Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 2: Corks and Volts Launch 2/23

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Resell on these is dropping faster than the stock market during its recent collapse

Did those shoes mentioned in those colors demand a drastic price increase yet take away from the original model of the shoe at the same time? No. These Xs are meant solely for showcasing or wearing lightly. It's like taking the shell of a Ferrari and selling it for a higher price with no engine or anything under the hood.

Buy what you want, just come at me better with the justification. Till the I will "stay in my place" lmao damn clowns on here.

Edit: and there are many reports and studies dissecting how Nike charges a premium not because of their designers, but because of brand prestige and marketing. The study I remember most was regarding the VC shox and they cost something like 13 bucks to produce and sold for almost 10x that. You're saying the cork makes it that much more expensive? You realize they buy materials in bulk right, that's why certain iD options run out and are no longer available.

Or am I ignorant and don't know my ****?

Solid research. You may be right. WhaT you suggest also suggests we should see more cork shoes then. But a crashed Undriveable Ferrari is still gonna sell for more than a working Honda civic.

Also a Ferrari requires way more maintenance than a civic. It's more 'fragile'. You can't skip Oil changes and basic maintenance etc like you can with a Honda and expect it to run right. The materials to make the two cars costs similar. Yet one is over 100000 , one is usually around 10000.
congrats to those who copped off NDC.. i tried it the old school way by manually clicking the link on twitter but i failed

Now i can cop the volts tho :pimp:
Haven't been in the thread since my initial fail yesterday morning on NDC.

Yeah, I'm still SALTY.....
Which generous nter wants to hook me up with a size 12? Its come down to begging or dropping $800 and i damn sure don't feel like spending a months rent on these due to the fact that I can't sleep in them. All these pics of 10+ pairs there's got to be someone who won't sweat missing one. :rolleyes
Y'all are seriously wildin trying to compare a pair of Nike sneakers to fine china or antiques. C'mon son. If you like them, wear them.

If you can't get the analogy... once again read AND COMPREHEND.

You don't get that Mikasa dinner plates and bathroom tiles are made of the same material, yet tiles are like 70 cent a tile while plates cost more than that?

These shoes are like that IN THE SENSE THAT THE ONLY SPECIAL THING ABOUT THEM IS WHAT THEY ARE MADE OF. You can't hoop in en, much like your wife wouldn't let you use the china for a Superbowl party, even tho plates are made to be eaten off of.

Oh and ima wear mine. Alot. And take care of em. Yeezys are valuable, and alot of people think Yeezys are wack. If Nike made a cork yeezy, you think it wouldn't be valued more than the originals?
Who needs a Sunday paper with all the comics in here? Reading this thread today has been superb. Learning about china, ferrari's, mercedes-BENS from an untra-successful guy with ties to NASA....
You just can't make this stuff up. Thank you all for the enjoyment!
I still think Nike should have made the Corks for the 9s and not the Xs.. The whole story behind the Corks is to symbolize his first ring, so why wouldn't Nike use the Corks for the shoes he won his first ring with? It'd be weird seeing another 9 colorway this late, but it'd make more sense than having it on the Xs. IMO
This thread delivers on the hilarity level. I can't stop reading this at work. That NASA guy being roasted is the icing so far.
If you can't get the analogy... once again read AND COMPREHEND.

You don't get that Mikasa dinner plates and bathroom tiles are made of the same material, yet tiles are like 70 cent a tile while plates cost more than that?

These shoes are like that IN THE SENSE THAT THE ONLY SPECIAL THING ABOUT THEM IS WHAT THEY ARE MADE OF. You can't hoop in en, much like your wife wouldn't let you use the china for a Superbowl party, even tho plates are made to be eaten off of.

Oh and ima wear mine. Alot. And take care of em. Yeezys are valuable, and alot of people think Yeezys are wack. If Nike made a cork yeezy, you think it wouldn't be valued more than the originals?
Comparing Nike shoes to luxury cars or even dinner plates is always a rather amusing conversation. I'm sure the engineers at Ferrari would blush at being mentioned to children in sweatshops in China. Ferrari doesn't have to create artificial demand by controlling their supply. Only Nike needs to do that in order to keep "loyalists" buying multiples of the same thing in different colors using sub par material while labeling them a high quality product. Apple too has learned how most Americans think, marketing > substance always wins. 
Who needs a Sunday paper with all the comics in here? Reading this thread today has been superb. Learning about china, ferrari's, mercedes-BENS from an untra-successful guy with ties to NASA....
You just can't make this stuff up. Thank you all for the enjoyment!

Its like that in alot of threads.. The laffs just dont stop..
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