Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

has sprint released a 4g coverage map yet?
nerd.gif > Shop (or pick one on the I have/don't have service page) > Coverage Maps > Data, E-Mail and Multimedia > Sprint Devices with 4G

It looks like second tier cities, not major markets are covered.  Maybe it's just the west coast because I only saw coverage in Honolulu and Las Vegas in the quick look I took.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

has sprint released a 4g coverage map yet?
nerd.gif > Shop (or pick one on the I have/don't have service page) > Coverage Maps > Data, E-Mail and Multimedia > Sprint Devices with 4G

It looks like second tier cities, not major markets are covered.  Maybe it's just the west coast because I only saw coverage in Honolulu and Las Vegas in the quick look I took.
easyyy .. good looks .. i wonder how quick will they get the 4G out and running .. no sense in copping the EVO if its not gonna be using the full potential
[h2]Android 2.1 + Sense UI On Touch Pro2[/h2]
April 30th, 2010 | Author: Wen(WM)

With the growing popularity of Android OS in the mobile smartphone world, Window Mobile developers have kicked it into over drive, and have been working ever so hard to getting the latest software on our device. In the latest release by XDAndroid, they managed to get the latest Android software(Android 2.2 has yet to be released) running on the Touch Pro2, with the software we all love to see and use… Sense UI.

Now they did not only add new software, but they put some new fixes into it. This release comes with a host of new fixes that can be easily seen from their well documented change log:
  • NEW Apr 23 New 2 new builds added to the download section. First we have a 2.1 Android Open Source Project build. This is built by phh using stinedb’s new kitchen. Second we have 2.1 with SENSE UI! Thanks to Klinux for his work on this sqsh!
  • NEW Apr 23 New zimage adds 17MB RAM for Android OS use.
  • NEW Apr 23 New Startup Utility updates: WinMo auto backlight off/on thanks to bedoig Thread Here
  • 3/31 Startup Utility Updates: Force CDMA checkbox enables the use of MrPippys combined CDMA & GSM Rootfs! (For .rar CDMA users add "htc_hw.force_cdma=1" to your startup.txt!)
  • 3/31 Thanks to MrPippy’s work the CDMA and GSM rootfs have now been combined!!
  • 3/31 System.sqsh from babijoee! Adds Gallery, Calculator, and Desktop Clock. Updates to some apps as well!
  • 3/25 Zimage/modules: This re-enables the so called "turbo mode". Some benchmarking figures indicate better memory performance. (topa/rhod: Drive AXI bus @160Mhz when A11 is @528Mhz)
  • 3/25 Additions to the Startup Utility! Progress bar & Rootfs.img Auto-Update should also have fixed some compatibility issues, and crashes during the update!
  • 3/17 Additions to the Startup Utility! Auto Update & App Manager! (Pieteckhart is going crazy with this one!)
  • 3/17 zImage/Modules: Re-enable speakerphone by adding "external.rhod_speaker=1" to startup.txt (ONLY SPEAKERPHONE, no external audio, Mic also will not work.)
  • 3/08 3D Finally working(%$*) Will not show Nexus boot screen, or some other 3D apps that require LOTS of RAM. (Remove cmdline "hw3d.force=1" from your startup.txt to go back to the old settings and get your splash screen back)
  • 3/08 System.sqsh from babijoee, includes Home++ (you can still select standard Android Home as default)
  • 3/08 Startup Utility! (Thanks pieteckhart and DaveShaw, woulda never gotten done otherwise) No more multiple downloads, keyboard selection tool will load before Android Haret.
  • 3/01 WiFi WORKING! (Except WEP)
You can download this port from XDA.
Dude.......explore the ENTIRE phone before you say you dont want or like it.
This goes for everyone.
any news on how much the EVO is going to run up for?

Should be 199-249 new activation, upgrade will be atleast $249

ill update the prices when I find out.

