Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Alright I know I've been going back and forth with what phone I should get but I've decided im leaving Tmo and its either the EVO 4G or the new Iphone..... what should I get?.... appreciate any suggestions.
Alright I know I've been going back and forth with what phone I should get but I've decided im leaving Tmo and its either the EVO 4G or the new Iphone..... what should I get?.... appreciate any suggestions.
Alright I know I've been going back and forth with what phone I should get but I've decided im leaving Tmo and its either the EVO 4G or the new Iphone..... what should I get?.... appreciate any suggestions.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

How are you liking your Nexus One?

Did anyone here go to Android from an iPhone? If so, why and how do you like it?

N1 is a very good phone. I was a former JB iphone user. The only con I have about the N1 is that the speakers suck. only negative thing about it. Currently running an AT&T N1 w/ Sense UI. Custom Roms are
Originally Posted by eteam o2

Originally Posted by DLEE2703

I want a nexus but damn $400- $500 bucks for a phone? I can't see myself dropping that much for a phone.

nexus one is available subsidized with a new 2 year agreement...
I have to change my rate plan
and I have unlimited(family plan) everything a phone is not worth me losing that.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by Jiggaman414

anyone got the Eris? how is it??

i thought VZW stopped selling the Eris. Why not just get the Incredible?
But the phone doesn't look bad really simple in terms of smartphones

Originally Posted by gil23

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

[h1]HTC Droid Incredible to Launch with 2 GB micro SD Card Free[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 26-Apr-10 | 3 Comments
The HTC Droid Incredible for Verizon Wireless is already well ahead of its counterparts--the HTC Desire and the Google Nexus One--in terms of available storage and application memory. The device already has 8 GB of storage memory built-in for storing music, photos, or videos, which is a good thing considering the device has an 8-megapixel camera. However, it seems that Verizon Wireless wants to give you additional storage by way of a free 2 GB micro SD card with the device.

You can check out the HTC Incredible, which is part of Verizon Wireless' Droid lineup, as well as the 2 GB micro SD card offer from the carrier's website.

I believe the Android Market just hit 50,000 apps.
glad I waited cause all I have is a 1GB card. just went ahead and pre ordered it today. Thursday can't get here fast enough
Bro you may want to invest on a faster card if u wanna do justice to that phone
......cant wait either
yeah I'm going to get a larger card somewhere down the line. But question.....what does the SD card have to do with speed? I thought it just added extra storage instead of extra RAM

bro there is different classes of speeds in cards...hint class 2,4,6 and 10 I think, faster reading and writing speeds but i think its more writing than if you going to store apps,take pics, download stuff..etc.. it wont take forever
Son soundin' hurt. I'm not defending a phone, just making a statement how its worked for me thus far. I haven't had any quibbles with 3g, am I supposed to or something
Originally Posted by DLEE2703

Originally Posted by eteam o2

Originally Posted by DLEE2703

I want a nexus but damn $400- $500 bucks for a phone? I can't see myself dropping that much for a phone.

nexus one is available subsidized with a new 2 year agreement...
I have to change my rate plan
and I have unlimited(family plan) everything a phone is not worth me losing that.

umm you don't have to change your plan..i didn't, but i sure as hell paid 100% of da cost of da phone up front though...i got da unlimited loyalty plan.
Resco Photo Manager 7.10

Download Link (7 Day Trial):
Resco Photo Manager — Far Beyond Standards
Photo Manager is a favorite photo viewing program with features far beyond standards of the classic built-in viewer. Users gain functions of complete image management in a modern looking and easy to handle application. Intuitive way of work, outrageous effects, many slideshow and edit features move other image viewing programs to the second line.
[table][tr][td] [/td][td][h3]Touch optimized with gestures[/h3]
Zoom, rotation and move gestures make image handling very comfortable.

[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td][h3]Upload to Flickr, Facebook, Picasa, Twitter, MySpace, PhotoBucket, Buzznet, Fotki[/h3]
Users can choose among four popular social networks to upload their photos

[/td][td][h3]Quick image access[/h3]
Home screen offers 4 main image databases: My Documents, Camera Roll, Favorites and My Albums.

[/td][td][h3]Add GPS position[/h3]
Add GPS position to any of the images and make diary of a trip. Afterwards locate the image on a map (using Google Maps)

[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td][h3]Editing tools[/h3]
Resize, crop, set image as Home Screen, color corrections, attach drawings and much more

Impress your clients, colleagues or friends with a slide-show presentation!

[/td][td][h3]Add to contact[/h3]
An easy way to add enhanced and cropped photos to your contacts!

[/td][td][h3]Support of RAW formats [sup]1[/sup][/h3]
for various camera brands such as Canon, Nikon, Olympus, etc!

[/td][td][h3]Histogram [sup]1[/sup][/h3]
With the help of histogram users will be able to judge the entire tonal distribution at a glance

[/td][td][h3]Editing of IPTC Tags [sup]1[/sup][/h3]
Additional information to JPEG images — IPTC Tags are editable.


Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by DLEE2703

Originally Posted by eteam o2

Originally Posted by DLEE2703

I want a nexus but damn $400- $500 bucks for a phone? I can't see myself dropping that much for a phone.

nexus one is available subsidized with a new 2 year agreement...
I have to change my rate plan
and I have unlimited(family plan) everything a phone is not worth me losing that.

umm you don't have to change your plan..i didn't, but i sure as hell paid 100% of da cost of da phone up front though...i got da unlimited loyalty plan.

