*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Ok, so here we so....

Nothing major really but a few things....

- Richard Alpert giving little John Locke the choices of things.....obviously the compass and the knife belonged to him, but the other stuff belonged to theother characters such as the comic book belongs to Walt, and the book belongs to Ecko....this is all a plan, and it has all worked out very well.

- Matthew Abbadon isn't as bad as we all think he is.

- Christian Shepard is seen in the cabin with Claire, but for a reason. He is also one who was "chosen", but not in the same sense as Locke.

Also next weeks episode should be AMAZING...

-We will see another funeral, and this one will be a doosey.

- we will see what Keamy meant about moving the island.
This episode was really good. Alpert was on some Professor X/Dalai Lama type on Locke his whole life.

Claire koming back all kool and kollected is surprising. Why did Christian insist on Locke not tellling anyone she is there?

My face was
the last 10 minutes of the show.

I don't think they mean move the island literally. That would actually be ******ed. Given the time issues, they may mean move it in time or teleport it(the same way the cabin "teleports"), which could be the introduction of the Orchid.

I also think Claire is in the same state as Christian, which is why she didn't act herself. Whether that's dead or whatever, we don't know.

That Abbadon scene was
. The cabin scene was great too, even though it still didn't give answers. It's about to hit the fan in the finale, kindathe way all these things converged at once in last year's finale. CAN'T WAIT.
maybe that thing strapped to keamy is a bomb or something, when the cpt. threatened dude, he was like "you don't want to do that." then showedthat thing, i don't know, this season has been crazy, from the murders, time travel, and now moving of islands.
Anybody want to comment on what the scene with Toddler Locke and Alpert meant? Why it was such a "bad" sign that he picked up the knife, which isobviously "his" from what we've seen?

Perhaps he's special because things are left over from his previous life in his head; if it's a time loop, then he can subconciously sense that.However, if that's the case, then the knife was a diversion - something new or unexpected.
Originally Posted by Kobe Fan

Episode was crap.. enough with filler, more answers.

I understand some of yall watch and enjoy the suspense of the show and like all of the twist as do i...... but man i find myself
the whole episode till the last 5min when they show stuff that makes u want towatch the next episode and leaves me sayin "next week is goin to be
" then next week comes and nothing is answered but it leaves me with more questions then the week before........... and wth i thought they weredone with flashbacks
duh ur right..............

I know i dont have to watch the show thanks for pointing that out....................

y do u see something wrong with people complaining about the story moving slow??? So if u have a critique about a show u watch u should stop watching it???? Impretty sure dude that said episode was crap loves lost as much as u do he is probably not as patient as u and wants the story to move faster..... I mean theshow is a hr long its no reason u should get an episode where no questions are answered
Originally Posted by jblackcat13

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Anybody else peep that poster in John's locker?....We've seen it before.
I didn't catch that...What was it?



In the poster doesnt that look like Sawyer, clair,. michael, and charlie? I thought in a previous discussion we had said that it was Sawyer
in an alternate life.
Still havent seen last nights episode...
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Very interesting episode.... Claire shows up out of nowhere as if nothing has happened.... We now seen that the Others or whoever else has been working on shaping Locke for the longest of times. Interesting how he chooses the island items instead of things like the law. I can't figure out though why Alpert didn't want a spiritual Locke and instead wanted Locke to be more like Jack is. Side note --
when the science teacher was telling Locke stuff......

Overall the episode has got me more lost than ever.

About Claire, she was told she had to raise her own child by that guy. Now we see that Christian has convinced her to give up the child and she is fine with it. Can we assume that those two groups are working against each other? And where was Jacob? Is there really a Jacob?

