Ben I enjoyed your posts. I agree, people need to be careful about what they're trying to pass off as truth/fact on this board. People, please do your diligent research before posting stuff here. A lot of "knowledge" being discussed is not backed by scientific research. Before jumping into something that you think is healthy from what you learned from a magazine or from google, please consult an actual nutrition expert, dietician, or doctor.

Ultimately it's great that people are trying new things and experimenting with new eating habits, but you don't need to develop an eating disorder in the process.
I agree. a 2 week or even 30 day fast is never a good ideal... I can see 1 week wiht the right receipe. But you can still eat good dinners but it have to be light and healthy...

Usually i snack on almonds between juices and at dinner baked fish or chicken with beans,and/or vegtables

This is tell i figure out what is what and start picking out the right foods to eat
And how do you know this to be true? Because you read an article? Because GNC and men's fitness says you need protein and the best way to get it is from meat and dairy? I'm seriously curious as to how you came up with that and how you feel you know enough to tell who knows how many people over the internet that it's truth. That's called ignorantly irresponsible.

This is what I mean by critical thinking.

Those things couldn't be further from the truth. It's big business to have the current paradigm the way it is. You think they are gonna tell the Joe Shmoe 9 to 5rs What the truth is? Why would you think that? You think they care about you? Turn on your tv tonight and tell me every commercial isn't "Eat this meat, add some cheese" "are you feeling sick? Buy this pill!" "Want some more cheese with that meat?" "Libido ain't working anymore? Buy this pill!".

To the guy speaking about his grandparents. What was there activity level in their 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's? How was their cognitive function? Could they take care of themselves? If all of your answers explain that they were fit, had their wits and could take care of themselves on their own then my friend, that is purely genetics. It's the exception, not the rule. 1 in every 3 Americans gets cancer or dies from heart failure or has a stroke or gets diabetes. These statistics have skyrocketed since the 1900's once our diets became more and more meat, dairy and wheat based. The numbers are sky rocketing to unimaginable levels since processed foods and artificial sweetners entered agriculture. We have two or three generations now of people who don't know what real food is.

I could post countless references to back these claims but I know nt don't like to read past 2 paragraphs unless it fits their current belief system.

Sorry if I feel like I'm attacking but in this entire thread I've been nothing but helpful and compassionate and understanding. But even the zen master has a Bruce lee karate chop in him lol.

If you're open minded and curious I'd love to share.

To the ones doing the damn thing, keep it up! The road less traveled is the most rewarding!
Rustles jimmied 

So what is the truth Mr Dr BEN!!! And where do you get the truth from?Im posting facts

Do you know everyday our body comes in contact with harmful things, air and foods.. and WIFi is harmful even cell phones

Sex can be harmful

but we do we say and do.. Be moderate with it and fast everynow and then like a oil change
How long did you do it for?
What was your goal?

There were many times where I wanted to quit too. Just felt like say EFF THIS JUICING CRAP and give me some food. But my weight and the way I looked in pictures motivated me to stay on track. That and my wife not letting me quit. Thats why I suggested to all those that want to juice, juice with a partner (preferably someone who lives with you). This will help you and that other person stay focused on your goal.

The good thing about you is that you didnt quite juicing, you just stopped your fasting.

I'm doing it more for support for my girl because she wants to start eating right and exercising more, however I wouldn't mind doing the same (diet/exercise). Kinda a scumbag move to eat burgers and pizza in front of your partner if they are trying to eat right. TBH I went into the fast kinda unprepared, didn't have little snacks to keep me going which is no good. I'm going to continue to juicing and eating right, but I'm going to allow some cheat days here and there. My girl is a trooper though, unless she's sneaking in some questionable food at work she's holding it down.
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yall needs to relax & be more moderate with da pseudo rustling

This. No need for the hostilely or the name calling. This is a new experience for me and probably a lot others and it's not something that I'm certainly used too. It should be about uplifting and promoting positive stuff and sharing recipes/hacks. If I wanted to hear negativity and name calling I'll go into the monthly hyped sneaker thread.
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fasting resets your body. There is nothing wrong with eating stuff but you have to do it in small amounts and fast for 3 days every now and then. Also make sure you pick quality meats and fish.. Grass feed

quality meats are good and all but not necessary in a diet at all.
I won't apologize for defending my livelihood and believe it or not, yours as well. I didn't name call. I asked a question. Instead of receiving a direct answer, all I got were responses that proved any of the above claims to be true.

