*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Originally Posted by Much Respected

If you can't spell something as simple as occurred than you shouldn't even be posting. Right?

and right before he says that...
Not everyone jerks off to every LOST episode and watches it as if they're existence relied upon the series
Wow.. sad..


at me.

I was just trying to make an analogy though. I can care less if people spell correctly. They're isn't an incorrect spelling. I often mix it up with"their" while typing. Don't know why.

But still.
to myself.
Originally Posted by CarlMonday

it was chastising someone for trying (and failing) to dig himself out of a hole instead of just admitting he wasn't thinking clearly.

.... a hole? You're acting like this is some sort of LOSTexam. I just did what numerous people have done throughout the previous 60 or so pages... which was ask a question.
Like I said before, they hadn't shown the scene where Naomi appears... so I went on thinking that somehow Tom had lived, unsure of where within theLost timeline they were at, even when they showed Naomi - I didn't put two & two together. It was a mistake dude, you're acting like I failed atsomething trivial and denied it...

If you're bothered by people who do not posses your Lost expertise then I don't think this thread is for you... I'm not bothered by a correction solet me fix your first response and leave it at that.

the flashback occurs before tom is killed on the island.
if you couldnt figure that out for yourself, then you should just stop watching LOST because nothing is going to get any easier to explain from here until the finish of the series.
Take this
outside. I can guarantee that all of you havemissed an obvious connection or clue by this point in the show, and I can guarantee that every single person here has said something that turned out to bewrong. There's no reason to act like a
%%%$$ andchastise people over it.
I know somebody posted the link before, but I didn't see any responses to it.....

NYCNICKS- What do you think about this: www.Timelooptheory.com??

I would recommend that eveyone read this. This guy has answered a lot of ramdon questions and his theory makes much of Lost makesense. If you believe this theory, then it isn't really "The Island" controlling things/not allowing people to die/calling people back, butrather fate/destiny and time trying to establish an equilibrium after people alter the course of history via time travel. I know NCYNICKS said that theoryabout the garden of eden/Adam & Eve was on the money, but to me this makes more sense.

In regards to Karl and Danielle getting dirt naps- Ben CLEARLY either told his people to drop them OR knew the freighter people would kill everyone except Alexif they came accross them.

2 reasons why it seems like the ambush was from the freighter people:
1) They used silencers. Have we ever seen the others with surpressed weapons? I can't think of any time....
2) The Helo was gone from the boat.

Anyway I think everyone should read the link in this post. I am curious to see what you all think.

^^That timeloop theory has to be at least somewhat correct. That's just banana's that he came up with that. It has some loose ends, but he does apretty good job of covering everything.

I definitely urge people to read that timeloop theory.
^The others used those silent darts I mentioned earlier when Jack, Hurley, Sawyer, and Kate were captured in the season 2 finale.
I liked parts of the timeloop theory.... At least the overall idea seems on track (that going back in time requires that the outcome remain the same). I'vethought of similar ideas so I kind of like that part of the theory. However, overall, I think it's lacking in many of the issues I haven't figured out.Like the 4-toe statue? Or Adam and Eve? And I think it's wrong about the sickness.
I just read the timeloop theory and I must say it is very interesting....it makes a great deal of sense to me. Its a good read and I recommend that everyonechecks it out as well.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

^The others used those silent darts I mentioned earlier when Jack, Hurley, Sawyer, and Kate were captured in the season 2 finale.

I think if you watch the scene again you would agree that they were not shot with darts (Entry/exit wounds much too clean & the cup Karl was holdingtook a bullet not a dart). They were clearly bullets and the sound effects were those of a surpressed rifle.
Originally Posted by Gmills23

What about finding the polar bear in the desert? and yea about the 4 toed stautue

All covered in the timeloop theory posted above. The guy has some pretty interesting insights on the overall picture. It's a long read, but ifyou've got the time, I'd definitely give it the once over.
so... why is there a break?

i thought the reason this season was delayed was because they were going to show the entire season without any breaks
I wonder what's the significance of Hanso in the hospital. I'm hoping we get to see more of him.

As for the people who ambushed Alex, it's clear to me that they were from the freighter. As someone caught, the helicopter was gone and they pointed it outin last week's episode; plus, they made a big deal about the mercenaries toting guns in this week's episode, prompting Michael to try and blow the shipup. Also, in the previews for the rest of the season, the "war" that Ben's been talking about looks like it's about to start, and that war iswith the freighter people, not himself. I think they're coming with their guns blazing, and we saw them fire the first shots.