Can someone explain to me why Alpert got mad when Locke picked up the knife???? I understand why he was happy when he picked up the other things but whatabout the knife rubbed him the wrong way?? I know this procedure is used to pick a new Dalai Lama so it seems like they thought Locke was a reincarnation ofanother being maybe? Could it be Jacob? That's the vibe I got when I was watching that scene. Maybe by Locke failing that test, it may tell us that he hassome of the qualities they are looking for but he may not be an exact reincarnation of who they thought he was, if that makes sense. I don't know but thishas got me confused and anxious for some kind of answer. . I wonder how this whole "Oceanic Six" thing is going to play out.
what i want to know is how does Alpert look the same from when locke was born too the present? anyone else notice this? dude doesnt seem he aged a bit
Originally Posted by DubA169

what i want to know is how does Alpert look the same from when locke was born too the present? anyone else notice this? dude doesnt seem he aged a bit

Wow, did you just start watching Lost?
lets just say he was intentially made to look the same...

but regarding this episode... I think its fair to assume that everyone here expected to see Christian there, but Claire sitting in the corner really caught meoffguard... and with the flash-back/flash-forward nature of the show, plus the different 'timelines' from the island and the boat... tough to follow...

at all those complaining... all the episodes were layed out like that by the writers for a reason... thats how they want to tell the story... the showis as good as it is largely because of the writers...
First, I can't believe no one has commented on Christian Shepherd's attire. He wasn't wearing a suit with white sneakers! This probably meanssomething. Are there two Christians? Is this one evil? Did he just change? Why would he change? C'mon people! I expected to see this posted first.

Second, Very interesting Locke flashback. I've always thought of Locke as a man of faith, but it looks as if he is really a man of science. He has beenrejecting science his whole life. I think he is going to need to except it if he ever wants to be THE one.

Third, Locke choosing the knife over the comic book showed Richard that he wasn't open to new ideas, I think he would have been WAY more pissed if hepicked up the book of laws or rules or whatever it was called.

Fourth, It seems like Abbadon could be an Other. I don't really know how that would work being that he chose Farraday, Miles, Lapidus, and Charlotte to beon the freighter, so it's still likely that he is some form of Smokey.
two things I took from this episode:
1) Claire sitting there was honestly an OH S$*! moment, for me and my wife anyways.
2) Abbadon is truly a creppy looking cat. My wife and I think he looks like a lizard. Like when the elevator door was closing he was going to lick his eyeballwith his tongue. word to Geico
overall, I thought it was a great episode.
one thing I'm wondering about though is with Claire. She seemed perfectly fine with leaving her child behind and didn't seem the least bit concerned.like what did Christain say to her that that it ok to leave her baby behind? I've heard theories about Aaron and his importance to the show, but what thehell could he have said.

and I just saw this:
In the commentary for "The Man from Tallahassee", he is described as being similar to a Panchen Lama choosing the next Dalai Lama.
That's exactly what I thought when Alpert started taking out the objects and placing them on the table. I said, wow, just like the DalaiLama.
King of the Hill, FTW
Gunga gulunga...
and what's up with the LOST thread this season. in past seasons, this thing would jump like 10-12 pages and episode. now 3?
Barack Odrama...somethings been bugging me since Kate and Jacks episode a couple weeks back. Maybe you can help shed some light on it for me.

The season finale with a flash forward of a bearded jack and kate at the airport....Could this be after the flash forward of an engaged Kate and Jack.

I think we all thought "him" was Aaron but that episode left me wondering if "him" is actually sawyer and the writers somehow bring himback to land. I dunno...it kinda messed with my head.
I might be missing something simple but I'd love to hear your take.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Barack Odrama...somethings been bugging me since Kate and Jacks episode a couple weeks back. Maybe you can help shed some light on it for me.

The season finale with a flash forward of a bearded jack and kate at the airport....Could this be after the flash forward of an engaged Kate and Jack.

I think we all thought "him" was Aaron but that episode left me wondering if "him" is actually sawyer and the writers somehow bring him back to land. I dunno...it kinda messed with my head.
I might be missing something simple but I'd love to hear your take.

Last season's finale occurs after the Kate/Jack episode a couple weeks ago. Remember, Jack had that other doctor write him his first perscription andby the time he has his beard, he's breaking in and stealing meds. Seeing Christian (his dad) and all that stuff Hurley told him set him on a downwardspiral. Remember, Hurley said Charlie wanted to talk to him or something like that.
The season finale with a flash forward of a bearded jack and kate at the airport....Could this be after the flash forward of an engaged Kate and Jack.
Bearded Jack is for sure the flash-forward that is the furthest into the future. So, it is after the engagement.
Originally Posted by DubA169

what i want to know is how does Alpert look the same from when locke was born too the present? anyone else notice this? dude doesnt seem he aged a bit

i guess you haven't been watching the show...
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