Go back a few pages and see my polite, positive responses. My inbox is filled with convos with people who I've helped, FOR FREE.

The reason for the perception of hostility is the constant post after post of disinformation, passing it off as fact and then giving it to people as if you've earned a degree to do so continuing to harm lives in the process. But I'm not being hostile. Tone and intent can't be detected through the 1's and 0's we call the internet.

If you're new to the thread I understand you wouldn't know about my previous posts here. So for that, I apologize. I also apologize to myself. Sometimes I forget that what I know isn't common knowledge so I break here and there. Better to have those under an internet identity then in RL with real clients lol.
Are you guys fasting adding chia seeds to your juice? What about water intake? U need to drink a lot of water while fasting. I know it's def hard but did u guy start fasting cold turkey also ? That def makes it harder on the body the shock of no food.

Was lazy used the nutri Bullet instead of my juicer last night. Fruit juices help when I work over night. Clean snack View media item 920064
I add flaxseed and hemp hearts to my juices, always been a heavy water drinker here too. I did it cold turkey and it was definitely a shock, and I set my self up to fail because I didn't have things to snack on. However, since I've been juicing my craving has been going away slowly which is great. I may revisit the fast in the near future now that I know where I failed.
So, for people that are already healthy is there any real benefit to juicing? I'm not looking to try and lose 5-10 pounds just to gain it right back. Is there some actual tangible benefit to doing a fast, as opposed to me just continuing to increase my exercise and replacing dinner with a packed juice to drop those 5 to 10 pounds slowly? Is this restart/reset your body thing just a myth? Is all that is happening is a lower caloric intake?
I juice once a day. Drink a gal an half a day of water, easy as hell. My prob is posworkout where I'm hungry as fu, what do I do for that, I down some hemp protein, but it doesn't feel like a meal (because it isn't)
Are you guys fasting adding chia seeds to your juice? What about water intake? U need to drink a lot of water while fasting. I know it's def hard but did u guy start fasting cold turkey also ? That def makes it harder on the body the shock of no food.

Was lazy used the nutri Bullet instead of my juicer last night. Fruit juices help when I work over night. Clean snack View media item 920064
Answers to your questions

-Are you guys fasting adding chia seeds to your juice?
Yes, adding chia seeds to your juices while fasting will help a lot. Chia seeds have a lot of benefits, main 2 are to help you lose weight and helping you feel full.

-What about water intake?
It doesnt matter if your fasting or not fasting, you should be drinking a lot of water through out the day. If you're fasting, I strongly suggest you drink a lot of water. By doing so, you will feel less hungry through out the day.

- I know it's def hard but did u guy start fasting cold turkey?
I did. The night before I began Juicing and Fasting, my family and I went to FLEMMINGS STEAK HOUSE. I had a 10oz filet mignon with Mashed potatoes and Mac n Cheese. After Dinner, we headed to Costco to buy fruits and veggies and the next day we started our juicing. I felt good for about a week. After a week I felt everything change (for the better).

Hope these answers help you out.
So, for people that are already healthy is there any real benefit to juicing? I'm not looking to try and lose 5-10 pounds just to gain it right back. Is there some actual tangible benefit to doing a fast, as opposed to me just continuing to increase my exercise and replacing dinner with a packed juice to drop those 5 to 10 pounds slowly? Is this restart/reset your body thing just a myth? Is all that is happening is a lower caloric intake?
Doing a straight Juice fast is a way to CLEAN OUT your system of all the bad crap you've eaten. I do a fast once a month (i try really hard to do this) just to clean out my system. You will lose weight a long the way because youre not eating, but youre flushing your body from all the bad.

If youre going to do it, do it for 3-7 days. But it has to be nothing but juices, NO SOLIDS. I keep reading people post telling others Its ok to juice and eat healthy snacks. That defeats the purpose of a JUICE FAST.

And a lot of people have a misconception of what a healthy snack really is. Read the labels is one the best things to do. Know how much protein, grams sugars and ingredients are in that product before eating it.

