Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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we won't see eye to eye on this. neither of us will convince the other. we just going around in circles.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by DubA169

i don't call him a coward because he didn't sign with the knicks. i call him a coward because he wants nothing to do with competition. he was supposed to be the chosen one and we were sold a markerting campaign that he was a "king" that is why there is such intense backlash and confusion
That was your first mistake. Calling another man the chosen one. 2nd. I believe every lebron hater/laker fan has been hating on that term since he got in the league. I live in LA and you can not imagine how many times you hear corny @+% phrases like "Kings dont have rings" etc etc. And why is no one mentioning how they are called the "3 Kings" now. One thing Lebron never had was humility and you don't applaud him for being humble and sharing this nickname with his new teammates.

Originally Posted by dyyhard

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by DubA169

i don't call him a coward because he didn't sign with the knicks. i call him a coward because he wants nothing to do with competition. he was supposed to be the chosen one and we were sold a markerting campaign that he was a "king" that is why there is such intense backlash and confusion
That was your first mistake. Calling another man the chosen one. 2nd. I believe every lebron hater/laker fan has been hating on that term since he got in the league. I live in LA and you can not imagine how many times you hear corny @+% phrases like "Kings dont have rings" etc etc. And why is no one mentioning how they are called the "3 Kings" now. One thing Lebron never had was humility and you don't applaud him for being humble and sharing this nickname with his new teammates.


Clearly dude Scott Hall doesn't get it. 

Fam, he was running around calling himself the chosen one, the king, and soaking in the limelight of all these companies advertising him as the next greatest. That's why he's a coward. He took it all in, but isn't willing to give it his all. 
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by DubA169

i don't call him a coward because he didn't sign with the knicks. i call him a coward because he wants nothing to do with competition. he was supposed to be the chosen one and we were sold a markerting campaign that he was a "king" that is why there is such intense backlash and confusion
That was your first mistake. Calling another man the chosen one. 2nd. I believe every lebron hater/laker fan has been hating on that term since he got in the league. I live in LA and you can not imagine how many times you hear corny @+% phrases like "Kings dont have rings" etc etc. And why is no one mentioning how they are called the "3 Kings" now. One thing Lebron never had was humility and you don't applaud him for being humble and sharing this nickname with his new teammates.
Originally Posted by DubA169

if he went to chicago/clippers/Nets nobody would have the ammunition to call him a coward or a ring chaser. it would be the opposite of cowardly to try and go into MJ's house or the crazy intense pressure of the garden, or Kobe's house
I still don't get how this is the coward way out. Is the entire roster of the New York Yankees cowards? And I hate that ring chaser is a bad word. What's wrong with going after the biggest accomplishment in professional sports?
Originally Posted by DubA169

good for him and his fam. he made his decision. for some reason you don't understand that he is a public figure and there are repercussions to his decision. i don't mean someone hurting the guy physically, i mean consequesnces for his brand, marketing ability, and public perception. you seem to be mad that people are upset with him
I am not shocked at the reaction cause I knew no matter who he choose it was going to be backlash. I'm mad that people seem to be upset for all the wrong reasons. This man has no illegitimate seeds, hasnt been caught cheating, has a clean record and never been accused of any crime but yet is the most hated in sports. Where are your guy's morals and standards?

Originally Posted by DubA169

If it was just knicks fans who were dissapointed in him, why are fans from every team replying in this thread? why are hall of fame basketball players questioning his heart and competitive nature?

i thought the guy had a chance to be in the conversation for greatest ever.... to me and many people he can no longer be in the discussion. and that's just very dissapointing

I didn't say you were mad cause you're a knicks fan. I said if he signed to the Knicks you wouldn't be mad. Big difference in those two statements. And a lot of these hall of fame basketball players are ringless superstars so..... I don't care about their opinion. Webber and Barkely said they can never put jordan and bron in the same sentence. What does that matter when we cant put Webber or Barkley in the same sentence as Jordan?

