*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

Originally Posted by CarlMonday

Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

This episode was less interesting than the past couple of weeks. Though it did give a good background info as to how Michael got on that boat. I always thought they just found him at sea when Ben allowed him and Walt to leave.

What I wanna know though.... how the hell is Tom alive? Sawyer straight up killed dude on the shore. I know we've seen "dead" people on the island before (ie: Jack's Dad, Ecko's Brother) but this is in the mainland... I'm guessing his "reincarnation" explains Mihkails multiple lives. Does this mean that all the people, or some, that died on the island are now somewhere back in the "real" world? I don't know but for some reason I think that more than just SIX people got off the island and are now living another life as completely different people.

Also, if the island is able to keep people alive... why is Ben so afraid about being captured and killed? The island won't keep him alive?? Or is this just Ben manipulating Locke and them to act/think how he wants them to for something in the future....

the flashback occurs before tom is killed on the island.

if you couldnt figure that out for yourself, then you should just stop watching LOST because nothing is going to get any easier to explain from here until the finish of the series.

.... So I should stop watching Lost because I messed up my timeline?? With all these flashback, flash forward and everything in between it just didn't occur to me that the Michael / Tom scenes in NY might've been before the Season 3 finale.

I don't need explanations from you or anyone else about the simple things in Lost..as far as names, how some characters are interrelated, etc. I'm sure there are other viewers who asked that same question when Tom came up on the screen and with the constant sightings of "dead" people... it was an automatic assumption of mine that Tom had somehow lived... as did Mikail after being pushed by Locke through that fence then basically the next day he encounters Des, Jin, Hurley, Charlie, and Naomi in the jungle.

But yeah, I should stop watching this show..

you actually did need something simple explained to you.

you saw naomi not even on the ship yet, so obviously tom appearing in manhattan occured BEFORE Tom was killed at the beach.
Regulars not even checking in anymore...

Daddy's home !!
.....seriously though, i had to work Thursday nightand Friday afternoon, so I just caught the episode tonight.

Tom being gay isn't a huge shock, but still kinda trippy. It took me a second to realize that the flashback was before Tom was shot by Sawyer.

Michael, and other survivors not being able to kill themselves is insane.

Widmore got that tall money.

Is that really Hanso next to Mike ?? You know it has to be SOMEBODY of importance.

Naomi is cute, but she ain't really all that......she's no Kate, that's for sure.

I love the line Miles gave about Ben and his determination....."Considering that last week you had a gun to his head ,and now he's eating pound cake,I'd say he's a guy that gets what he wants."

Seeing Libby again was trippy. Let's not forget that it was Libby who gave Desmond "her" boat. Libby's "husband" "pastaway" ,and there was Desmond with no money or boat at the coffee shop. Hmmm......

I didn't get to see the previews for the next ep. Waiting a month is gonna suck.....hard.

arog. pretty much Lost is headed for one hell of a season finale. We are going to find out how the six made if off the island...which may suck because I feelits too soon seeing how the show is on till like 2011 right.

I loved this episode because it explained a whole lot to me. The only thing I didnt like was that my man WALT is being give the cold shoulder because ofpuberty!!! My man is the most intriguing character IMO.
When they showed Walt looking at Michael from the window, it didn't even look like him. I'm guessing they used another kid?
I really liked this ep. It answered a whole lot about Michael which I wanted to know.

Like a few others have already said. I think Sayid has a plan. Sayid is one the smartest characters on this show and there is no way he would just drag Michaelinto the office and rat him out without a plan. The writers have done an excellent job of playing up Sayids disdain for both Michael and Ben to make you thinkthat he would just rat out Michael. Thats what they want you to think but I believe Sayid is smarter than that.

Libbys appearances in this show are very interesting. How come Michael doesn't see Anna Lucia?

For the record Naomi>>>>>>>>Kate.

I too also would like to know how the Others get their info.

Ben is grimey for setting up Carl and Rosseau. However, I don't think Rosseau will die.
Wow.... We all knew he was gay but

This episode answered a lot of questions or at least confirmed what we already suspected... Or at least things I already knew.

at the ending. Who was picking off Rousseau and Carl? The Others should have knownwho they were. And
at what Sayid did. I hope he has a plan at least, but....

also at the end of episode dedicated to sayid, ben said to him, remember what happen when you thought with your heart instead of your gun.

i think this was referring to his decision to expose mike.
Good point...

So the island doesn't let certain people die. Is it because it would create some paradox or something? Or is it because it's keeping them alive toserve some purpose?

What about Libby? Most importantly, why would she tell Michael not to detonate the bomb?????? Good point by aRog about how she has made some criticalappearances in the show -- before, after, and during the crash....

And since when do Lost threads fall off the 1st page on Thursday?
Regulars not even checking in anymore...

