OFFICIAL Hypebeasts Thread

Originally Posted by bryanne2210

SuperAntigen .. IT's ONLY ENTERTAINMENT, I mean c'mon I'm pretty sure you've walked around and seen some ridiculous fits in your block or whatever. Besides, everybody on NT is a BEAST, I'm saying there is no originality everybody looks like the next man but personally, I think hypebeastin' is not really about the fit but the attitude, I mean again running the net looking for picture might not necessarily mean that the person has no life maybe the person was bored or something. All I'm saying is take it as it is, just for fun, and if you feel that is hypocritical there's really nothing you can do about it because whether you like or not it's not going to change. And people, especially on NT, will not admit that they look at everybody's fit to either be envious about or hate and a lot of times I get that feeling when I rock a fresh looking pair as if I'm not suppose to. I find the generation is so concern about the next man that he forgets his initial goal and I don't know where I've heard or seen it before but I think it says DUDES are the NEW $*$%$$+ and it had me laughing; this thread, as well as WDYWT are proof of that.

You are correct. I have witnessed a few people wearing outfits i would personally not wear simply because it's not my taste. When I see these individualshowever, i just keep it moving. It really is that simple. There is no real entertainment to be had...

So now a hypebeast is defined by "attitude"...hmmm...ok. So how is attitude conveyed in an internet picture, or better yet, how do you sense thisattitude being exuded by the supposed hypebeast--simply by looking at their picture. All I see in these pics are youngin' expressing themselves via theirposes. I am willing to bet you and everyone here, including me, has at some point in time "posed" in a picture. So does that mean we all have a lilhypebeast in us just dying to get out. Please elaborate more on this "hypebeast attitude" you're referring to...

Actually surfing the net...for a picture...of someone else...with a particular look...just to post on you can ridicule and belittle them...all for afew laughs...actually affirms that you have no life. Saying that people do this because they are bored is the weakest cop-out ever. You mean to tell me thatthis 200 and 20 something odd page thread, which started since i don't even know when--is the manisfestation of peoples boredom...

You are right...i doubt things will change...but at the same time, i hope these last few pages have opened the eyes of some of y'all concerning yourhypocrital behavior and depressing habits...As bryanne2210 pointed out, most of you are the very same thing you make funof...worst part of it is the fact that you have the audacity to criticize someone else--and from behind a computer screen no less...

Duke said he liked the shirt Esco was wearing and was out shopping, found a shirt he thought was similar, so obviously he bought it; not only to find out itwas the same shirt. Hardly swagger-jacking.

Now you got 3 or 4 responses with "Oh snaps" and "Ether", it's lame.

Being interested in someone's nicely put together outfit or shirt is hardly the same as anything in this thread.
SuperAntigen -Just log off. you're new here and the last thing you want to do is act like a smart A**. If you have a probelm of what we NT'ers are doing then gosomewhere else.

I suggest for you.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal


Duke said he liked the shirt Esco was wearing and was out shopping, found a shirt he thought was similar, so obviously he bought it; not only to find out it was the same shirt. Hardly swagger-jacking.

Now you got 3 or 4 responses with "Oh snaps" and "Ether", it's lame.

Being interested in someone's nicely put together outfit or shirt is hardly the same as anything in this thread.
Well under most circumstances, and by most i mean-- on another day--at some other time--i would probably not have pointed him out. Additionally iwould probably agree with you--on another day--at some other time--however.

Now i didn't put words in his mouth...or rather i didn't force him to type what he typed but the guy clearly said that he/they "poke fun at otherpeople who wear something just because they saw a celebrity/SOMEONE ELSE (i.e ESCO) wearing it". Now, once again, under most circumstances that would bewhatever. But the fact is, he is ridiculing/belittling someone he doesn't even know for the same thing he does--that was my whole point with him andnothing more. Now you tell me, where's his rational for something like that...

Read my posts--it has nothing to do with getting the "oh snaps" or "ether"...I can see that your part is to try and belittle the point i amtrying to make by incinuating that it is, in fact, all about the "oh snaps" and "ethers"...i'm am not the lame one here
Originally Posted by northparkblind

SuperAntigen - Just log off. you're new here and the last thing you want to do is act like a smart A**. If you have a probelm of what we NT'ers are doing then go somewhere else.

I suggest for you.
Don't look at my post count and assume, from it, that I am new here. This is my second SN from about a yr ago. And i had my first one forquite a number of yrs...

Like fatboy slim, you clearly seem to be one of those that are offended by what i am saying

...and its funny you mention "!%#++@@#@@**@" because I was under the impression that-- threads like these were only prevalent over there, not onNKTLK.
I dont understand how a person can call a person Pathetic when he's not in the same or a better position than that person is......

