OFFICIAL Hypebeasts Thread

i've never been a fan of jojo but that's just the way he is. he has written some long paragraphs about jungle, goldie, breakbeat etc. and he has written even longer paragraphs about why he pops the tongue on his shoe. if there's anything positive about him is that he's not really a bandwagoner - he's pretty consistent. consistent in posting things that repulse me, but consistent nonetheless.
That's cool if that is the way he is, I don't like him and that is the way I am.  Someone posted something he wrote I responded with my opinion on it, just like he and everyone else responds with their opinion on the hyperbeast fits in this thread.  But in the words of Proto "I will keep reaching..."

I read what @DJ Proto J wrote. How is what he wrote hypebeast? He just gave his full thoughts and his experiences. He wasn't worshipping Kanye. The man just enjoyed the concert and everything around it. He also gave his likes and dislikes. Some of y'all must think movie critics are hypebeast for writing a long review about movies on rotten tomatoes that y'all may not like. Proto, nice review. I too went to concert and thought it was great. I am a kanye west fan but even I know he's had his crazy moments and his Bound 2 video was trash and the mask he wears are pretty dumb to wear.The people that hate on kanye call him Yeezus(who say it's disrespectful) more than actual fans.
Never said he was a hyerbeast, simply said that I think if Kanye started a cult Proto would 6th or 7th in line. 

…still reaching I assume.

That's cool if that is the way he is, I don't like him and that is the way I am.  Someone posted something he wrote I responded with my opinion on it, just like he and everyone else responds with their opinion on the hyperbeast fits in this thread.  But in the words of Proto "I will keep reaching..." :rolleyes

Never said he was a hyerbeast, simply said that I think if Kanye started a cult Proto would 6th or 7th in line. 
…still reaching I assume.
I meant what I said to the people above your post. The worshipping was for the guy said Proto eats out his butt. I actually thought what you wrote was funny
Never said he was a hyerbeast, simply said that I think if Kanye started a cult Proto would 6th or 7th in line. 
…still reaching I assume.

well yeah, cuz you tried to imply that my review was "off", and that i wasn't just a standard fan... when the facts are, i criticized him, i do all the time, and all kinds of things i laid out in my response, that you conveniently ignored.

i'm not some mega fan, i have never tried to meet him, i've never been on the forum dedicated to him, i've only been to one of his shows (and one with hov), and i've barely listened to his music.

you don't know anything about me. i'm way more of a fan of underground EDM artists, and would gladly ride with the "stan" or "cult" shots for certain cats like Goldie, LTJ Bukem, Burial, etc...

i, like most "sneakerheads", have been influenced by Ye's fashion and liked his shoe designs, and that's about it.

he put on a helluva show tho, and i was impressed by his control of the entire thing, and paid him credit accordingly.

hell, i've seen cats like coldcity coldcity posting reviews the last couple days just as impressed as i was, cuz it is a good show (and i'm sure if he read my review he would agree with most of what i said, now that he's seen the show too).

so yeah, you are reaching...
phew. thank god i'm not a sneakerhead :lol:

you said you liked the 2's tho...

you know what i'm sayin', either way... you are into sneakers and you're on this forum, so you basically are a "sneakerhead"...

but more broadly, i was talking about his influence on "urban fashion"... which cannot be denied.

he got clowned for wearing skinny jeans, then all his peers, some of the ones who clowned him, all started wearing them too (including most everyone on this forum).

he started wearing leather everything, and now every rapper is wearing it too (and athletes, and comedians, and actors, and random celebs)...

so am i stan for pointing this out, and giving him credit where it'd due? no. i don't even follow everything he does, i'm not into leather pants, i can't rock with kilts, and a ton of other things. but i'm not afraid to acknowledge it.
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Ye might not have been the "first" to rock leather, tight pants, etc (cause we all know some one is gonna bring up an irrelevant person from the 90's with leather, tight pants, etc), but he is most def the catalyst to A LOT of trends at the moment. Its not about being first, its about who notices and gets influenced by it.
Not a fashion post, but I saw this and see that hypebeast goes beyond dressing.......

sunday night was amazing. best concert i've been to, visually. better than WTT, which i was front row for. music wise it was awesome too, i just wish he shortened that rant so he coulda included "street lights"... i was looking foward to that, it's my fav song on 808's... i really wish he would realize how dope "devil in a new dress" is, and include it in his set... it woulda killed it. musically i might have preferred WTT, cuz ye's hits in combination with jay's is just too strong together, not to mention the WTT songs being performed.