And he is going to be in the conversation whether you like it or not. How can you knock someone out who has all the youngest to records, 2 MVPs, 1 final appearance only 7 years in his career and the ability to not only win championships but be the Finals MVP during them?
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by DubA169

i don't call him a coward because he didn't sign with the knicks. i call him a coward because he wants nothing to do with competition. he was supposed to be the chosen one and we were sold a markerting campaign that he was a "king" that is why there is such intense backlash and confusion
That was your first mistake. Calling another man the chosen one. 2nd. I believe every lebron hater/laker fan has been hating on that term since he got in the league. I live in LA and you can not imagine how many times you hear corny @+% phrases like "Kings dont have rings" etc etc. And why is no one mentioning how they are called the "3 Kings" now. One thing Lebron never had was humility and you don't applaud him for being humble and sharing this nickname with his new teammates.

Ok so if I get a tattoo on my knuckles that say "Jesus" are you going to call me Jesus and then act shocked and appalled when I dont turn water into wine? No thats crazy. So dont call Lebron The Chosen 1just cause he has a tattoo and dont be shocked and appalled when he doesnt change the NBA forever. He is a superstar. They come. They go
listening to the consensus of retired NBA players that I've heard on Bron (otis smith, barkley, cwebb, herb williams) is that most DO believe that the greats of the game take up a challenge rather than join their elite contemporaries. it's sad that retired players still affiliated with the HEAT (Zo, Riley, Tim Hardaway) will probably say otherwise to protect their new franchise's investment. I'm curious to see what they have to say.


^ my new sig for this summer.
Originally Posted by VaGixxer

Originally Posted by dyyhard

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by DubA169

i don't call him a coward because he didn't sign with the knicks. i call him a coward because he wants nothing to do with competition. he was supposed to be the chosen one and we were sold a markerting campaign that he was a "king" that is why there is such intense backlash and confusion
That was your first mistake. Calling another man the chosen one. 2nd. I believe every lebron hater/laker fan has been hating on that term since he got in the league. I live in LA and you can not imagine how many times you hear corny @+% phrases like "Kings dont have rings" etc etc. And why is no one mentioning how they are called the "3 Kings" now. One thing Lebron never had was humility and you don't applaud him for being humble and sharing this nickname with his new teammates. src="">

Clearly dude Scott Hall doesn't get it. 

Fam, he was running around calling himself the chosen one, the king, and soaking in the limelight of all these companies advertising him as the next greatest. That's why he's a coward. He took it all in, but isn't willing to give it his all. 
maybe he did give is all in the 7 years at cleveland and he just realized that he cant do it himself... some players take too long to realize that they cant do it, then they get credit for leaving to team and only scoring 5 points in a game...  how many more years can a man keep on losing and not break down...
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by dyyhard

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by DubA169

i don't call him a coward because he didn't sign with the knicks. i call him a coward because he wants nothing to do with competition. he was supposed to be the chosen one and we were sold a markerting campaign that he was a "king" that is why there is such intense backlash and confusion
That was your first mistake. Calling another man the chosen one. 2nd. I believe every lebron hater/laker fan has been hating on that term since he got in the league. I live in LA and you can not imagine how many times you hear corny @+% phrases like "Kings dont have rings" etc etc. And why is no one mentioning how they are called the "3 Kings" now. One thing Lebron never had was humility and you don't applaud him for being humble and sharing this nickname with his new teammates.

Ok so if I get a tattoo on my knuckles that say "Jesus" are you going to call me Jesus and then act shocked and appalled when I dont turn water into wine? No thats crazy. So dont call Lebron The Chosen 1just cause he has a tattoo and dont be shocked and appalled when he doesnt change the NBA forever. He is a superstar. They come. They go
You don't get it he sold the entire public something that he COULD have lived up to COULD. You can't live up to calling yourself Jesus.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by dyyhard

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by DubA169

i don't call him a coward because he didn't sign with the knicks. i call him a coward because he wants nothing to do with competition. he was supposed to be the chosen one and we were sold a markerting campaign that he was a "king" that is why there is such intense backlash and confusion
That was your first mistake. Calling another man the chosen one. 2nd. I believe every lebron hater/laker fan has been hating on that term since he got in the league. I live in LA and you can not imagine how many times you hear corny @+% phrases like "Kings dont have rings" etc etc. And why is no one mentioning how they are called the "3 Kings" now. One thing Lebron never had was humility and you don't applaud him for being humble and sharing this nickname with his new teammates.