I just watched the episode now.... 3 weeks in a row I've missed the episode at its original air time.

Also, did anybody address Jin's pisspoor Korean-English accent from last episode? They should've used a Korean actor for the part. He English sounded better than Sun's lol.
I think the real life actor who plays Jin is a native English speaker while Sun isn't, but their characters in the show are the opposite wayaround in that Sun is supposed to speak English better than Jin.

who else saw naomi's booty crack

Looks like Hanso...


Is it safe to say that michael was the person in the casket? It explains why no one went to see him because he isn't considered one of the six.
Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Is it safe to say that michael was the person in the casket? It explains why no one went to see him because he isn't considered one of the six.

that's a good thought, because when jack was at the funeral place, the guy asked him,'friend or family' and jack said 'neither'.
Originally Posted by Tman90

Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Is it safe to say that michael was the person in the casket? It explains why no one went to see him because he isn't considered one of the six.

that's a good thought, because when jack was at the funeral place, the guy asked him,'friend or family' and jack said 'neither'.


So who killed the mom and BF?
Here is my question. When did Tom actually leave the island and how was it possible? As far as I understand, it was impossible to leave the Island afterDesmond turned the key and the Hatch was destroyed. If I remember correctly, Michael and Walt left the island within the same episode that Locke, Ecko andDesomond were in the Hatch during their ordeal. I remember Ben telling Locke that once the Sub left the island there would be no way for it to return.....

I take it that Ben was lying then? I remember that Jack and Juliet were supposed to be on that Sub before Locke decided to blow it up. That means that theFlash back took place sometime during the third season before Tom was killed........ If Tom was able to leave the island for a few days then who else iscapable of leaving the island?

Bottom line....Ben has a lot of explaining to do
^ I took it as the flash back occurred before Locke blew up the submarine. And Tom returned to the Island on the submarine.
i think the dudes from the freighter killed carl and rousseau because wasnt the helicopter gone in last weeks episode?
Originally Posted by Viewtiful Mik3

who else saw naomi's booty crack

and lol at Arthuro

Raises Hand.

Anyway .. Noticed something, not sure if this makes sense or not .. but Ben told Michael to leave the island on the bearing of 3.25 .... this numbers soundsfamiliar when Jun Tao asks Ben for 3.2 Mil ? Any link ? Maybe he is trying to state the location of something ?
Originally Posted by CarlMonday

Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

Originally Posted by CarlMonday

Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

This episode was less interesting than the past couple of weeks. Though it did give a good background info as to how Michael got on that boat. I always thought they just found him at sea when Ben allowed him and Walt to leave.

What I wanna know though.... how the hell is Tom alive? Sawyer straight up killed dude on the shore. I know we've seen "dead" people on the island before (ie: Jack's Dad, Ecko's Brother) but this is in the mainland... I'm guessing his "reincarnation" explains Mihkails multiple lives. Does this mean that all the people, or some, that died on the island are now somewhere back in the "real" world? I don't know but for some reason I think that more than just SIX people got off the island and are now living another life as completely different people.

Also, if the island is able to keep people alive... why is Ben so afraid about being captured and killed? The island won't keep him alive?? Or is this just Ben manipulating Locke and them to act/think how he wants them to for something in the future....

the flashback occurs before tom is killed on the island.

if you couldnt figure that out for yourself, then you should just stop watching LOST because nothing is going to get any easier to explain from here until the finish of the series.

.... So I should stop watching Lost because I messed up my timeline?? With all these flashback, flash forward and everything in between it just didn't occur to me that the Michael / Tom scenes in NY might've been before the Season 3 finale.

I don't need explanations from you or anyone else about the simple things in Lost..as far as names, how some characters are interrelated, etc. I'm sure there are other viewers who asked that same question when Tom came up on the screen and with the constant sightings of "dead" people... it was an automatic assumption of mine that Tom had somehow lived... as did Mikail after being pushed by Locke through that fence then basically the next day he encounters Des, Jin, Hurley, Charlie, and Naomi in the jungle.

But yeah, I should stop watching this show..

you actually did need something simple explained to you.

you saw naomi not even on the ship yet, so obviously tom appearing in manhattan occured BEFORE Tom was killed at the beach.

... while watching it Michael had yet to get on the boat therefore I hadn't seen Naomi yet. Once Naomi came on I knew that it was obviously before shelanded on the island which was before Tom was shot but didn't piece it together. Like I said, there are plenty of people who were thrown off by it...
This episode was good but not as good as the last two.

I have too many thoughts but If you notice in the hospital, you'll see a Christmas tree in the hallway. That means the timeline is sometime afterThanksgiving up to at least the 3rd week of December.

