*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Originally Posted by franchise3

Overall, i still think its a crappy season finale (in comparison to past ones.)
I think I'm just excited for next season. No more flashbacks/flashforwards.

why was locke off the island anyway? wasn't he supposed to lead the new squad? was jack the one? DAMN YOU LOST!

Is everyone missing the point of the end of this season?

Locke came off the island because he needed to get everyone to return. In the time theyve been off the island (3 yrs?) all hell broke loose on the island.

There will be flashbacks on how hell broke loose and real time
Alright, so I wake up a few mins ago ready to watch GMA and see the alternate endings and whadda ya know, there was a deadly crane collapse in NYC. Gonna needthose youtubes ASAP.

Alright, moving forward,

charlotte as annie? cool.

$$+ has ben been doing since getting off the island?
waiting for someone in the oceanic 6, Jack as we see,
to realize they need to go back and now he has a plan
to set in motion and bring everyone back?


What bad things happened on the island after they left?

How is Locke as the leader of the Others?
What does he make them do after asking Ben what should he make them do??

How is life progressing on the island not only for the others but sawyer/juliette?
maybe they all begin to feel those "side effects" similar to desmond because of
the whole teleportation/space travel issue.

what happened to farraday and those 6 people on the zodiac after the ship expolded?
assuming they try to go back to the island did it move before they made it?

somone hinted to it, but did michael die or did christian allow him to go somewhere
else because he had everyone else's best interest at heart and the island wont let
him go unil everyone is safe?

the whole frozen wheel was kinda dumb to me, but, it got the job done.

Alright I'm done for now and waitin' on those other endings.
Originally Posted by I Wear Sneakers

Alright, so I wake up a few mins ago ready to watch GMA and see the alternate endings and whadda ya know, there was a deadly crane collapse in NYC. Gonna need those youtubes ASAP.

Alright, moving forward,

charlotte as annie? cool.

$$+ has ben been doing since getting off the island?
waiting for someone in the oceanic 6, Jack as we see,
to realize they need to go back and now he has a plan
to set in motion and bring everyone back?


What bad things happened on the island after they left?

How is Locke as the leader of the Others?
What does he make them do after asking Ben what should he make them do??

How is life progressing on the island not only for the others but sawyer/juliette?
maybe they all begin to feel those "side effects" similar to desmond because of
the whole teleportation/space travel issue.

what happened to farraday and those 6 people on the zodiac after the ship expolded?
assuming they try to go back to the island did it move before they made it?

somone hinted to it, but did michael die or did christian allow him to go somewhere
else because he had everyone else's best interest at heart and the island wont let
him go unil everyone is safe?

the whole frozen wheel was kinda dumb to me, but, it got the job done.

Alright I'm done for now and waitin' on those other endings.
You are thinking way too much about this.


dude is dead. He served his purpose. Christian said that because like now the curse is lifted off him and he can die. He could never die before.

And Jin died also. Unless he is a faster swimmer then a helicopter, even if he made it off the boat, he wouldnt have made it back to the island before itmoved.

And to the haters..I found this quote from aintitcoolnews and I like it:

"Here's how to ruin LOST. Do 6 seasons focused on flashbacks with Kate running from a marshall, Jack pondering his marital issues, Shannon dreamingabout her makeup kit back at home, and have the characters hide every season from "Others" like Ethan.
Here's how to transform LOST from a "good" show to a brilliant show. Evolve the direction of the series. Introduce a new crew. Get thecharacters off the island. Expand upon the island's mythology. Which Damon Lindeloff has executed... masterfully.

LOST S4 is nothing like LOST S1. No offense, but if you want to watch a show where the first and fourth season are nearly identical, with the samecharacters facing the same challenges, LOST is not for you. Try Desperate Housewives or Grey's Anatomy."
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama


its 60 degrees..i gotta wear a coat


those endings suck..I hate Diane Sawyer

sawyer in the casket would have made no sense being that kate would have went to the funeral

and desmond would have sort of made sense but would have sucked
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

nycknicks said we would see Ethan again this season...What happened with that?
I also heard Greg Gunberg (grunberg?) the pilot was supposed to have filmed scenes
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

I guess anything can change based on what we saw with those alt. endings.
i didnt like them. Happy they stuck with Locke. Cuz now Locke will be brought back to the island and his ghost or whatever it is that happens to deadbodies can wander around
glad they went with locke. I think him being in the coffin adds anotherlayer of complexity that the fans cannot wait for. At least i wasn't totally wrong about desmond being in the coffin.
Originally Posted by Kobe Fan

horrible season finale...

nothing seemed too
or any good explanations.

I can't help but disagree.

Even though it's a subplot, the pay off to the Desmond/Penny relationship really did it for me.