Ok so if I get a tattoo on my knuckles that say "Jesus" are you going to call me Jesus and then act shocked and appalled when I dont turn water into wine? No thats crazy. So dont call Lebron The Chosen 1just cause he has a tattoo and dont be shocked and appalled when he doesnt change the NBA forever. He is a superstar. They come. They go
Nah but if you called yourself Jesus, the king of kings, made commercials playing off of that with lions and !@%+ sitting on a throne, to hype up an image and reputation you were never really about I could understand ppl being shocked and pissed off.

The argument is pretty understandable if you were aware of what he was doing before this and how fans of him and basketball reacted. I don't agree with all of it but it aint some incomprehensible viewpoint for this topic.
All I'm gonna say is what I wrote about a month and a half ago:
Are people this dense?

Stats aren't the end all, be all. There's more to being "the best" or a "a winner" than stats. I could rattle off player after player whose stats make them seem a lot better than they really are. We all know of these players.

What's holding Lebron back is his psychological makeup. You can't be "the best" unless you're a leader and Lebron is not a leader...yet.
Can he become one? It just may not be in his psychological makeup.

Lebron is a physical phenom but he isn't the first nor will he be the last. He may be the best physical phenom yet but that's all he may be.

Most arguing for Lebron do not even realize how hard the NBA hype machine has pushed for him ever since his HS days to even make arguments like this possible.
This is not about being  immature or being level headed. Lebron may be a little too level headed at times. Maybe it's because the game comes a little bit too easy for him (and it may have always been that way since he's young).

"Will to win" and "Killer instinct" may be a overused but Lebron just doesn't have it. If you claim that he does then you're lying to yourself.

There are players on losing teams who exhibit those traits. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to win it all on a consistent basis.

You know who Lebron reminds me of? Julius Erving. A phenom of an athlete. Also played on so so teams. Yet his biggest drawback was that he was too laid back.

Same thing was said about Wilt and Dominique (in their days; and I'm sure about others in other era's). James can be compared to others. He's not the end all be all of basketball.

Again, you're missing the point. It's not about being loud or being quite. Being immature or being levelheaded. It's about the mentality of the player.
If you don't believe that Tim Duncan had an intense mental state when it came to winning then I'd suggest that you re-watch those championship playoffs and read up on the interviews with others about Duncan's 'will to win' and how mentally intense (killer instinct, will to win, heart; whatever it's called) he was when it came to big games.

It's not about showing it or not showing it. Some people have it and others don't.  Whether you've played pick up games or organized sports then you  know some people are intense when it comes to winning/losing and others are not. It's no different at the higher levels.

Why do we need to get into anyone's head? Jordan was a mental beast on the court. Plenty of anecdotal evidence to support that. Plenty of anecdotal evidence that Bird stepped it up in high profile games and enjoyed the challenge(s) against the Lakers.

Lebron wants to play on a winning team? Who doesn't?

I loved it when the Cavs made the finals that year and all you heard was how great of a team the Cavs were and how Lebron would win a championship in the coming years. Then they fell short and now all of a sudden it's ..." Lebron didn't win because the Cavs are soooooooo bad...".
I'm glad LeBron exposed himself for the type of player he really is. It's not a knock against him.

Anyone seen the Sunday Convo on ESPN with Wade, Lebron and Bosch?  Lebron and Bosch wearing light colored jackets and Wade in an all black suit.
Wade is the boss and Bosch and Lebron are his lieutenants. Do not dare ever compare Lebron to Jordan or Kobe. Ever.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by VaGixxer

Originally Posted by dyyhard

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by DubA169

i don't call him a coward because he didn't sign with the knicks. i call him a coward because he wants nothing to do with competition. he was supposed to be the chosen one and we were sold a markerting campaign that he was a "king" that is why there is such intense backlash and confusion
That was your first mistake. Calling another man the chosen one. 2nd. I believe every lebron hater/laker fan has been hating on that term since he got in the league. I live in LA and you can not imagine how many times you hear corny @+% phrases like "Kings dont have rings" etc etc. And why is no one mentioning how they are called the "3 Kings" now. One thing Lebron never had was humility and you don't applaud him for being humble and sharing this nickname with his new teammates. src="">

Clearly dude Scott Hall doesn't get it. 

