*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

restraining order
did anyone notice that Jack didnt have a scar in his flash forward? He had only a towel on and even though it would be around two years later i think a scarthat big would still be there.
Originally Posted by Sugahill19

did anyone notice that Jack didnt have a scar in his flash forward? He had only a towel on and even though it would be around two years later i think a scar that big would still be there.

How closely did you look? Juliette seemed to close it pretty well but I'd guess it'd still leave a mark. But they did make a point of showing Jackwith his shirt off so you're probably on to something.
Originally Posted by amel223

Sawyer: "It's too early for Chinese."


Best part of the show the whole night.

Wild racist...

Remember he said Sayid was a terrorist when theplane first crashed?
Mostly filler but Claire going with Jacob is interesting. Next week looks great.
Christian you mean.

They do favor each other tho...

I think we'll see Jacob in all his glory in the very last episode in cliffhanger fashion.
kates face looked deformed...like she aint been eating lately....or hanging out with amy winehouse...
someone care to explain the whole ending with jack and kate????? What did kate mean when she had to do something for sawyer????? got me confused
I hate every single one of you.

Don't talk to me.

I'm that kid that gets pissed he didn't get picked, so he takes his ball and goes home... and none of you brought a ball.


I keeed, I keeeeeed.


Originally Posted by Mangudai954

smh @ no one mentioning Jack's fine %$% co worker
shes bad..
I was thinking that too....

Thank god I am out of the library. I was either there or at an exam for over half of my day....

As for this episode, nothing to special went down. I knew it was Kate once Jack started walking down the stairs. Jin gets the
award for tonight show.. Faraday was definitely schemin' when he asked to go with them toget the medical supplies. Dude was taking mental notes of how to get back there and everything. I'm interested to see the story behind where Claire went.Also I think Hurley is like a modern day Nastradamus or either Charlie is giving him spoilers for whats going to happen in the future. I can't stand Jack.He's a {()} but
at him poppin' pills and drinking a whole bottle of wine andsome beers to top that off. No one mentioned that Jack or Kate (can't remember who) said that Sawyer made his choice to stay on the island, I thought thatwas kinda important. And also the dude from the previews for next week looks like Ben's dad? Saying some crazy shhh like I've been dead for 12 years?
No it's not Ben's dad; its the guy who got Ben and his dad to come to the island. The one that pulled the car over when Ben's mom was giving birth.
how is sawyer calling kate if hes still on the island? and didnt kate on the phone say she can see him for an hr before jack comes? how would she do that ifsawyers on the island?
OK so im back and ready to do the usual....Not going to do a spoiler because the East Coast has already seen the episode. so i will just do a "things tolook out for".

- Jack calling his dad, "a good story teller"
- Miles asking Claire "What did she see" when she said she was seeing things.
- Jake wanting to help with is own surgery....this is one of the major themes of the show.
- The entire convo Jack has with Hurley
- Christian Shepard's "attire"
- The Smoke detector going off, right before you see x-tian Shepard

I'll have more next week.
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