Official: Lakers @ Spurs 1/14 6PM PST Game on ESPN HD

This game should be interesting, but man, cant wait for the Magic and Laker game on Friday. Lets hope lakers come out with some intensity since Spurs are agood team.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

spurs got gooood 3 point shooters

(hey FB23 you down for fantasy baseball, check the dodger thread man, youre ghost)
Have never done any fantasy leagues ever in my life

It just doesn't appeal to me for whatever reason.

I might look into it.
HaHa I love Jalen Rose as a commentator him and CWebb really surprised me with how good they are in the studio.
i mean spurs lead the league in 3pt%, how hard is it to guard the perimeter?
You see how effective the offense is when they go inside to Pau and Andrew.

Lakers need to take advantage inside.
Pau's shot is on tonight, they better keep feeding him


#+% wow fish, just spin uncontrollably in traffic and throw it up? nice
i always try to practice that spin move tony parker does, but i cant get it right
great start, I think it takes the Lakers playing an elite team to bring out the best in them
lakers are playing well as a team, good energy, good passing, keep passing it inside letsss go
I just played the Spurs in 2K9 and Pau was also redhot from the field, 9-9. I lost the game though
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