***Official Iron Man 2 Movie Thread*** Go Watch It!!!!

Oh my,
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Mickey is the PERFECT bad guy.......that was absolutely SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cant wait.

This. They COULD NOT have picked an better actor for that role. %!++ is gonna be ridiculous
Glad they chose the War Machine design to be a black/silver look instead of an all chrome suit like they hinted in Iron Man 1


Possible Spoiler:

This guy at the comic shop was telling me that the reason Rourke's character, Ivan Vanko, is in prison has to do withTony Starks father, Howard Stark & Ivan's father (Anton Vanko) used to do business and Howard Stark did him dirty in a cut throat business deal thatleft his father in the poor house (and into suicide or something) which resulted in his son going into a life of crime. And since his father was a sciencegenius he read up on his fathers research and studied it heavily when he would get locked up and that's why he has an obsession with Tony (all thenewspaper clippings in his cell)...He wants revenge. Oh yea, forgot about this....Justin Hammer finds something in commonwith Ivan Vanko (Wants Tony dead) and so then he hires the Black Widow or Iron Maiden (one of them, or both of them) to help him escape out ofjail....

Not a fan of Iron Man, but the movie does look entertaining. Hopefully they put as much work into the story as they did in the action scenes.
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