***Official Iron Man 2 Movie Thread*** Go Watch It!!!!

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by masterhammy23

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo




I hear there is going to be quite a bit of Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in this one. Two thumbs up already, doesn't matter if it sucks.
Who would've thought Jon Favreau would've been this excellent at directing [even though I Loved Elf]. He and Downey really outdid themselves in thefirst one. One of my favorites. Can't wait for the second one.
[h1]UPDATED: Iron Man 2 Panel at Comic-Con 2009[/h1]

This is the big one this year! Our man on the ground, Brent Sprecher is texting us messages from inside the Iron Man 2 preview in Hall-H. Here's what's going on...

With only 160 characters, these tidbits are coming in small snippets, so be sure to tune back in to ComicBookMovie.com when Brent does his full write up tonight. Here's what's coming in:

Brent's Text message...

-On the panel is RDJ, Scarjo, Rockwell and Cheadle (No Mickey Rourke)...

-Crowd going nuts...

-Starts with mock footage, then actual footage...

-Stark & Nick Fury, courtroom scene...

-Black widow in action...

-Whiplash attacking Stark with electro whips...

-Final footage of War Machine in action...

Well, it looks like they know how to play to the crowd. I'm sure War Machine is gonna get the fanboys screaming as loud as the Twilighters when Rob Pattinson takes off his shirt.

-Here come the questions...

-Favreau deflects a question about The Avengers... Says he's still focused on delivering one more Iron Man movie, but promoted Brannagh's Thor... Says he's "Happy to be a part of it, in some way."

-Mickey is sorry he couldn't be there. Most of his scenes are with Sam Rockwell...

-Talking about Tony using alcohol to deal with the pressures of being Iron Man...

That is interesting news. Entertainment Weekly made it sound as though the "Demon in a Bottle" storyline about Stark's alcoholism was dropped. Favs was quoted as saying, "If you went straight into 'Demon in a Bottle,' it would end up feeling like Leaving Las Vegas... The story doesn't give you much"

-Cheadle makes them play the preview clip over again... Audience goes wild... They are digging the War Machine scene...

That's all that is coming in. Brent isn't responding back to my replies, so he must be going into the press interviews area now. Be sure to check back tonight to see what he's got to report!

Very exciting!

UPDATE: Brent is texting again from the Q & A...

-I just talked to Sam Rockwell. He's only got a few scenes with Stark and one with Johansson. He describes his character as "an evil mentor" to Mickey Rourkes character...

-Scarjo says that the Gwyneth cat fight rumors are false...

-Don Cheadle said he has no bad blood with Terrance Howard. "It's between him (Terrance) and the studio."

-Scarjo says that the Gwyneth cat fight rumors are false...

-I asked Scarjo if she was going to keep her Black Widow costume like her prom dress, so she could try it on in 5 years to see if it still fit, and she said, "Why? Is that what you did with yours?"

I just texted Brent back to ask Scarlett what she thinks about her hubby (Ryan Reynolds) getting the part of Green Lantern. Let's hope he gets to ask it. Stay tuned. Too late.

-Both Downey and Favreau talked about films AFTER Iron Man 2, that they were still in the early stages of talks...

-No confirmation was given whether the Hulk would be in The Avengers, but they said "Hulk characters" will be!

Does that mean that the government is irradiating more super soldiers and they are going to be part of the team? Or maybe the villains of this one? Hmmmm.

-Rockwell is looking to do a follow-up to the short film "Robin's Big Date" in which he plays Batman...
I'm not even watching that.

I want to go in FRESH for this movie. I want every second of it to be new when I see it.
@ the kid in the 2nd video... from the moment he started talkin hewanted to draw an applause, then he had to actually ask for it

@ RDJ playing War Machine
Can't wait, the line up of movies they have releasing over the next couple years are going to be huge. Hopefully they dont let us down. I wonder how thenext three spiderman movies will turn out.
[h1]Kevin Feige Announces "Avengers" Line Up[/h1]

After the "Iron Man 2" footage, io9 got a few moments with Marvel Producer Kevin Feige, who told them who's in the movie version of Marvel's superteam, the Avengers..

Io9__Do you know what heroes are we going to be putting in The Avengers? How close are you to discovering who the core characters are?

Feige__I think we know. I think it's going to be Iron Man and Thor, Captain America and Nick Fury. I think it's safe to assume that there will be some members of the Hulk universe in the film as well. In terms of the additional I think Black Widow, sure. The SHIELD organization for sure. What's exciting, for me, about The Avengers movie is seeing those four characters interact with each other. I think anywhere from the first issues of The Avengers to Civil War the dynamic between Steve Rogers and Tony Stark is just awesome, it's fascinating. It brings out sides in others that won't be brought out in the other franchises. Going forward with the mix is a whole other thing, I think it will be cool. So to pile on another 15 or 10, frankly more than four would be too many.

Is the Hulk in it?

Zak Penn is outlining it as we speak, so we'll see.

Are you going to test potential Captain America people against Robert knowing they'll have work together at some point?

We've already been doing a little bit of that, to an extent. We're certainly casting all of the actors knowing that they need to carry, whether they are the good guy or the bad guy or a small part, not only their own franchise but playing an important part in the Avengers franchise. We are definitely keeping that in mind as we are casting.

Has Chris Hemsworth [Thor] said that he would meet with Robert?

Oh yes, that was the first meeting of Thor and Tony Stark, it was pretty cool.

So, no Wasp or Hank Pym by the sounds of it. Unless Feige is keeping a few secrets, but it doesn't seem likely.
First one was good, and will definitely check this one out but I hope it doesn't suck like most sequels.

TheGr8BlkHope wrote:

whats the cast lookin liike for that Cap America movie?