My best advice though, listen to ben roethlisberger ben roethlisberger hes been dropping knowledge since day one. I took all of his advice (except becoming a vegan :tongue:) and it helped me out. Dude really knows what hes talking about.
That is what actually i wanted to it proven to clean out and benefit your body? Scientifically? I get what you are saying...but i dont know if i believe there to be a tangible improvement in my quality of life.

For example, if i eat healthy and drink juice once a day versus eat healthy drink juice once a day and juice fast 3 days once a month will that make me live longer, have better sleep, recover from sickness faster, get sick less etc? Just seeing if anyone knows if any true scientific benefit has been shown.

A slight tangent; beliefs are just as important as what you eat. They did a placebo test and labeled one milkshake delicious etc and the othrr low calorie diet etc. They were both 300 calories. Afterwards they neasured gherelin, aka hunger satiation, and people who thought they had the high calorie milkshake had 3x lower levels. Meaning their body chemically told them they were much less hungry.
That is what actually i wanted to it proven to clean out and benefit your body? Scientifically? I get what you are saying...but i dont know if i believe there to be a tangible improvement in my quality of life.

For example, if i eat healthy and drink juice once a day versus eat healthy drink juice once a day and juice fast 3 days once a month will that make me live longer, have better sleep, recover from sickness faster, get sick less etc? Just seeing if anyone knows if any true scientific benefit has been shown.

A slight tangent; beliefs are just as important as what you eat. They did a placebo test and labeled one milkshake delicious etc and the othrr low calorie diet etc. They were both 300 calories. Afterwards they neasured gherelin, aka hunger satiation, and people who thought they had the high calorie milkshake had 3x lower levels. Meaning their body chemically told them they were much less hungry.

Scientifically proven? Not sure, watch the video though. The second half of the video is on a gentlemen by the name of Phil (I think). He was an beyond obese truck driver. He reached out to Joe for help and the rest is magic.

Ive also ready stories by people that were just like Phil. They took a buffet of pills in the AM just so their body can function properly. After 60 days (or more) of juicing, eating healthy and exercising their DRs. either reduced or took away their pills. To me, thats IMPROVEMENT IN QUALITY LIFE.

And yes, when you juice, eat healthy and exercise you do sleep better, recover from sickness faster and get sick less. I know because I experience all of that first hand. My first week of juicing, my said I stopped snoring. I began to sleep better., no tossing and turning and woke up full of energy. I would even beat my alarm clock.

I got sick twice while doing a 30 day juicing. The first time was a cold. I felt I got sick at around 2 pm the day of. Woke up at 6 am and it was completely gone. I had some chicken broth because I thought that would help me but the homie ben roethlisberger ben roethlisberger said I didnt need it. Its just our minds reminding us what our grandma used to say when we were kids. All I really needed was nutrients on my body.

The second time I got sick was a little stronger than the first one. Began getting body aches and a fever along with chills at about 6pm. Got home drank a juice and went to sleep. The next day I called in sick to work and slept all day. I didnt any juice because I was nauseated. At around 3 pm I woke up and drank a juice. By dinner time I still felt nauseated and vomit but nothing came out. After that I was ready and good to go. I even went on a run.

Bottom line, juicing, eating healthy and exercising really does work. I strongly recommend Juicing to anyone who wants to start over, lose some weight and start being healthy.

Sorry, was in a hurry towards the end, I apologize if I missed something.
Dj or Ben hova give us "snack" ideas, I already incorperate alot of almonds apple's and bananas in my daily, everything is becoming so repetitive, I crave a lemon homerun pie on the daily bros
Dj or Ben hova give us "snack" ideas, I already incorperate alot of almonds apple's and bananas in my daily, everything is becoming so repetitive, I crave a lemon homerun pie on the daily bros
This is what I eat for snacks

-Cut up apples with a table spoon of natural peanut butter (Natural meaning all it contains is nuts and a little bit of salt)
-Cucumbers with lemon and chili powder
-A hand full of mixed nuts (sticking to one can get boring)
-A fruit salad mixed with watermelon, mangos, oranges, melon and cantaloupe.
Answers to your questions

-Are you guys fasting adding chia seeds to your juice?
Yes, adding chia seeds to your juices while fasting will help a lot. Chia seeds have a lot of benefits, main 2 are to help you lose weight and helping you feel full.