as mentioned b4, it's obvious he's been hanging with a lot of architects and stuff... and he's on a very dark vibe, with the snow, the fire, etc... it all really invokes a very spiritual feeling... the demon thing with red eyes was crazy, especially how it just hung out staring at people in the crowd from different parts of the pyramid in the back... the girls were dope, they bring a certain class to the whole show... the ending when they all bow down to jesus at the top of the pyramid was amazing. as a christian it's awesome to see such a mainstream rapper repping jesus like he does (without it coming off as corny)...

did anyone notice he handed the mic to some random dude to finish "bound 2"? :lol: was really surprised he did that, as in total control he is of his entire show... he was laughing and smiling at the kid messing up by continuing to say lyrics when they were supposed to stop. he seemed like he was in a good mood by the end of the show, even in his rants, he was making tons of jokes. his main "runaway" rant lasted well over 20 minutes, i got the whole thing recorded. it was way too long. i am jealous over the 10 minute rant he did the night b4, as it seemed to talk more about the red october's, and was shorter... on sunday he even did another rant later in the show... imo, these long rants really slow down the momentum of the show, and he seems to always say the same stuff, in slightly different ways... he should save them for the interviews, and just cut them to 5 minutes tops during the shows, cuz they'd be more effective that way, but instead he loses people who don't give a F about his fashion struggles...

he did the thing where he hits the first note of "runaway" and then walks off leaving the crowd on the edge of their seat for the rest... every time right b4 he would hit the mpc again it would get mega quiet and i would yell out "devil in a new dress"!!! :rofl: i know his punk @$% heard me at least once...

the main thing i was impressed by tho, was how passionate and in total control he is in over his ENTIRE show. he was coaching the light guys in the middle of songs, telling them when to display him on the LED screen above, telling them it was too much smoke, etc, etc... he was telling mike dean to hold certain bass notes longer (who was a total pimp btw, back there with his goose down feather rimmed hood over his head while performing)... his DJ was weak, his cuts were amateur, which i find surprising since the scratch god a-trak used to be his DJ... you would think his standards would be much higher now.

but my point is, i've never seen another artist in rap be that concerned, demanding, and in control, of every aspect of his show. most rappers just want their mic volume to be right. this dude is controlling every single aspect. the only artist in general i've seen be that involved is the god of all music gods, michael jackson. i'm sure there's others, but none that i've seen in hip hop music.

i was standing in line at will call and realized travie mccoy was standing next to us with his boys, trying to pick up their free passes. other than that tho i didn't see any other celebs, tho i heard about a lot being in the building.

we hit up the afterparty at 1 oak later that night, where we were in VIP with don c, celebrating his bday, along with virgil, busta rhymes, fonsworth bentley, travis scott, etc... i had a good convo with don c and virgil. didn't even bring up the red october's, cuz i knew they were trying to party, not discuss the drama and politics...

i went to the pop up shop near soho on sunday afternoon b4 the show. ran into aziz ansari there... he was buying product. i asked him "isn't yeezus your boy? figured you'd get this stuff for free"... haha... he was telling people no to pix with him so i didn't bother asking him. he asked my name and shook my hand and talked with me for a second, i think he appreciated the fact i didn't ask him for a pic and wasn't treating him like a celebrity.

they were selling an exclusive white tee with "JESUS CHRIST" in heavy metal style rock logo letters on the front, and the tour dates on the back. they said it was the only piece not being sold at the concert, limited to 60 pieces... i picked two up, one large, one medium (will post pix of it later, surprised it hasn't been mentioned here yet). and got 2 black indian skull tees, one for my girl, and one for me (i'm part native american so i love that art)...

they had the green, branded flight jacket for sale. i think it's ugly tho, cuz it's too baggy, the flag on the shoulder is too big, and the yeezus branding on the back is all low and too big. i'm picky about proportions of logos on clothes, i like smaller, compact logos, if rocking logos at all... so even if i were to be ok with rocking a rebel flag as a white looking guy, it is no bueno to me...

i wanted a poster but had no way to bring it back and travel with it without messing it up. hoping to pick one up on ebay eventually, as i really like the art on it. i'd prolly frame it with the tickets and VIP wristbands, as it was an awesome experience with my girl, she LOVED the show, and also considers it the best she's ever attended.

