well it goes like this....you manage to cart your size finally, you fill out everything to checkout, you go checkout and get an error and that you have to use another method or whatever bs it says, so you have to try and checkout again....but the catch is even though it tells you you didnt checkout successfully the first time, your funds still get held for a few hours up to a day depending on your bank.
so lets say u try to checkout again, and lets say it rejects you again cause their system sucks so bad...guess what? thats more funds they take and have pending that you cannot use unless they release it.
so if you get errors checking out like say....5 times for a $200 shoe....youre gonna have $1000 of your money being held in pending. not to mention you still gotta have $200 in your account if you want to checkout successfully on the 6th try.
thats y if i have just enough money on my account for a release, i dont go near finishline. cause if i fail checkout 1 time, they hold the funds i have just enough off to cop, and now im screwed and cant cop the release from any other sites until they release.