-What about water intake?
It doesnt matter if your fasting or not fasting, you should be drinking a lot of water through out the day. If you're fasting, I strongly suggest you drink a lot of water. By doing so, you will feel less hungry through out the day.

- I know it's def hard but did u guy start fasting cold turkey?
I did. The night before I began Juicing and Fasting, my family and I went to FLEMMINGS STEAK HOUSE. I had a 10oz filet mignon with Mashed potatoes and Mac n Cheese. After Dinner, we headed to Costco to buy fruits and veggies and the next day we started our juicing. I felt good for about a week. After a week I felt everything change (for the better).

Hope these answers help you out.
Doing a straight Juice fast is a way to CLEAN OUT your system of all the bad crap you've eaten. I do a fast once a month (i try really hard to do this) just to clean out my system. You will lose weight a long the way because youre not eating, but youre flushing your body from all the bad.

If youre going to do it, do it for 3-7 days. But it has to be nothing but juices, NO SOLIDS. I keep reading people post telling others Its ok to juice and eat healthy snacks. That defeats the purpose of a JUICE FAST.

And a lot of people have a misconception of what a healthy snack really is. Read the labels is one the best things to do. Know how much protein, grams sugars and ingredients are in that product before eating it.

My best advice though, listen to @Ben Roethlisberger hes been dropping knowledge since day one. I took all of his advice (except becoming a vegan
) and it helped me out. Dude really knows what hes talking about.
I threw them questions out there for those interesting in fasting, good stuff bro on the answers, great insight for those interested. I'm about to do another 4 week fast. I never did cold turkey that ish sucks! I usually get a group of people to do the fast with me via my gram and facebook. (Great way to take down chicks also lol) But I am writing a lil How To Guide and giving them a crap load of recipes. I'll def share it once I complete it. 
I won't apologize for defending my livelihood and believe it or not, yours as well. I didn't name call. I asked a question. Instead of receiving a direct answer, all I got were responses that proved any of the above claims to be true.

Go back a few pages and see my polite, positive responses. My inbox is filled with convos with people who I've helped, FOR FREE.

The reason for the perception of hostility is the constant post after post of disinformation, passing it off as fact and then giving it to people as if you've earned a degree to do so continuing to harm lives in the process. But I'm not being hostile. Tone and intent can't be detected through the 1's and 0's we call the internet.

If you're new to the thread I understand you wouldn't know about my previous posts here. So for that, I apologize. I also apologize to myself. Sometimes I forget that what I know isn't common knowledge so I break here and there. Better to have those under an internet identity then in RL with real clients lol.
Hope these answers help you out.
Doing a straight Juice fast is a way to CLEAN OUT your system of all the bad crap you've eaten. I do a fast once a month (i try really hard to do this) just to clean out my system. You will lose weight a long the way because youre not eating, but youre flushing your body from all the bad.

If youre going to do it, do it for 3-7 days. But it has to be nothing but juices, NO SOLIDS. I keep reading people post telling others Its ok to juice and eat healthy snacks. That defeats the purpose of a JUICE FAST.

And a lot of people have a misconception of what a healthy snack really is. Read the labels is one the best things to do. Know how much protein, grams sugars and ingredients are in that product before eating it.

My best advice though, listen to @Ben Roethlisberger hes been dropping knowledge since day one. I took all of his advice (except becoming a vegan
) and it helped me out. Dude really knows what hes talking about.
I think some of you took my post the wrong way. Yes i did say it is okay ti eat small poritions of fish, healthy snacks and chicken But i was meaning after the 3-7 day cleanse

It only takes 3-7 days to reset and cleanse your body, no need to do it for 30 days just to feel great and cleanse body, but you can continue to juice but after that 7 days , start eating healthy foods and small healthy portions for dinner , but always have you 1-2 daily juices a day as well

Im not really a big dinner anyways, I can eat one meal a day and be good for the whole day, it all about eating the right thing

I did my 7 day cleanse now i do 1 juice a day and a protien shake midday along with small healthy snacks and fish or chicken for dinner
Luckily I am able to keep them stored in a fridge at home and at work at all times. Just make them in advance and store them at home so you can have one right when you get back from the gym.
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