Official iPad 3 Event Thread (new Apple TV too?)

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by EL REY JR

I've held off on the first two, I will be getting this one for sure.


If it's what I hope it will be, then I'm with you guys.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Y'all still buying into this Apple hype when other companies are now flying past Apple in terms of technology, experience and value?

Id love to see flash... retina will be nice.

I might get 1 for my wife... but Asus transformer prime still on my head.
Originally Posted by Girl Thats Drob

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Y'all still buying into this Apple hype when other companies are now flying past Apple in terms of technology, experience and value?

Examples? How are you going to say this and not elaborate at all? 
The ASUS Transformer Prime just to name 1 that's already out and there was a boatload of stuff on display at MWC and CES that will be better than the iPad 3 within weeks of its release.
Since Steve Jobs got too sick to lead the reigns Apple hasn't really innovated anything.

They just keep making minor changes to their products and surrounding them with major hype.

Apples a great company and I look forward to seeing the new Macbooks but its good to check out the competition instead of just blindly fawning over everything that Cupertino drops.

Unless they reveal that 3D technology (highly unlikely) that they filed a patent for recently, there will be a bunch of tablets in the coming weeks with better specs, better pricing and arguably better user experiences than what the iPad 3 will provide.

A better screen, quad core processor, better cameras, a 4G LTE radio, more storage and some proprietary software additions that encourage you to buy more Apple products and remain faithful to their ecosystem...thats what you can expect on March 7th.

If that's ground for you to be excited...more power to you.

But to me, the iPad and iPhone are no longer leaders of the pack.

Macbooks still reign supreme however.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

I've held off on the first two, I will be getting this one for sure.

Been waiting for the iPad 3 to drop, even though I've been itching to buy an iPad for awhile now.

How hard is tethering?  Is the 3G version worth it or is the wifi version enough?

Can't Wait!!!
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by Girl Thats Drob

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Y'all still buying into this Apple hype when other companies are now flying past Apple in terms of technology, experience and value?

Examples? How are you going to say this and not elaborate at all? 
The ASUS Transformer Prime just to name 1 that's already out and there was a boatload of stuff on display at MWC and CES that will be better than the iPad 3 within weeks of its release.
Since Steve Jobs got too sick to lead the reigns Apple hasn't really innovated anything.

They just keep making minor changes to their products and surrounding them with major hype.

Apples a great company and I look forward to seeing the new Macbooks but its good to check out the competition instead of just blindly fawning over everything that Cupertino drops.

Unless they reveal that 3D technology (highly unlikely) that they filed a patent for recently, there will be a bunch of tablets in the coming weeks with better specs, better pricing and arguably better user experiences than what the iPad 3 will provide.

A better screen, quad core processor, better cameras, a 4G LTE radio, more storage and some proprietary software additions that encourage you to buy more Apple products and remain faithful to their ecosystem...thats what you can expect on March 7th.

If that's ground for you to be excited...more power to you.

But to me, the iPad and iPhone are no longer leaders of the pack.

Macbooks still reign supreme however.
This is nothing new, though. Historically in any Apple product, its never the highest spec'd model out there. There will always be newer, faster, more ported, more everything products out there that on paper, beat an Apple product. Its been that way for 30 years. Apple makes its money on an all inclusive software and hardware closed combination user experience. The brand has built trust with its user base, and yes, almost to a point where the base can be blind of other options. But its not anything new and Apple will probably continue to do so even without Jobs at the helm, though I would expect more design by committee decisions. The arguable user experience you describe is dependent upon the type of user. Android is a fine os, but their bar has always been set with what apple does, and to try to do it better based on what they do. It can be a good os with the right people working with it on the hardware, but often times consistency is not there from device to device, and some things are overlooked because its something that must be able to work on so many devices. iPad is definitely the leader of the tablet, thats no question. iPhone is slipping in terms of market share and in specs, but thats one phone competing against another os thats licensed on hundreds of other phones. iPhone is still leading unless the 5 is a complete flop, which is very doubtful.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by Girl Thats Drob

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Y'all still buying into this Apple hype when other companies are now flying past Apple in terms of technology, experience and value?