Thats just me though....-shrugs-
Originally Posted by MaNdiZee21

this girl went to my h.s. back in the days..she always made me laugh
U fool, good looking chicks are the only exception to being a hypebeast
Originally Posted by never wear them

has to be new york.... if dudes wore this around pacoima, van nuys, compton, watts, long beach, east L.A. or even "CERTAIN" parts of L.A... you'd get fuhhked up!!!


Just cuz dude on the right took the pic in a NY train station, dont mean he in the that dude on the left, you will not catch in the hood...they knobetter...Dudes are quick to drop NYC NYC NYC...dude on the right probably took that pic down in the broadway lafayette train station...far from the hood
Dude with the blue supreme fitted is od. It would be a decent fit if he would lose the fitted and the
backpack. Hypebeast's always overdue it.
dude in blue supreme is in the wdywt thread somewhere i think lol.
and that girl, shes hot, but why is she standing on her counter hah
Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

Just cuz dude on the right took the pic in a NY train station, dont mean he in the that dude on the left, you will not catch in the hood...they kno better...Dudes are quick to drop NYC NYC NYC...dude on the right probably took that pic down in the broadway lafayette train station...far from the hood
true... but i usually go every feb and for christmas also, and thats all i see... my bad, i know its just not ny, its all over the world, japan,Afghanistan, london,.. etc... my peace
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

You are correct. I have witnessed a few people wearing outfits i would personally not wear simply because it's not my taste. When I see these individuals however, i just keep it moving. It really is that simple. There is no real entertainment to be had...

So now a hypebeast is defined by "attitude"...hmmm...ok. So how is attitude conveyed in an internet picture, or better yet, how do you sense this attitude being exuded by the supposed hypebeast--simply by looking at their picture. All I see in these pics are youngin' expressing themselves via their poses. I am willing to bet you and everyone here, including me, has at some point in time "posed" in a picture. So does that mean we all have a lil hypebeast in us just dying to get out. Please elaborate more on this "hypebeast attitude" you're referring to...

Actually surfing the net...for a picture...of someone else...with a particular look...just to post on you can ridicule and belittle them...all for a few laughs...actually affirms that you have no life. Saying that people do this because they are bored is the weakest cop-out ever. You mean to tell me that this 200 and 20 something odd page thread, which started since i don't even know when--is the manisfestation of peoples boredom...

You are right...i doubt things will change...but at the same time, i hope these last few pages have opened the eyes of some of y'all concerning your hypocrital behavior and depressing habits...As bryanne2210 pointed out, most of you are the very same thing you make fun of...worst part of it is the fact that you have the audacity to criticize someone else--and from behind a computer screen no less...

THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'M SAYING...All of us has got a hypebeast trying to come out, I mean to me Hypebeast is the same thing as the label"WANNABEES" from back in the 90's. Plus, I'm calling it out of boredom for myself, now I don't know about the rest but I'm prettysure some dudes make it a mission to find the most ridiculous fits and post it up but I just treat those like the class clown that was never really funny...

As far as the attitude is at, I'm talking about the "pose", yes! Pointing out the shoes, lookaways, covering yourself with all these loud colors.To me that would be a person calling out for attention and therefore, beasting!!! But then again I may be wrong because every now and then I pull out someolder pair and I'm stared at by some folks. Still, I stand by it's only ENTERTAINMENT and if I find my picture in this thread then somebody probablycaught a feeling with the fit and just laugh it off. I mean if I get called one thing it wouldn't kill me because then I'm doing something right.

What you said about belittling, judging and having no life then we all don't. See, there is magazines, commercials, forums, blogs etc...And we let all ofthese people tell us what's good, what's hot, what's not and if it even matters, it is things that will make no difference in the world. Most ofthe times, we actually believe these people, so if stylist and writers get paid millions would you call them having no life.

So again to me it's all fun and games because it seems to speed up my time at work when I'm around NT, whether I'm in this thread, WDYWT orwhatever. But like I said before everybody's a BEAST because in our time we rarely buy things for it's necessity, we buy things because it's saidto be the it thing. There are only a couple of people in here that aren't and those people are the ones that actually buy the sneakers for it'sperformance and is able to break down the shoe with his eyes close if I remember correctly its that dude with all the "Trainers".
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by northparkblind

SuperAntigen - Just log off. you're new here and the last thing you want to do is act like a smart A**. If you have a probelm of what we NT'ers are doing then go somewhere else.

I suggest for you.
Don't look at my post count and assume, from it, that I am new here. This is my second SN from about a yr ago. And i had my first one for quite a number of yrs...

Like fatboy slim, you clearly seem to be one of those that are offended by what i am saying

...and its funny you mention "!%#++@@#@@**@" because I was under the impression that-- threads like these were only prevalent over there, not on NKTLK.
You are hella annoying, please stop posting paragraphs of how you disagree with this thread.
if you don't like it, get out.
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