Official Lakers at Suns Game 4| Lakers lead (2-1)

Originally Posted by AG 47

I think we'll be okay tonight...Amare will NEVER put up another 40 and 10 night in the playoffs again. EVER.
Can't say never. Just not against LA. LA should pull this out and close it in LA next game. On to The Finals
Originally Posted by AG 47

I think we'll be okay tonight...Amare will NEVER put up another 40 and 10 night in the playoffs again. EVER.
And he won't have to if the suns shoot decently from beyond the arc.
Comes down to whether the ref will favor the Suns (like in Game 3) or will they call it fair (like Games 1 and 2)
Originally Posted by hellomarco


Channing Frye is 27 years old ?
Always thought he's 23, 24 max.
Originally Posted by tmoney85

Comes down to whether the ref will favor the Suns (like in Game 3) or will they call it fair (like Games 1 and 2)
Give me a break. Both the ECF and WCF have been poorly officiated PERIOD.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by tmoney85

Comes down to whether the ref will favor the Suns (like in Game 3) or will they call it fair (like Games 1 and 2)
Give me a break. Both the ECF and WCF have been poorly officiated PERIOD.
True.  Both have been awful.  The refs this entire playoffs have been awful. 

Game 3 was horriblly officated.  And Boston gets away with murder on every play, but its okay because they play "aggressive" %%@*$
Gimme Arenas and Bosh this summer!

far fetched I know.. but I really do think Bynum will be somewhere else next season. If dude can stay healthy wherever hes at, he'll be a force to be reckoned with. His length + already being 7'1 can cause huge problems for the opposition. But at the same time, he's been working with the best Center of all time (Kareem) for a couple of years now and really hasn't been
for a long stretch of a season.

Back to the game, if we dont know how to figure out how to attack a zone defense in 2 days then we deserve to lose. That garbage the other night was flat out embarassing. No NBA team, let alone #1 seed, should ever struggle as horribly as they did the other night. Not just the 3pt attempts/misses.. but these guys couldnt even make a pass without it getting deflected, turnovers were ridiculous.

Winning tonight and being 1 win away from the Finals again would be an incredible feeling, should be a good one.

Im saying Lakeshow by 5.
Originally Posted by got shoes

 LA should pull this out and close it in LA next game. On to The Finals

& as for Bosh, if we somehow land him this summer...


our talent level would be stupid crazy
We'd still be weak at the PG position though, but still. It's been a while since the Lakers had an above average PG anyway
I don't feel like the Suns will be able to win two games in a row at any point in this series. Any time they throw something new at LA, Phil and company will come back the next game with a plan to stop it.

Lakers by 12.
For some reason i do not want Bosh. Rather have Drew play Center. He just needs to be a healthy for a full year, b4 we deal him off like that.
i admit i said do it mitch! to that bosh to bynum trade but correct me if im wrong but isnt bosh and gasol basically play the same?

ehhh what the hell am i saying? f it
do it mitch!

back to the game

i wanna say we win by 14+ but my gut tells me its going back to LA 2-2
Originally Posted by got shoes

For some reason i do not want Bosh. Rather have Drew play Center. He just needs to be a healthy for a full year, b4 we deal him off like that.

Not gonna happen. No use paying $13 mil+ a year for a guy who has no history of being able to stay healthy for an entire year. Time to cut our losses. Pau can play center, only teams we would have "trouble" with up front are the same ones now, Orlando and Boston. Bosh would make us maybe "too skilled" (that's not a bad thing though).

Here's what I hope happens in the near future:

1) Lakers win tonight

2) Lakers close out on Thursday

3) Lakers beat the Celtics in the Finals

4) Lakers trade Bynum for Bosh

5) Sasha gets lost at sea while visiting some European country so we don't have to pay him next year

6) Lakers sign Ray Allen or Kyle Korver

7) Proceed to commence a 5 or 6 peat
Nash not wearing the mask..

They gonna "accidentally" throw the ball at his face.

Lakers by 11.
Lakers are not losing back-to-back. I would like to PHX to win, but it's not happening.

Mamba MVP wrote:

Originally Posted by got shoes

For some reason i do not want Bosh. Rather have Drew play Center. He just needs to be a healthy for a full year, b4 we deal him off like that.

Not gonna happen. No use paying $13 mil+ a year for a guy who has no history of being able to stay healthy for an entire year. Time to cut our losses. Pau can play center, only teams we would have "trouble" with up front are the same ones now, Orlando and Boston. Bosh would make us maybe "too skilled" (that's not a bad thing though).

Here's what I hope happens in the near future:

1) Lakers win tonight

2) Lakers close out on Thursday

3) Lakers beat the Celtics in the Finals

4) Lakers trade Bynum for Bosh CP3

5) Sasha gets lost at sea while visiting some European country so we don't have to pay him next year

6) Lakers sign Kyle Korver

7) Proceed to commence a 5 or 6 peat

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