I think the soldiers killed Carl and Rousseau because Ben said "If they find out your my daughter, they will use that against me." That sets up therevealing of the soldiers and using Alex as a bargaining chip and she yelled, "I'm Ben's daughter!" I'll keep saying you dumb @*!.
Ifit is a Ben setup, he will become officially one of the koldest people. Jealously is a strong emotion.

Naomi, her accent, and butt krack>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything Kate.
Come on guys.......


but yeah.....my sister thinks it's Micheal in the casket, but wouldn't his mom or Walt be there? I know we saw them have a rough go at it, but comeon....who doesn't go to their fathers funeral?

and Sayid better have a plan, 'cause dude straight up blew it...or maybe the captain thinks Sayid is lying about KJ.
8 people survived in total. 7 are accounted for but that 8th is tricky....Michael seems to be the sure bet but who knows with this show.

I'm curious to see what Sayid has up his sleeve. Could he be getting on the captains good side to double cross widmore since Sayid does know that the shipis not pennys?

5 weeks, The Wire canceled, what else is there to live for? Its gonna be a long !%% month.
MexicanSoul wrote:

5 weeks, The Wire canceled, what else is there to live for? Its gonna be a long !%% month.

A bit extreme regarding life but I feel you man. Sucks without my two shows!
I personally think Ben setup Carl and Rosseau but I do not think thepeople from the freighter have reached the island yet. I think Carl is dead but Rosseu is not. If you look closely Carl took one to the heart and wasprofusely bleeding. However Rosseau took a shot much higher and just fell...no blood. I think Rosseau was shot with the same darts/needles that were used inthe season 2 finale to put Jack, Sawyer and Kate to sleep before they were captured.

I think Sayid has a plan and the captain will think that he is crazy or has come down with the sickness. Desmond will be key in dealing with Michael because Iam sure he believes Michaels story due to the involvement of Widmore. Desmond knows what Widmore is capable of. I also think the relationship between Michaeland Minkowski may be very valuable in the future. I have a feeling that Michael gained some very good information from him.
Originally Posted by CarlMonday

Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

Originally Posted by CarlMonday

Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

This episode was less interesting than the past couple of weeks. Though it did give a good background info as to how Michael got on that boat. I always thought they just found him at sea when Ben allowed him and Walt to leave.

What I wanna know though.... how the hell is Tom alive? Sawyer straight up killed dude on the shore. I know we've seen "dead" people on the island before (ie: Jack's Dad, Ecko's Brother) but this is in the mainland... I'm guessing his "reincarnation" explains Mihkails multiple lives. Does this mean that all the people, or some, that died on the island are now somewhere back in the "real" world? I don't know but for some reason I think that more than just SIX people got off the island and are now living another life as completely different people.

Also, if the island is able to keep people alive... why is Ben so afraid about being captured and killed? The island won't keep him alive?? Or is this just Ben manipulating Locke and them to act/think how he wants them to for something in the future....

the flashback occurs before tom is killed on the island.

if you couldnt figure that out for yourself, then you should just stop watching LOST because nothing is going to get any easier to explain from here until the finish of the series.

.... So I should stop watching Lost because I messed up my timeline?? With all these flashback, flash forward and everything in between it just didn't occur to me that the Michael / Tom scenes in NY might've been before the Season 3 finale.

I don't need explanations from you or anyone else about the simple things in Lost..as far as names, how some characters are interrelated, etc. I'm sure there are other viewers who asked that same question when Tom came up on the screen and with the constant sightings of "dead" people... it was an automatic assumption of mine that Tom had somehow lived... as did Mikail after being pushed by Locke through that fence then basically the next day he encounters Des, Jin, Hurley, Charlie, and Naomi in the jungle.

But yeah, I should stop watching this show..

you actually did need something simple explained to you.

you saw naomi not even on the ship yet, so obviously tom appearing in manhattan occured BEFORE Tom was killed at the beach.

Douche? Is that your first name.

Chastising somebody for asking a question. Not everyone jerks off to every LOST episode and watches it as if they're existence relied upon the series.We all miss obvious clues at times. That's why we come here to discuss things.

If you can't spell something as simple as occurred than you shouldn't even be posting. Right?

Episode was pretty entertaining.

Ben's getting shafted by the Island (fate?) too. Sayid exposing Michael f's up his plan. Looks like the Island has other things planned for Ben.
it was chastising someone for trying (and failing) to dig himself out of a hole instead of just admitting he wasn't thinking clearly.
Originally Posted by CarlMonday

it was chastising someone for trying (and failing) to dig himself out of a hole instead of just admitting he wasn't thinking clearly.

This was your original reply. Are you dyslexic?

the flashback occurs before tom is killed on the island.

if you couldnt figure that out for yourself, then you should just stop watching LOST because nothing is going to get any easier to explain from here until the finish of the series.

What hole was he trying to dig himself out of? He simply asked a question.

Is this you?

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