i ended up about 2nd row in VIP-1... look to my right after tribe, and i'm standing next to [@="the luckiest guy on earth"... :lol:

we both agreed the release is prolly gonna be scrapped. just can't see nike dropping a shoe that will inevitably promote a guy who has been actively bashing them in public, and has now officially signed with their only true competitor...

i like adidas, have always collected them since the early 90's, so i don't care, as long as the product's dope. i really like the red octobers, more than the red dons that i regret passing on, so i really wanted them, but if they don't release i won't be mad at all... speaking of red dons tho, there was a kid next to us holding them up at the show, and kanye saw them and pointed them out... he didn't have a pen in hand tho, do i don't know what his point was... i thought about bringing a tan yeezy 1 and a marker to hold up cuz i knew he'd prolly sign them in a down time part of the show, but i just didn't want to have a big bulky shoe on my person like that, and i damn sure wasn't about to wear them.

i saw lots of heat on random people at the show... saw the red dons, saw red supreme blazers, net and zen Y1's, and solar Y2's, but they hardly count since ya can't even tell if they're real anymore, with such good fakes out... :smh:

overall it was a great experience, and i can call myself 110% a fan of his music and art, and not just his fashion anymore... i've liked some of his music here and there over the years, but i'm more of a EDM and instrumental music kind of guy, so i've always just been a casual fan of his music. the visual aspect of the show secured him as prolly my favorite rap performer.

a tribe called quest was SOOOOO good. you could feel that raw, old school hip hop vibe in the garden when they were on... the whole crowd was jumping during "award tour"... busta came out and went roid rage style on his verse for "scenario"... :lol: swear i thought due was gonna bust a blood vessel in his face...

that chick that came out holding the apple and signs was one of the thickets chicks i've ever seen with a tiny waist. ridiculous proportions... :wow:

i had no idea that was supposedly their last performance together evar until q-tip said something about it at the end... i doubt it will be tho, as long as phife's health is decent, they will come back to do random shows if they pay enough, i'm sure...

sorry for the length of this, but this is my review.

will post pix and video soon (but of course the one thing i forgot rushing out to catch my plane was my digital camera, so it's all iphone pix and footage, but with some editing it should be fine)...

your hating... fam just gave his exprience & it was honest

ye was in total control for the show it was amazing ... he shut the city down (chicago tuesday & wed) & im sure he did the same at everyother show hes did

dudes just like attempting to go at proto because its the polular thing to do

he just does him... even if it is in long post form

have you been to any of the YEEZUS shows? seriously have you?

the tuesday show was soooo diverse you couldnt pin down a single style or box anyone in there

it wasnt just hipsters... it was street dudes,hippies,square's , over the top suit & tie dudes, over the top fashion dudes etc Ye gets love from EVERYONE

that just happens to include hypebeats BUT it doesnt make any & everyone who likes him one
Ye might not have been the "first" to rock leather, tight pants, etc (cause we all know some one is gonna bring up an irrelevant person from the 90's with leather, tight pants, etc), but he is most def the catalyst to A LOT of trends at the moment. Its not about being first, its about who notices and gets influenced by it.

well yeah, and i find it funny i get called such a fan, when i was the first to point out around here that he actually bit the whole skinny jeans thing from LA hipsters (and i called out how he bit a lot of his current fashion stuff from europe, only to have some lames try to denounce my claims)...

A-Trak was his DJ back then, and A-Trak was heavily involved in the whole LA hipster scene, where, at the time, it was highly trendy to wear skinny jeans and high top nikes... A-Trak was featured in magazines and stuff for his style back then, and it was obvious Ye was directly influenced by that whole scene...

Ye just brought it to hip hop. and of course hip hop is full of knuckleheads and homophobes, so they dissed it at first, only to fall in line like sheep later...

people are so closed minded in general. as i've said in this thread a couple times now (in defense of these kids wearing wild outfits), if this stuff bugs you out, it's only gonna be crazier in 10 - 20 years...

i don't even care much about posting fits on NT anymore, i keep it to my IG and that's about it... not because i care about the criticism, it should be obvious the criticism around here can't deter me... but because i have grown tired of the closedmindedness... and a lot of the fits posted are boring... and the criticism of anything new and different is cornier than some of the trends themselves (the celeb thread is like the player haters ball, they diss stuff as soon as they see it, but then most of them eventually pick up on the trends after awhile)...
"(the celeb thread is like the player haters ball, they diss stuff as soon as they see it, but then most of them eventually pick up on the trends after awhile)"


insert zo shrug gif
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What products works well with shoes w/o icy soles yellowing? For example my 17s are yellowing at the bottom
well yeah, and i find it funny i get called such a fan, when i was the first to point out around here that he actually bit the whole skinny jeans thing from LA hipsters (and i called out how he bit a lot of his current fashion stuff from europe, only to have some lames try to denounce my claims)...

