Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 2: Corks and Volts Launch 2/23

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I got all the hints, at least i think so but i can't think up of the site that has these words or something similar.
my bot is working on that riddle
I give up. I dont expect any help but good luck to those who figured it out. I consider myself a NT vet but cant figure it out
Lagos, Nigeria.
Attention: The President/CEO

Dear Sir,

Confidential Business Proposal

Having consulted with my colleagues and based on the information gathered from the Nigerian Chambers Of Commerce And Industry, I have the privilege to request your assistance to transfer the sum of Lebron Corks into your possesions. The excess shoes resulted from an overzealous, 50 Cent riddle solving bot. This action was however intentional and since then the shoe has been in a suspense account at The Central Bank Of Nigeria Apex Bank.

We are now ready to transfer the shoes overseas and that is where you come in. It is important to inform you that as civil servants, we are forbidden to operate a foreign account; that is why we require your assistance. The total sum will be shared as follows: 1 pair for me and for you and 2 pairs for the insurance of local and international expenses incidental to the transfer.

The transfer is risk free on both sides. I am an accountant with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). If you find this proposal acceptable, we shall require the following documents:

(a) your banker's name, telephone, account and fax numbers.

(b) your private telephone and fax numbers —for confidentiality and easy communication.

(c) your letter-headed paper stamped and signed.

Alternatively we will furnish you with the text of what to type into your letter-headed paper, along with a breakdown explaining, comprehensively what we require of you. The business will take us thirty (30) working days to accomplish.

Please reply urgently.

Best regards

Howgul Abul Arhu

Think it will work fam?
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Chaos in here, I still wanna know the damn answer so I can know how close i was at least.
Wassup with these hints man. I'm losing my mind over this riddle, lol. I feel like I'm chasing my damn tail, lol.

Someone please pm me. I just want my pair to rock
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