Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

prices are insane but it's only going to get even more crazy if the heat repeat as champs and lebron wins finals MVP again.

might be better off paying the price now before it gets even more out of hand
Ya ...there's a listing with my size, saying basically the same thing and asking for $3500 NOW but will increase if all of that stuff happens this season..............

 Nobody has taken his/her bait yet, so they can go kick rocks for now....
Can't wait to see what happens when Nike calls him back Monday with a solution to screwing him out of an rsvp lol
Can't wait to see what happens when Nike calls him back Monday with a solution to screwing him out of an rsvp lol

i really hope they get him at least a a couple 200$ vouchers. but i doubt it. either way nothing they will do can make up for it. would be a great time for them to pull some rare pes or samples out their closet in oregon :nerd:
i really hope they get him at least a a couple 200$ vouchers. but i doubt it. either way nothing they will do can make up for it. would be a great time for them to pull some rare pes or samples out their closet in oregon :nerd:
hes not the only guy it happened to, there are others that this has affected, they cant just give each person two hundred dollar vouchers
hes not the only guy it happened to, there are others that this has affected, they cant just give each person two hundred dollar vouchers
Even though I agree with you, Nike COULD indeed do that IF they wanted too with all the revenue they have..
if i remember correctly mez one said the MVPs were ugly. Don't feel bad for him. He just has to pay for his summer vacation plans out his own pocket now. :lol: :tongue:
Either way.. Still gotta feel a little bad this happened to him. I know some people had to be using these for trade bait or to resell to buy other kicks. I don't know what mez's intentions were though
Either way.. Still gotta feel a little bad this happened to him. I know some people had to be using these for trade bait or to resell to buy other kicks. I don't know what mez's intentions were though

i'm just messing around. these shenanigans happen every hype/limited release. yeah i don't know what he has planned, maybe vacation, trade/sell to get other shoes he wanted or whatever. It is what it is, i would do the same thing if i had the chance to. NY is grimey as they say so i would like to see how they handle it to make up for their "mistake".
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yea, and new sellers put up their listings based on those fake bids. Hope they realize all this soon so the prices can start going down.
Good luck, might take a while...I'm waiting as well.  I had one tell me "I got someone wanting to give me over $3k real talk, comon man!!" yet his listing had flatlined at less than half that.  I've tried offering a decent amount over the auction and they just laugh. Lol definitely frustrating right now
Hopefully the championship Xs wont look nothing like these

and he surprises us like last year
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Does not matter I'f mez was trying to resell keep or trade they straight greased him
i'm just messing around. these shenanigans happen every hype/limited release. yeah i don't know what he has planned, maybe vacation, trade/sell to get other shoes he wanted or whatever. It is what it is, i would do the same thing if i had the chance to. NY is grimey as they say so i would like to see how they handle it to make up for their "mistake".
yea I remember the same **** happening at mercer with the galaxy rookie release. Some guy got a DM back with someone elses name on it and then other DM saying he got disqualified. This was way worse though, they basically ****** a bunch of ppl over. What im wondering is, how come this "mistake" didn't happen with a pair of GR jordans?
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