OFFICIAL Hypebeasts Thread

Haha, that dude stays around here. I've seen him around a few times and talked to him. Nice kid. Those shoes are hideous.

Every time I've seen him, he's in some Dunk SB's (new releases) and some streetwear bright @#! colored tee.
Those D&Gs look nice, just, by looking at the tongue's height and all, don't look like they were worn in a manner to highlight them. Looks like youcould lace them up high and still get the recognition of the tongue.
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Originally Posted by mjbetch

Originally Posted by Treb2k5

Hypebeast/Posers in my city...


wow.... dude's just holding a deck??? people actually do that??


No Trucks No Wheels Maybe No GripTape Too LMAO Maybe He Has A Hover Board From BTTF pt.2 lol
First pics posted on this page aren't hypebeasts. Those are called homosexuals. They prefer the %+@*.

Those dudes above are corny as hell.
the dude on the last 2 pics to the left i went to school with. hes a cool dude i wouldnt consider him a hypebeast. camped out with him for the melo ii's(my1st and last time btw). i think the guy in the middle went to my school too.

at the crack is back tee.
Originally Posted by Chris Wong 45






Dude in the white Huf fitted+shirt used to bug me for ciggs when I was at Skyline for a semester

Dude on the far right in the last 2 pics used to go to SHC now at SFSU. Lame.
^^^ lmao dude on the far right is pointing his foot because he knows his Jams are pissy lol. all good tho, i dont even have 1 pair of spacejams anymore, i had3 at the beginning of this month
Originally Posted by x016x


Man, talk about overdoing it on the clothing, this guy took things to a whole NEW level ofridiculous. I'm pretty sure everything I wanted to say about this guy somebody already did but I'm going to say it anyway. I'm not even going to bother mentioning the stupid Santa hat this guy has on or the ridiculously oversized t-shirt he's wearing.( I mean who in their right mind effin WEARS t-shirts that long? It's been about 8 years now since High School and that sht STILL doesn't make any sense to me) I'm going to save my breath on the hideous custom AF1s he's got on because I'm sure at least one person on this board has taken a good shot at them. I'm just going to pick on ONE thing: What the hell is up with the Grinch DVD Necklace thing? Not only is that dumbest idea I've ever heard, hell wearing a DVD box on a necklace doesn't even sound good on paper. That sounds terrible on paper, like an absolutely stupid idea. Oh well, there's a lot of geniuses out there. This guy being one of them. So no I'm not going to take a shot at any of the stupid things he's wearing in this picture, the only thing that bothers me is the stupid DVD on a necklace crap hes got on. Who really thinks wearing a DVD around their neck is a great fashion idea? People like that don't even deserve to wear clothes.

I just had to ask, I'm sure I'm not the only porno-head over here but that chick to the left in the black dress is Charmane Star right? Pinay porno actress? Can't really tell from this angle but godDAMN is she hot.


Man I HATE inaccurate Spider-Man hoodies. Nothing pisses me off more then to see somebody wearing that stupid fckin so-called Symbiote spider-man hoodie at a mall. It just infuriates me because the real symbiote spider-man logo looked nothing like that. As for the spider-man hoodie in this picture, blah, so lame.

and to the guy who made the capri joke, that made me chuckle. lol I was about to make a joke just on that. seriously, whats up with the short jeans there on this kid. lol I simply have no time to go through this entire thread, I made it to page 25 and sighed at most of the people in the pictures.

carmines + red ice soles= grails!!!!! i wish these were real!

HAHA. It's so appropriate that there's a an EARSNOT tag on the wall behind them....any nyc heads who keep up with graf know what I mean.
Originally Posted by Chris Wong 45






Dude with the Brown Huf fitted is a family friend of mines...

The trio on the bottom are my homeboys. I've known the two on the left since the first grade. I don't consider them Hypebeast at all.
Originally Posted by ILLustRAYt

Originally Posted by Chris Wong 45






Dude with the Brown Huf fitted is a family friend of mines...

The trio on the bottom are my homeboys. I've known the two on the left since the first grade. I don't consider them Hypebeast at all.

word? i went to school with the dude on the left. i think his name is john. he'd play ball with us during lunch back in hs.
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