Official Jags vs. Pats Thread - What good is "ball control" when your down by 21?

What the hell has gotten into Maroney?

JRain must be cryin himself to sleep because Moss hasn't done anything all game.
BTW... someone was asking about the logo with the triangular shape and's the Gilette stadium logo.....
Jacksonville just can't sit in the zone the entire game, they are giving Brady way too much time to throw.
this is really bad. really they should have scored before the half and made it a 2 possession. but it's too close. jags just waiting for the onemistake...then again, it;s the pats....they don;t usually make those mistakes.
I know this is a very close game, but how scary is it that Brady is really perfect. The Jags are in a defense that will give Brady time and try to force him tomake a decision throwing into 7 or 8 defenders left back, and Brady is so patient and throws perfect passes. He should be 20/20
brady with another damn the guy is the assassin. need the pats def to tighten up now.
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