Hasnt really been made public... im sure they are gonna keep it under wraps like they did Thor's characters...
Jensen Ackles, seems to be getting the most love for the Cap role tho.


"Captain America: The First Avenger" will be a marketing challenge overseas for Marvel Studios and distributor Paramount Pictures

After "Iron Man 2," Marvel Studios has two ambitious additions to it's big screen universe: "Thor" and "Captain America: The First Avenger." Director Kenneth Branagh is already hard at work at "Thor" with Chris Hemsworth recently cast as the Norse God, but "Captain America" remains an intriguing challenge.

Marvel hopes to tie in all its characters through "Captain America" as almost a prequel for an "Avengers" movie afterward. Unlike the characters of Iron Man, Hulk, Spider-Man or Thor, Captain America is as patriotic as you can get. Considering the United States standing in some Western overseas countries, this could be a very hard sell. While speaking to Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige today at Comic-Con, I asked him if he was concerned about launching a franchise that would be dependent on strong international grosses to make a profit with such a singularly patriotic character. Especially, when the declining DVD market is making those overseas numbers more important than ever.

"It certainly comes into play that we would be foolish to forge ahead without considering that, but the truth is 'Captain America' is really the story of Steve Rogers," Feige says. "Like Peter Parker, like Bruce Banner, like Tony Stark -- by the way, Tony Stark is about as jingoistic as there is. He's constantly talking about America and making weapons to go to war with the rest of the world with and it did extremely well overseas, because his story is engaging. This movie is Steve Rogers origin story. And I think it's our burden and our job to make Steve Rogers as appealing as any of our other characters. He's doing his best. He's not just the perfect boy scout following the orders every time. He's got an ideal that he wants to live up to and I think that's going to be fascinating."

Feige continued, "Also, setting it in the Marvel version of World War II I think is going to open it up in another big way. And then the rest frankly is marketing. What's funny is, it will actually end up being our most diverse and our most international film in terms of the content of the movie itself. It takes place overseas much more than any of our other films do. And in terms of cast there is a group that Steve works with that will have an opportunity for international actors than any of our other films."

Does that mean the World War II superhero group The Invaders will be part of the film then?

"I dunno," Feige says with a slight smile.

The Invaders were a precursor to The Avengers and DC Comic's Justice League of America which featured Captain America, his sidekick Bucky, the U.K's Union Jack and Fury, the original Human Torch and his sidekick Toro as well as the Sub Mariner. Including those supporting characters, similar to the formula of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," could severely lessen the film's patriotic fervor.

Feige said the movie will explore the super soldier program, the Red Skull (Captain America's arch nemesis) and the evil organization Hydra. As he notes, "As you know if you read the comics, the origin of Captain America is really the origin of the Marvel Universe."

He also added that the WW II era Human Torch, which was not the same character as the Fantastic Four Human Torch, is under the company's domain for the big screen and could appear in "Captain America," but he's unsure if it will.

As for casting the iconic hero, Feige says "If we make any announcements before October I'd be surprised, but we're always looking."

"Captain America: The First Avenger" will start production next June for a May 4, 2012 release.
Thor's characters thus far;
Thor - Chris Hemsworth
Loki - Tom Hiddleston
Jane Foster - Natalie Portaman

this dude (Tom Hiddleston)�is gonna kill it as Loki, seems like a natural for the role


Jon Favreau premiered a sizzle reel for Iron Man 2 during the film's Hall H panel. You can read a description of the footage after the jump.

Tony Stark is eating a donut while laying in the hole of the huge donut on the roof of Randy's Donuts. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury yells up "Sir,I'm gonna have to ask you to exit the donut!"

Cut to: Stark and Fury inside the restaurant eating and chatting. Stark asks if Fury was going to ask him to join his group again, to which Nick responds"I remember, you do everything yourself. How is that working out for you?" Stark asks Fury if he is supossed to look at his working eye or the eyepatch.

Cut to: A government court hearing, where Tony is talking with Pepper Potts a few rows behind him. Senator Stern Asks Tony if he posseses a weapon, the ironman weapon. Stark says that its not a weapon, and that technically it's a high tech prosthesis.

"Its a weapon Mr Stark!

"If your priority was to protect…"

"Well you can forget it!"

"I am Iron Man, the suit and I am one. You cant have it!"

The Senator calls Rhodey to the stand. Rhodey walks by Stark and tells him he'll deal with it.

The Senator asks Stark what his point is and Stark responds that his point is "You're welcome, I'm your nuclear deterrent," … "I'vekept the world safe, what more do you want? I tried to play ball with these %*@ clowns!" The Senator then says "F- You Mr. Stark!"

A montage begins with shots of newspapers and magazines with Stark on the cover. Voice over in a Russian accent "You come from a family of thieves andbutchers…" Shots of Rourke putting together his whiplash suit. A bunch of random shots, including a bunch of girls dancing in front of a display with theAmerican flag, and Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, kicking %*@. Rourke arrives at the race car track in his Whiplash suit. He activates it and the wireslight up with electricity as he whips them around. Stark is bloody, in his racing suit, down on the concrete. We see a close-up of Rourke laughing.

Cut to: Iron Man flying through the night air, dodging missiles which explode behind him, as he blasts towards Earth.

The Iron Man 2 logo appears on the screen, along with the music.

Then we get an extra sequence. Rhodey in a air plane hanger. Justin Hammer walks over and asks what this is about and Rhodey says it's classified. Hammerlooks down at a suit, which appears to be Stark's old Mark II armor. "Is that what I think it is?" "What can you do for us?" Hammershows Rhodey a bunch of different weaponry. Rhodey tells Hammer "I think i'll take it." "Which one?" "All of it." Cut to: Ashot of War Machine blasting off his guns.
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