I don't know if Rosseau is dead or not (my guess is no), but I do know that the creators have hinted that she has a lot of secrets that will be revealed.Makes the wait even harder!!!!
Hmm i think the people who ambushed alex and the other 2 aren't from the freighter and that Ben had something to do with it. Something seemed fishy when hetold them to go to the ruins or hideout place with the others ( can't remember as I am a bit intoxicated and tired). I think this is all part of Ben'smaster plan to get Locke, Sayid and the others to take his side in this "war" with the freighter people. My prediction is next week Alex goes back tocamp unharmed and she tells everyone that her boytoy and Rosseau got shot, and so Locke and the rest get scared and team up with Ben to fight the freighterpeople or something to that extent.
Sorry to check in so late, but I haven't seen one episode so far this season on Thursday night; too busy.

Just saw it Sunday; just responding today.

- My wife called Michael being on the boat the SECOND Ben first said 'I have a spy on the boat.' When Michael and Walt first left, seasons ago, she hadsaid 'They're not going to make it back home.' Obviously, she was wrong about that, but we didn't know that. She just felt like he wasn'tgoing to make it back home, so that has always been on her mind. She has just always felt like Michael was NOT back home. So as soon as Ben said 'I have aspy on that boat,' she said at the next commercial break 'I think I now who's on the boat.' And then she told me all of this stuff about stillfeeling like he was never back home, and that she felt like it was Michael. What about Walt? No explanation. So yeah, she was spot on with that one.

- I think Ben's 'baby momma' (I freaking suck at names, on shows and in real life) and Ben's daughter's BF were killed by the folks inhiding, Ben's former co-citizens on the island, The Others. I think when they went off to their little hiding place, Ben told them 'You will eventuallysee *French chick* and *daughter's BF*. When you do, kill them.' We all know that he is manipulative enough to be able to say that with full confidencethat he can put them out there in a position to be killed.

- I don't think French chick is dead.

- I don't think Sayid is truly 'against' Michael. He can't be, because in just a little while, he's going to be off the island, and workingwith Ben on killing people. Remember? So he can't be COMPLETELY opposed to Michael, because that would mean he is COMPLETELY opposed to Ben. And hecan't be COMPLETELY opposed to Ben, because in just a little while, as soon as he gets off the island, he's going to start offing people underBen's instruction.

- I've been very curious lately about the two people that were buried alive a couple seasons ago. It seems like they were just an aside at first, but theway the show has been tying things together this season with events from previous seasons, I've been wondering how insignificant they really are.

- Who the heck are we rooting for?
Locke's camp, trying to stay on the island? Jack's camp, trying to get off the island? Ben, trying to hide hisfolks while the new guys look for him? The new guys, trying to kill Ben? If we're cheering for them, then we're cheering for a group of peopleinstructed to kill everyone after killing Ben. Or is Ben lying about that, in an attempt to make sure people stay against them? On the boat, are we cheeringfor Michael, hoping he kills everyone he's supposed to (everyone except Sayid and Desmond)?

- I mentioned my wife, so I would be remiss if I didn't say: no pics. Not ever.
^ I don't think I've ever seen so much analysis out of you.... I think the only people that I have nothing against are Desmond, Claire, and Jin. Iliked Eko and, at least during season 3, Charlie, but they're dead now. Jack, Sawyer, Sayid, Kate, Locke, Hurley, and others are usually cool but there aretimes when they annoy me. I don't care much for Michael after what he did...
I was thinking up a theory, assuming that the person in the hospital bed was Alvar Hanso (based on looks, I'm 90% sure it was).

He sure looked like he was in a coma. The nurse said something like, "I figured it was you (Michael) that was screaming, because I'm pretty sure hedidn't." Now we also know that Charles Widmore is looking for the island to exploit something about its special properties.

Given these facts, and looking back at the theory that has to do with Widmore wanting to use the island for some kind of "eternal youth" thing,perhaps he's doing this in order to keep Alvar Hanso from dying.

We don't know much about Hanso, so Widmore can be looking to find the "eternal youth" cure for Hanso because: Hanso is the head guy, like theking or even the cult leader; or, Hanso has more information via his DHARMA work and Widmore wants that as well.

Remember, Widmore bought that Black Rock thing at an auction from one of Hanso's relatives. They do have a connection. It could be that Widmore becamefascinated with Hanso and wants to save him.

Of course everything is based on one little clue that they dropped - one that I might have misinterpreted. Some people say the guy was Kelvin Inman, althoughwhen I saw the old man live, I immediately thought of Hanso. I just think it was a very interesting little nugget and it got me thinking.
Who in the heck is Hanso? I'm all caught up and everything...but I didn't catch Hanso anywhere...
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