Fam, he was running around calling himself the chosen one, the king, and soaking in the limelight of all these companies advertising him as the next greatest. That's why he's a coward. He took it all in, but isn't willing to give it his all. 
maybe he did give is all in the 7 years at cleveland and he just realized that he cant do it himself... some players take too long to realize that they cant do it, then they get credit for leaving to team and only scoring 5 points in a game...  how many more years can a man keep on losing and not break down...
why do people continue to reinforce the notion that the Cavs were losing like they were a sub .500 team?? His team had the BEST regular season record the last two years!!! Yeah, they were bounced in the playoffs but even in this past playoffs they were above .500
again from an earlier post...
The last season Barkley was in Philly, team went 35-47. That's a far cry from 66, 61 reg season wins. KG last year in MIN was 32-50. Totally different scenarios.

even Kobe who complained about being traded in the offseason --- season before the Lakers were 42-40.

Cavs messed up on head coaching, and roster decisions to be a successful playoff team. Now, with a superior 1st/2nd/3rd option the pressure won't be all on him in the playoffs, Bron might be able to advance to the Finals next season.
Mainstream America whats really happenin'???
How is it Lindsay Lohan gets the benefit of the doubt for repeated DUIs, but Lebron is the most hated man in the world.
Every media outlet in the U.S. is defending this chick and weighing all options and they know the chick is GUILTY!!!!!
The chick didnt report to rehab sessions on time, took off the ankle brace, repeatedly disrespected the court system, and ITS ALL GOOD????
Last I checked driving under the influence has the potential to be a very deadly activity, and has been for many families.
Now lets look at the most reprehensible human being on the planet, LeBron James.
Dude has no priors, does tremendous work in the community with at risk youth;
he's respectful, cordial, works hard, takes care of his children, and is just an overall good guy.
And mainstream America is doing all they can to assassinate this 25yr old mans character cause he chose to play BASKETBALL in a different city?????
Now tell me something aint wrong with this picture.

I'm glad Jesse Jackson came to LeBrons defense. It actually took WAY to long for someone to defend LeBron as openly as Gilbert attacked him.
That letter Gilbert wrote wreaked of the way most people with power in America view African American men. Like they own us(slavery).
Dude sounding like he cut Lebrons umbilical cord. Got up in the middle of the night and changed his diapers. Walked him to the bus stop.
Was there with him at Parent/Teacher conference. Taught him to tie his shoes. Taught him how to dribble and shoot a fade away 3pointer to win the game.
And mainstream America is siding with this dude, so what does that say about mainstream America?
It says that no matter how much money a Black man has, they still think you are nothing but a DUMB #+% N!$$A!

Dude looks out of place man. He looks like a straight "Side-kick" by letting Wade stand in the middle and matching suits with Bosh while Wade rocks the all-black
Originally Posted by dyyhard

why do people continue to reinforce the notion that the Cavs were losing like they were a sub .500 team?? His team had the BEST regular season record the last two years!!! Yeah, they were bounced in the playoffs but even in this past playoffs they were above .500
again from an earlier post...
The last season Barkley was in Philly, team went 35-47. That's a far cry from 66, 61 reg season wins. KG last year in MIN was 32-50. Totally different scenarios.
So are you saying he should have waited til it got that bad and look like an loyal loser just like Barkley, Iverson, Malone, etc?
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by dyyhard

why do people continue to reinforce the notion that the Cavs were losing like they were a sub .500 team?? His team had the BEST regular season record the last two years!!! Yeah, they were bounced in the playoffs but even in this past playoffs they were above .500
again from an earlier post...
The last season Barkley was in Philly, team went 35-47. That's a far cry from 66, 61 reg season wins. KG last year in MIN was 32-50. Totally different scenarios.
So are you saying he should have waited til it got that bad and look like an loyal loser just like Barkley, Iverson, Malone, etc?

regular season doesnt mean a damn thing... dude kept losing in the playoffs and once in the finals for 6 years or so... thats losing.... if you didnt win the chip that means you lost... thats what i mean when i say how many times can a man lose before he breaks down... people even say tmac this tmac that... but we call clown on being the 2nd round virgin.... no one wants to talk about how artest is ring chased?
woah. those matching suits say it all. I'm still shocked that he relinquished being "the man" on a team.