So my local Tmobile call me because they have HD2 in stock, I went up there and got one. I ask the manager if I have 30 days with this phone and he told me no. I said why not, what if I have the same problems with this phone, I can't exchange it? He told me I could get a refurb, but not a new. I told him that I don't want to be stuck with another buggy, glitchey phone and he told me well your have insurance so you can get another one. He than said I shouldn't have waited so late to exchange and I told him I called you guys 2 weeks after I got the phone, 2.5 weeks later I waited and you got them in stock today. That's not my fault they were not in stock. I told him Im giving myself 30 days with this phone, if this !$@* %%*%+ up on me again, within 30 days Im bringing this !$@* back and I want my old (expired) contract and my money back or a Nexus One. He said sir you can't do that, and I said watch me, ill have my #+@ back up here, causing chaos if I don't get my orignal plan back.
Basically they give you 30 days from the day you upgraded if youre not happy with it return it regardless if you exchange it for another model, you got 30 days from the original day you upgraded.

What you can do if you wanna upgrade later, return the phone and tell them to reset your upgrade, it should take 24-72 hrs at most.

If he gives you a problem about anything, hit my inbox. I got you. If he wants to be out of a job he can have that, it takes one call from my people.
Originally Posted by ISRAEL5EKLA

Dude.......explore the ENTIRE phone before you say you dont want or like it.
This goes for everyone.
any news on how much the EVO is going to run up for?

Should be 199-249 new activation, upgrade will be atleast $249

ill update the prices when I find out.

So my local Tmobile call me because they have HD2 in stock, I went up there and got one. I ask the manager if I have 30 days with this phone and he told me no. I said why not, what if I have the same problems with this phone, I can't exchange it? He told me I could get a refurb, but not a new. I told him that I don't want to be stuck with another buggy, glitchey phone and he told me well your have insurance so you can get another one. He than said I shouldn't have waited so late to exchange and I told him I called you guys 2 weeks after I got the phone, 2.5 weeks later I waited and you got them in stock today. That's not my fault they were not in stock. I told him Im giving myself 30 days with this phone, if this !$@* %%*%+ up on me again, within 30 days Im bringing this !$@* back and I want my old (expired) contract and my money back or a Nexus One. He said sir you can't do that, and I said watch me, ill have my #+@ back up here, causing chaos if I don't get my orignal plan back.
Basically they give you 30 days from the day you upgraded if youre not happy with it return it regardless if you exchange it for another model, you got 30 days from the original day you upgraded.

What you can do if you wanna upgrade later, return the phone and tell them to reset your upgrade, it should take 24-72 hrs at most.

If he gives you a problem about anything, hit my inbox. I got you. If he wants to be out of a job he can have that, it takes one call from my people.

AT&T too?
This goes for all companies, if its a 2nd party/family owned that deals with at&t, t-mobile, etc they sometimes give you 14 days to return/exchange.
2nd party and family owned usually make you pay a restocking fee of 10% or 20%
Originally Posted by ISRAEL5EKLA

This goes for all companies, if its a 2nd party/family owned that deals with at&t, t-mobile, etc they sometimes give you 14 days to return/exchange.
2nd party and family owned usually make you pay a restocking fee of 10% or 20%

Do you know how much tmobile will charge me to cancel my service if i just extended my contract for 2 years and got the HD2 for $200?????
Originally Posted by ISRAEL5EKLA

Dude.......explore the ENTIRE phone before you say you dont want or like it.
This goes for everyone.
any news on how much the EVO is going to run up for?

Should be 199-249 new activation, upgrade will be atleast $249

ill update the prices when I find out.

So my local Tmobile call me because they have HD2 in stock, I went up there and got one. I ask the manager if I have 30 days with this phone and he told me no. I said why not, what if I have the same problems with this phone, I can't exchange it? He told me I could get a refurb, but not a new. I told him that I don't want to be stuck with another buggy, glitchey phone and he told me well your have insurance so you can get another one. He than said I shouldn't have waited so late to exchange and I told him I called you guys 2 weeks after I got the phone, 2.5 weeks later I waited and you got them in stock today. That's not my fault they were not in stock. I told him Im giving myself 30 days with this phone, if this !$@* %%*%+ up on me again, within 30 days Im bringing this !$@* back and I want my old (expired) contract and my money back or a Nexus One. He said sir you can't do that, and I said watch me, ill have my #+@ back up here, causing chaos if I don't get my orignal plan back.
Basically they give you 30 days from the day you upgraded if youre not happy with it return it regardless if you exchange it for another model, you got 30 days from the original day you upgraded.