A-Trak was his DJ back then, and A-Trak was heavily involved in the whole LA hipster scene, where, at the time, it was highly trendy to wear skinny jeans and high top nikes... A-Trak was featured in magazines and stuff for his style back then, and it was obvious Ye was directly influenced by that whole scene...

Ye just brought it to hip hop. and of course hip hop is full of knuckleheads and homophobes, so they dissed it at first, only to fall in line like sheep later...

people are so closed minded in general. as i've said in this thread a couple times now (in defense of these kids wearing wild outfits), if this stuff bugs you out, it's only gonna be crazier in 10 - 20 years...

i don't even care much about posting fits on NT anymore, i keep it to my IG and that's about it... not because i care about the criticism, it should be obvious the criticism around here can't deter me... but because i have grown tired of the closedmindedness... and a lot of the fits posted are boring... and the criticism of anything new and different is cornier than some of the trends themselves (the celeb thread is like the player haters ball, they diss stuff as soon as they see it, but then most of them eventually pick up on the trends after awhile)...
Could have sworn.....skinny jeans and high top nikes were golden hip hop style..... and rockers before them and R&B  guys before that

Either way, wasn't calling for a flame fest for DJ PJ, but I just found that "review" stan like. You enjoyed the show and thats nice bro. Move on and stop defending yourself. You posted what you posted, it is what it is fella. Stan or no Stan.

BTW, tired of WDYWT, go post your fits on Look Book, you'd fit right in..
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Skinny jeans and hi tops are golden era hip hop style (as is leather pants, both things I've pointed out to the haters and critics on this forum many times). But it was hipsters and then Ye who brought it back in the face of everyone wearing OD baggy stuff for nearly 20 years. It was time for it to come back anyways. Fashion is cyclic, it seems to be on about a 20 year clock in recent times.

There was nothing Stan about that review at all, as others have pointed out. You were just "hating", in the truest, most classic sense of the word.
Skinny jeans and hi tops are golden era hip hop style (as is leather pants, both things I've pointed out to the haters and critics on this forum many times). But it was hipsters and then Ye who brought it back in the face of everyone wearing OD baggy stuff for nearly 20 years. It was time for it to come back anyways. Fashion is cyclic, it seems to be on about a 20 year clock in recent times.

There was nothing Stan about that review at all, as others have pointed out. You were just "hating", in the truest, most classic sense of the word.
Opinion fella. It is what it is.
phew. thank god i'm not a sneakerhead :lol:
Yes never been so happy to NOT be a sneaker head.

Either way, wasn't calling for a flame fest for DJ PJ, but I just found that "review" stan like. You enjoyed the show and thats nice bro. Move on and stop defending yourself. You posted what you posted, it is what it is fella. Stan or no Stan.

BTW, tired of WDYWT, go post your fits on Look Book, you'd fit right in..
I swear dudes jump to Proto's jock like he is a made man. No room for opinion on him, or else we are hating. Dare we get another thesis from Proto defending what some have consider feminine tendencies. Only to get the very predictable, last response of "your reaching."

We all said our peace do what you do, case closed...
too many words now. not enough pictures. thread went to sh*t. you guys better not ruin the woman and kicks thread like this lol :rofl:
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seriously, this is the second time this kind of thing has happened in the past 3 weeks... Proto - no hate but this is not the yeezy fandom discussion thread. Go elsewhere with all that. appreciate your detailed review and all, but we want goofy pix, not mock-rolling stone type reviews out here.
seriously, this is the second time this kind of thing has happened in the past 3 weeks... Proto - no hate but this is not the yeezy fandom discussion thread. Go elsewhere with all that. appreciate your detailed review and all, but we want goofy pix, not mock-rolling stone type reviews out here.

in fairness to proto that was originally quoted here, he didnt post it. but that's kind of what i was getting at as well
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