Official Jazz vs. Lakers vol. Game 5 5/14/08 7:30PT TNT

Fish is the key to this series, he stays out of foul trouble, we beat the Jazz.
Damn Lakers need to play some DAMN DEFENSE & clean up those turnovers or else we will be going back to Utah down 3-2 after tonight.
Horrible D by Lakers
Refs calling every third foul on Jazz
Damn Lakers need to play some DAMN DEFENSE
waits for Noblekane to chime in - LAKERS DON'T PLAY DEFENSE.

Ariza can help out...

but please cut down on the turnovers..
i like it when the lakers are diving on the floor...with their advantage in length that means they are playing some defense, getting their hands on the ball.

Avery Johnson is a good fit on TNT.
Farmar DAMMIT he hit one 3 in the first half then just disappeared again.

You can really tell he's lost all of the confidence he gained by playing well this regular season.

Dude is seriously looking like a NBDL basketball player right now in the playoffs.

Give Coby Karl his playoff roster spot instead.
Originally Posted by Kidskillz858

Farmar DAMMIT he hit one 3 in the first half then just disappeared again.

You can really tell he's lost all of the confidence he gained by playing well this regular season.

Dude is seriously looking like a NBDL basketball player right now in the playoffs.

Give Coby Karl his playoff roster spot instead.

I think its more of him getting torched on D which leads to him losing confidence on the offensive end, having to guard AI and Deron and getting murkedtime after time would make a young player lose confidence, but he needs to shake that off, cause we need more than just Sasha and Ronny to contribute off thebench.
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