I have same plan. I don't want to pay $500+ for the nexus though
props to whoever namedropped omarket, this is exactly what I do you turn swype off ? I did it through settings but it wont change back
Originally Posted by gil23

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by Jiggaman414

anyone got the Eris? how is it??

i thought VZW stopped selling the Eris. Why not just get the Incredible?
But the phone doesn't look bad really simple in terms of smartphones

Originally Posted by gil23

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

[h1]HTC Droid Incredible to Launch with 2 GB micro SD Card Free[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 26-Apr-10 | 3 Comments
The HTC Droid Incredible for Verizon Wireless is already well ahead of its counterparts--the HTC Desire and the Google Nexus One--in terms of available storage and application memory. The device already has 8 GB of storage memory built-in for storing music, photos, or videos, which is a good thing considering the device has an 8-megapixel camera. However, it seems that Verizon Wireless wants to give you additional storage by way of a free 2 GB micro SD card with the device.

You can check out the HTC Incredible, which is part of Verizon Wireless' Droid lineup, as well as the 2 GB micro SD card offer from the carrier's website.

I believe the Android Market just hit 50,000 apps.
glad I waited cause all I have is a 1GB card. just went ahead and pre ordered it today. Thursday can't get here fast enough
Bro you may want to invest on a faster card if u wanna do justice to that phone
......cant wait either
yeah I'm going to get a larger card somewhere down the line. But question.....what does the SD card have to do with speed? I thought it just added extra storage instead of extra RAM
bro there is different classes of speeds in cards...hint class 2,4,6 and 10 I think, faster reading and writing speeds but i think its more writing than if you going to store apps,take pics, download stuff..etc.. it wont take forever

ohhh okay I got ya. unless there are thousnads of free apps I don't see me needing a bigger card anyway.
junk is just sitting at my fedex. i wonder if they'll let me grab it if I run by

I'm going to check out the Incredible sometime this week, I figure why not, HD2 isn't really cutting it, I really want Android x HTC device. I love TMO, 7 years about to go down the drain if Verizon wows me.
LOL at the HD2 not being in competition with the N1. I mean we're all allowed opinions but thats just tomfoolery right there. Sure, you may PREFER the N1 over the HD2 which is fine. But let us not spout nonsense based on the phone we're currently using. That #@$% sounds foolish as hell.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

LOL at the HD2 not being in competition with the N1. I mean we're all allowed opinions but thats just tomfoolery right there. Sure, you may PREFER the N1 over the HD2 which is fine. But let us not spout nonsense based on the phone we're currently using. That #@$% sounds foolish as hell.
Of course that's the thing now, ##*% on WinMo so u can become popular too.
. As soon as more cooked ROMs drop and that Android port starts workin like it's supposed to be an Android phone then u'll have
all in one.

Tmo is runnin that BoGo sale until early May so I'm fittin to scoop two HD2's up for $100 a pop, as long as the Lord blesses me to do so
[h1]AT&T HTC PC70110 is the Android Touch Pro2?[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 28-Apr-10 | 5 Comments


The HTC PC70110 recently underwent some testing over at the FCC, which reveals compatibility with AT&T's 3G network. The device has an offset QWERTY keyboard that slides out under the screen in landscape mode that is reminiscent of the spacious and natural keyboard found on the Windows Mobile HTC Touch Pro2. The Android device here looks like it has a small-!!# screen--as in it doesn't quite engulf the front like higher end devices--so perhaps it may sport an HVGA display rather than the WVGA on the Nexus One and the HTC Incredible. We're wondering if this could be a myTouch Slide variant and if HTC and AT&T will see it fit to also include Expresso Sense UI with this release, if it gets released.



(via: Engadget)

[h1]Video: Fennec Alpha for Android[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 28-Apr-10 | 0 Comments


Remember Fenenc Alpha for Windows Mobile? It had potential, but the project was cut by Mozilla. It seems that the mobile team has turned their attention to Android with Fennec. The Alpha, which you can download now by going to on your phone (requires Android 2.0 or later), is actually quite smooth. It doesn't have multi-touch support, but page load times are fast, and we're loving the tab management and other Firefox-like features.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

I'm going to check out the Incredible sometime this week, I figure why not, HD2 isn't really cutting it, I really want Android x HTC device. I love TMO, 7 years about to go down the drain if Verizon wows me.

sir let me tell you. within the 2 minutes of me having this phone and it's not even activated it's 1000000000000000000000000000000 times better than my Voyager lol.
I'm a little overwhelmed because it's my first smartphone but my goodness I'm in love
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

props to whoever namedropped omarket, this is exactly what I do you turn swype off ? I did it through settings but it wont change back
Are you looking remove it completely or just switch back to the stock keyboard?
Completely remove from your device: Settings Tab > Application: Manage applications > Remove Programs > Soft reset

Switch back to stock keyboard: 

- Go to any program that requires a keyboard

- bring up the keyboard (does it automatically pop up?)

- press the little arrow next to the small keyboard at the middle bottom of the screen

- select the keyboard you want to use
Whats the deal with the Nexus One? Looks like Tmobile is gonna let me switch my HD2 to it, any reviews, thoughts or opinions from NTers? Thanks.
Originally Posted by Thizz Marley

i have the hero with sprint and yesterday it stopped downloading picture messages. i get the message but cant download the picture.

im using handcent but i tried to download with chomp and the stock message app. restarted my phone no luck. anyone have the same problem?


i love my N1!

Live Backgrounds
Google Maps, Car Home

Minor Glitches
Music Player is average
Trackball is useless

I would recommend it! I have had mine for over a month and im still learning new things about the phone. Let me know if you have any other questions.
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