What you can do if you wanna upgrade later, return the phone and tell them to reset your upgrade, it should take 24-72 hrs at most.

If he gives you a problem about anything, hit my inbox. I got you. If he wants to be out of a job he can have that, it takes one call from my people.

My #@$*$, I will be in contact with you. I don't care about paying a 10% or 20% restocking fee, I'll stick with Tmobile, I just don't want this phone anymore, two HD2's, 5 weeks of headache, I'm done. I want the Nexus One, ill pay the difference cash or break it up in payments, I don't care, I just dont want to see another HD2 EVER again.
Originally Posted by ISRAEL5EKLA

This goes for all companies, if its a 2nd party/family owned that deals with at&t, t-mobile, etc they sometimes give you 14 days to return/exchange.
2nd party and family owned usually make you pay a restocking fee of 10% or 20%

Do you know how much tmobile will charge me to cancel my service if i just extended my contract for 2 years and got the HD2 for $200?????
I'm really liking how Office Mobile looks for WP7. I truly enjoy having Office Mobile on my phone, it really comes in handy. Info/pics of HTC running WP7 probably won't leak until July or so.
Anyone know when the HTC Desire is dropping? I just saw some videos of it, and I rather have that instead of the Nexus1. I know it has the same specs, but I like how there's a sensor on the front instead of an actual trackball.
Originally Posted by JUS3

Anyone know when the HTC Desire is dropping? I just saw some videos of it, and I rather have that instead of the Nexus1. I know it has the same specs, but I like how there's a sensor on the front instead of an actual trackball.
Rumor has it that it was going to AT&T but no one really knows.
In this clip (around the 1min mark), is Brandon running a Desire rom on his Nexus One? I was under the assumption you couldn't get HTC animated weather for the Nexus One. Can anybody confirm that you can w/ out a Desire rom?
boost, download omarket and find cleanram and a soft reset...since i got omarket apps ive had a better experience (still dissapointed, tho)
Ill be real, i dont know much about phones....but if i get the Evo when it drops being that its on 4g is there a good chance i wont be able to use it if its not covered by the 4g map? I checked it out on sprint and where i live isnt covered by 4g yet. One more thing, if i am somewhere thats covered by 4g and need to make a call to someone thats not covered will the call not connect?
Originally Posted by Fade On You

Ill be real, i dont know much about phones....but if i get the Evo when it drops being that its on 4g is there a good chance i wont be able to use it if its not covered by the 4g map? I checked it out on sprint and where i live isnt covered by 4g yet. One more thing, if i am somewhere thats covered by 4g and need to make a call to someone thats not covered will the call not connect?

It should switch to 3G.
As when there is no 3G it switches to Edge.
[h1]Video: Windows Phone 7 Build 6176 Walkthrough[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 30-Apr-10 | 1 Comments


In this video we take you on a tour of what's new in the latest build of Windows Phone 7 for the emulator. There are more changes than we thought. Chief among them is the new versions of the Office programs, which do a great job at handling annotations and letting you manage multiple documents. Also new is that we finally get to use the phone application, which has a dialer that "floats" above applications. Overall, this latest build of Windows Phone is much more complete feeling than the previous 6077 build, but we're still wishing we could syncronize with any email or social networking account to see how email and contacts work. You can get the latest emulator through XDA.
does anyone know a free program to use my Touch Pro 2 as a modem for my laptop..?
a NTer told me before but i forgot.
any help NT???
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Ill be real, i dont know much about phones....but if i get the Evo when it drops being that its on 4g is there a good chance i wont be able to use it if its not covered by the 4g map? I checked it out on sprint and where i live isnt covered by 4g yet. One more thing, if i am somewhere thats covered by 4g and need to make a call to someone thats not covered will the call not connect?

It should switch to 3G.
As when there is no 3G it switches to Edge.

Word good look
Originally Posted by KiiidThrash

does anyone know a free program to use my Touch Pro 2 as a modem for my laptop..?
a NTer told me before but i forgot.
any help NT???

ask monday night, he's got that phone.
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