We now know why they have to lie. We now know Locke's complete destiny. We now catch up to storyline-wise to the latest flash-forwards.

I really can't complain.
On a side note, I was flipping channels and caught Walt as "Lil Saint" on You Got Served.

Damn 12-hour delay in watching the finale... I guess it just comes with the territory of not living in the US, I suppose...
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by Kobe Fan

horrible season finale...

nothing seemed too
or any good explanations.

I can't help but disagree.

Even though it's a subplot, the pay off to the Desmond/Penny relationship really did it for me.

We now know why they have to lie. We now know Locke's complete destiny. We now catch up to storyline-wise to the latest flash-forwards.

I really can't complain.
I really don't understand all the complaining... what were you guys expecting? for me, it answered some questions and filled-in some of the holesfrom the flash-forwards, which, if you've watched all the episodes, know it doesn't happen that often... sure there are still lots of questions to beanswered, but thats the nature of the show... Maybe you guys have been 'spoiled' by shows that tie up all its loose-ends at the end of a season, butLost is clearly not one of them... you have to look at the Lost series as a whole... no complaints as well...

when Ben said 'move the island', I thought he was speaking metaphorically... hmmm... and what was the point of Ben 'short-circuiting' theorchid device? just to destroy the wall to get to the cave?
I wonder if the Dharmacakra being moved counterclockwise matters at all?

Like Sinner above me just said about the orchid device being short circuited; I was wondering why the video would say don't put any metallic objects inthere? Obviously Ben knew what it would do, but did the video just say that to avoid people getting behind there or something else?
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

No matter how many times i see the Desmond/Penny scene....i still have tears run down my eyes.

I told myself I wasn't going to cry either.

Yah man... what a grand reunion that was. Thank goodness I watchLost by myself ... ...

Excellent Finale.. I love this show and reading all the comments on here and other blogs/websites makes Lost truly a masterpiece of a show.
Its official... LOST> Anything every televised on free t.v.

I was really content with the whole show...I liked how they started with the season 2 finale flash forward to get the show started and turning the wheels.

The island moving...Ben...Sun...the whole finale was perfectly executed.

I can't wait for season 4. I wonder if Jin survived and if he didn't...how did they get his body back to bury him.
"I'm gonna keep my eye on you, shorty... " ... Rose layin down the law

forgot to mention this, but it'll be interesting to see where they are taking the Sun/Widmore co-op... and with her black overcoat and all, turning to the'dark side' perhaps? and its pretty much confirmed that the 'other man' she blames is Jack and not Widmore or Ben?
Originally Posted by SinnerP

"I'm gonna keep eye on you, shorty... " ... Rose layin down the law

forgot to mention this, but it'll be interesting to see where they are taking the Sun/Widmore co-op... and with her black overcoat and all, turning to the 'dark side' perhaps? and its pretty much confirmed that the 'other man' she blames is Jack and not Widmore or Ben?

Me and my wife stay calling Miles "Juntao".
I think as a whole, LOST is the best show I have ever watched.. From what it was in season 1 to what it has become in season 4..

And that was a good season finale.. The last 2 years are gonna be bonkers! I'm glad the writers already know how they'll be ending the show and I hopethey take the time to tie together as many loose ends as possible (while leaving some stuff for us to contemplate and think for ourselves)..

Just like every other great, classic show, it's hard to explain to a non-fan why you love it so much.. But like every other great show, there's abelief that if people just gave it a chance and watched, they'd be hooked (unless they're total dumbasses)..
All I can say is Damn.....

I thought that was a great season finale. I never expected Locke to be in the casket but it certainly sets the stage for next season at least. They have to doflashbacks to show how things got messed up on the island, go deeper into Charlotte's story, and also do something with Julianne and Sawyer.

Some other parts of the show I found interesting was that Claire told Kate that Aaron could not go back to the island, Ben told Jack that everyone needed to goback to the island for it to work, and Hurley asked Sayid if they were going back to the island but he said no they were going to someplace "safe".Also there is the storyline between Sun and Widmore that they have to explain.

Also do you guys think that where the dharmacakra is located explains the polar bears being on the island?

EDIT- One last thing.... Ben told Widmore he was going to kill Penny who is now back with Desmond. So they set us up for another ridiculous storyline beingthat if and when Sayid goes after Penny for Ben is he going to see Desmond and follow through with the kill or not do it given their history?
well the finale wasnt bad, being that i didnt see last weeks episode i was quite surprised how quickly keamy and his gang were killed off. I was expecting aclimactic ending with a big battle. I enjoyed the new Dharma station, and Ben's comment to Lockes "you just killed everyone on the boat" was justpretty good lol.

Overall i expected more from the season finale.

Also, Hurley would not beat Mr. Ecko at chess
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