Examples? How are you going to say this and not elaborate at all? 
The ASUS Transformer Prime just to name 1 that's already out and there was a boatload of stuff on display at MWC and CES that will be better than the iPad 3 within weeks of its release.
Since Steve Jobs got too sick to lead the reigns Apple hasn't really innovated anything.

They just keep making minor changes to their products and surrounding them with major hype.

Apples a great company and I look forward to seeing the new Macbooks but its good to check out the competition instead of just blindly fawning over everything that Cupertino drops.

Unless they reveal that 3D technology (highly unlikely) that they filed a patent for recently, there will be a bunch of tablets in the coming weeks with better specs, better pricing and arguably better user experiences than what the iPad 3 will provide.

A better screen, quad core processor, better cameras, a 4G LTE radio, more storage and some proprietary software additions that encourage you to buy more Apple products and remain faithful to their ecosystem...thats what you can expect on March 7th.

If that's ground for you to be excited...more power to you.

But to me, the iPad and iPhone are no longer leaders of the pack.

Macbooks still reign supreme however.
you have no idea what you are talking about.
the last apple product steve jobs was in charge with is the iphone 5
and I am sorry to tell u this but android tablets suck. they have terrible form factor, wack touchscreens and last but not least slow as hell.

specs dont mean anything, and speaking of specs all companies do what you just mentioned but lets be real here, apple makes the best arm chips PERIOD. A quad core apple a6 will blow away the tegra 3 with ease.

im just not a fan of android
everyone i know with an android fone had a lot of buggy issues so it turned me off from android

im ready for ipad 3 i know all about samsung, asus, etc tablets

i preferred to wait for the ipad3
Specs wise, it may not be the best, but user interface is something I'm already accustomed to and it is compatible with all my other devices.  I have a MBP, an iPhone and that is why the iPad just makes sense.
So that is a win in itself, and reason to purchase an iPad 3.  Plus I've messed around with a few and just loved it.
I need to get the iPad3 quick. Every time a apple product comes out the rumors start for the next one and I end up waiting.
and speaking of specs all companies do what you just mentioned but lets be real here, apple makes the best arm chips PERIOD. A quad core apple a6 will blow away the tegra 3 with ease.

O'really, tell me more about how samsung manufacture Apple processors, come on son lets be serious you know nothing about the A6 cause 1st nothing has been released about it not even benchmarks.

please show me where it says A6
sit down till march 7th and you can come back and spill more bs about something you still don't know.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by Girl Thats Drob

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Y'all still buying into this Apple hype when other companies are now flying past Apple in terms of technology, experience and value?

Examples? How are you going to say this and not elaborate at all? 
The ASUS Transformer Prime just to name 1 that's already out and there was a boatload of stuff on display at MWC and CES that will be better than the iPad 3 within weeks of its release.
Since Steve Jobs got too sick to lead the reigns Apple hasn't really innovated anything.

They just keep making minor changes to their products and surrounding them with major hype.

Apples a great company and I look forward to seeing the new Macbooks but its good to check out the competition instead of just blindly fawning over everything that Cupertino drops.

Unless they reveal that 3D technology (highly unlikely) that they filed a patent for recently, there will be a bunch of tablets in the coming weeks with better specs, better pricing and arguably better user experiences than what the iPad 3 will provide.

A better screen, quad core processor, better cameras, a 4G LTE radio, more storage and some proprietary software additions that encourage you to buy more Apple products and remain faithful to their ecosystem...thats what you can expect on March 7th.

If that's ground for you to be excited...more power to you.

But to me, the iPad and iPhone are no longer leaders of the pack.

Macbooks still reign supreme however.


but i dont like macbooks either
half the price, hell quarter the price, i can get windows pc with similar hardware spec lol. dont care or need to use ios. 
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