there is a difference between being humble and being a wimp. i'm convinced Pat Riley brainwashed lebron. This is too surreal to me
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by dyyhard

why do people continue to reinforce the notion that the Cavs were losing like they were a sub .500 team?? His team had the BEST regular season record the last two years!!! Yeah, they were bounced in the playoffs but even in this past playoffs they were above .500
again from an earlier post...
The last season Barkley was in Philly, team went 35-47. That's a far cry from 66, 61 reg season wins. KG last year in MIN was 32-50. Totally different scenarios.
So are you saying he should have waited til it got that bad and look like an loyal loser just like Barkley, Iverson, Malone, etc?

regular season doesnt mean a damn thing... dude kept losing in the playoffs and once in the finals for 6 years or so... thats losing.... if you didnt win the chip that means you lost... thats what i mean when i say how many times can a man lose before he breaks down... people even say tmac this tmac that... but we call clown on being the 2nd round virgin.... no one wants to talk about how artest is ring chased?

reg season does mean something when you are playing for homecourt advantage. Helped the Lakers this year didnt it? I think most of you will agree, I know Laker fans admit it. But they were close, they had a top team, which is my point. How bad do you think it would have gotten? They were still going to make the playoffs next year with Bron, the only thing that would have gotten worse for him is the pressure of winning it all. Bron prob just didn't want the pressure of having it all on him in the playoffs and didn't believe he was going to get past the top EC teams with their roster.... and nothing wrong with that when you can distribute the pressure to 2 other guys now. Also, you give Kobe the team with the team best regular season record, he's going to win it all and IF he loses in the playoffs, he just says they're/he's going to work harder in the offseason - that's the difference between him and Bron.

Again, why bring up Artest?? He was never self-designated as the King, the Chosen1. Artest never is mentioned among the leagues greatest overall players. cmon now.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by MaxElite

I am more disappointed that we will NEVER see LeBron James's game be taken to the NEXT level. It is now safe to say that. From this point forward he can no longer evolve into the player we all thought he could become. To me, that is REALLY sad since I am a fan of his.
- In a sense, I can agree with you here. For instance, it's doubtful we'll ever see that post-game that everyone predicted LBJ should develop to become truly unstoppable. At least not anytime soon. On the flip side, other facets of his game will continue to grow. Weak-side D... passing... rebounding... (not as if any of those things needed further development).

- I just wanted to comment on how funny it is that people are killing Bron for the exact same thing people were saying AI should have done in his career. Bron has made the ultimate sacrifice in giving up his alpha-dog spot for the sake of WINNING A CHIP. All year long in the AI threads, people were saying how they don't feel bad for Iverson b/c he should have sacrificed his scoring and alpha-dog mentality to accommodate guys like Stackhouse, Larry Hughes, Derrick Coleman, etc... And here we have LBJ doing exactly that, yet somehow LeBron is getting killed for it.
Y'all are some double-standard +#% mofos.

AI and LBJ's careers parallel each other in a sense. Both made it to the Finals early in their career. Both were the undisputed first option on their squad. Both were NEVER truly given a bonafide 2nd option. Both were MVPs of the L. Etc... The difference is AI remained in Philly. And NEVER won. Bron chose a different path. If he had remained in Cle, he would have been getting the SAME criticism that you guys give AI.

- You guys kill me with this "it's better to beat your competition instead of play with them" garbage. So you mean to tell me, if you and your homeboy... like one of your best friends in the world... had a chance to do something TOGETHER (smash 2 sisters, win the lotto, become a rap/rock star, or whatever), you would rather battle your friend where only one of you can enjoy the prize??? Man listen... from all accounts, these dudes are real good friends. Why not go through something with your best buds instead of fighting amongst each other for the grand prize? Jordan didn't have any true friends in the L! He was a douche and no one besides Barkley was cool with him like that.

- Speaking of Barkley, why is it that he can make noise to get out of Philly (at age 29) b/c he was sick and tired of losing, yet LBJ can't make similar noise? You guys fail to realize that a lot of these players DON'T LIKE TO LOSE. Some stay with their team longer than others. But Bron obviously saw what loyalty does for a bunch of these players (Ewing, Bark, Reggie, Malone, Payton almost, AI, Finley almost, KG almost, etc). And I can't be mad at him for wanting to WIN instead of being remembered as a GREAT player who NEVER won. Barkley has said many times (C-Webb too) that they would trade their individual accolades for a chip.

Props for this post
best post in this thread......i rather make sure i got rings then to be loyal to a franchise and lose for da rest of my career.

QFMFT...I'm pasting this on all my ******ed friends' facebook statuses
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