Windows start button could be used as a search button.
[h1]Run Windows 95 on the HD2[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 13-Mar-10 | 12 Comments


Windows Mobile devices are amazing in their versatility. Recently we showed you Android and Ubuntu running on various devices, and now it looks like (if you really want to) you can run Windows 95 on your HD2 thanks to the guys at XDA. It's done through the QEMU virtual machine emulator, and the results are pretty slick. Check out the video below.
i need that hd2 now, i just called tmo and i can get a upgrade
, now i just gotta get rid up this tp2

will all my tp2 cabs work on the hd2?
i need that hd2 now, i just called tmo and i can get a upgrade
, now i just gotta get rid up this tp2

will all my tp2 cabs work on the hd2?
Mastamind89 wrote:
superblyTRIFE wrote:
I don't believe all this talk about having certain buttons and blah, blah, blah for WPS7. I mean, its damn 2010--that %*%# can be worked around somehow by the geniuses that put these devices together. And if Microsoft isn't going to do it, you know someone else can and will. At this point, all it is is a matter of time and the HD2 will be running with the upgrade.

Well if they close end it, it will be a problem. The Windows start button could be used as a search button.

Or they can just throw the search button onto the screen itself.

Regardless, I'm coppin first day. 4.3 inch screen
 Cam w/ flash
 1 GHz processor

And Windows 7 will be on this phone, rather if it's official or not...
hd2 is copped when taxes come back getting that early upgrade april 8th
 anybody got word on prices yet haven't seen anything official on the net and been hounding my local t-mobile store
Im ready to upgrade my phone from a sprint touch pro to something else.
Whats the best phone for sprint right now?
I want a keypad like the TP1 but im not necessarily stuck on it.

Confirmed: HTC HD2 will not be upgraded to Windows Phone 7 series
Bad news, HTC HD2 owners: Microsoft has finally come right out and confirmed our suspicions that the mighty HTC HD2 won't be upgraded to Windows Phone 7 Series. Joe Belfiore just told us that the HD2 is "not compliant with the Windows Phone 7 Series hardware specifications," which should end any of the lingering doubt that's clouded this issue since MWC. That certainly puts a damper on the HD2's upcoming launch on T-Mobile, but hey -- every Microsoft employee here at MIX is carrying one, so it's clearly the WinMo handset to get until it's eclipsed by 7 late in the year. Pour one out for the king, friends.
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

ok i need a job like asap...

but this thread is kinda confusing... what is coming up soon for sprint?
SUPERSONIC! search engadget for it.
Originally Posted by bonde111

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

ok i need a job like asap...

but this thread is kinda confusing... what is coming up soon for sprint?
SUPERSONIC! search engadget for it.

I dont think thats gonna be out anytime soon.
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