*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

I wonder if the Dharmacakra being moved counterclockwise matters at all?
Are you sure it was counter-clockwise? I could have sworn it went clockwise... gonna have to check again.

Anyways there is a diagram out there that explains someone's theory on the headings... maybe in this thread. That could be interesting to compare themovement of the Dharmacakra with.
Originally Posted by Answer IV DMX

I wonder if the Dharmacakra being moved counterclockwise matters at all?
Are you sure it was counter-clockwise? I could have sworn it went clockwise... gonna have to check again.

Anyways there is a diagram out there that explains someone's theory on the headings... maybe in this thread. That could be interesting to compare the movement of the Dharmacakra with.

it was pushed clockwise. he moved from right to left.
Yeah it was definitely clockwise. My fault. Too much stuff to handle still.
So when Jeremy Bentham returns to the Island, he'll be alive as John Locke right?
That much is obvious and suggested to me.. Good finale!
So they set us up for another ridiculous storyline being that if and when Sayid goes after Penny for Ben is he going to see Desmond and follow through with the kill or not do it given their history?
Awesome thought.
I was really content with the whole show...I liked how they started with the season 2 finale flash forward to get the show started and turning the wheels
Word on that.

Jack and Kate at the airport, he yells out that they have to go back. ....and she puts in reverse

I wonder what happens in the time being from everybody off the island, for when John comes back to get them all. Since now, it seems almost everybody straightdespises John, minus Jack.

Guess we'll see next season.
someone was saying how the polar bear in the desert was prob used in the past to make the island shift. Basically meaning polar bears were used to turn thewheel which would be the reason why there are bears on the island
^^^ I'm not so sure I buy that though. If Ben can move it himself, what did they need bears for?

A few questions I had:

1. So the other 2 survivors were Desmond and Frank. The reason they couldn't go back with the Oceanic 6 was because them being rescued would throw a renchin the story. Desmond wasn't on the flight that crashed, neither was Frank. Both have ties to Widmore... red flag. But then it makes you think... why didJack mention at the press conference that there were 8 survivors and that 2 died in the first place? who are they saying those other 2 people were and whathappened to them...?

2. How fast could 'someone' (I'm trying not to ruin it for those who don't wanna know) possibly swim that far? and if the island was moved...how do they explain that situation?

3. Why the hell would Widmore/Abaddon hire Miles, Charlotte, Faraday, Frank, and Naomi if they're gonna send Keamy and his men too? Why is Abaddon tryingto get Locke to go to the island if he works for Widmore? Am I the only one that sees a conflict of interest here, specifically with Abaddon and Widmore?.. butthen again we don't know much about Abaddon...

4. Is Locke really dead..? stabbed in an alley way... all the things he's been through and thats how he's gonna die...?

Overall it seemed to me like the line between good and bad was blurred again.. Ben being ok with killing the people on the freightor... Sun wanting to workwith Widmore... Claire wanting to keep Aaron away... I guess theres a way to explain each of those for both sides, thats why I'm wondering about it... goodepisode nonetheless.
I'm not so sure I buy that though. If Ben can move it himself, what did they need bears for?
They are expendible. Ben can't go back now. Why would you sacrifice yourself if you could send a bear.
When the Oceanic 6 were coming onto the other island after getting of Penny's boat the camera seemed to linger a split second on Jack's shoes and Inoticed they were black. Does that mean anything? Also, in the Sayid/Hurley/Eko scene, Hurley was playing as theblack chess pieces. Any significance to that?
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

But then it makes you think... why did Jack mention at the press conference that there were 8 survivors and that 2 died in the first place? who are they saying those other 2 people were and what happened to them...?

The additions to part one last night had Jack saying they were Boone, Libby, and Charlie (so Aaron doesn't count).
Originally Posted by schaefmp

I'm not so sure I buy that though. If Ben can move it himself, what did they need bears for?
They are expendible. Ben can't go back now. Why would you sacrifice yourself if you could send a bear.

This explains that polar bear skeleton then in the desert...

Unless someone already said that in here.
Originally Posted by schaefmp

I'm not so sure I buy that though. If Ben can move it himself, what did they need bears for?
They are expendible. Ben can't go back now. Why would you sacrifice yourself if you could send a bear.

That makes sense, but are they really gonna lug polar bears all the way to a remote island just for that? and was there really that much room down therefor a polar bear anyway?
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by schaefmp

I'm not so sure I buy that though. If Ben can move it himself, what did they need bears for?
They are expendible. Ben can't go back now. Why would you sacrifice yourself if you could send a bear.

That makes sense, but are they really gonna lug polar bears all the way to a remote island just for that? and was there really that much room down there for a polar bear anyway?

Uhhh yeah... Of course they would. If someone told me that I would not be able to return to some place BUT if I could get a polar bear to do the work forme, you damn well better expect me to lug a polar bear to do the work.
I would give a full grown polar bear a piggy back ride down to that wheel if it means I'm staying on the island and get to keep trying to smash Claire withthe power of Widmore word to Richard Alpert

I cant believe Lock is dead.

I wonder how far the Island now is.

Will we ever find out who the hell is JACOB ???!?!?!

Cant get enough of Lost.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

^^^ I'm not so sure I buy that though. If Ben can move it himself, what did they need bears for?

A few questions I had:

1. So the other 2 survivors were Desmond and Frank. The reason they couldn't go back with the Oceanic 6 was because them being rescued would throw a rench in the story. Desmond wasn't on the flight that crashed, neither was Frank. Both have ties to Widmore... red flag. But then it makes you think... why did Jack mention at the press conference that there were 8 survivors and that 2 died in the first place? who are they saying those other 2 people were and what happened to them...?

the other 3 survivors (aaron was born on the "island" in the cover up story) were Boone,Charlie, & Libby.

edit: joka beat me to it
I thought the polar bears were brought on the island by the OG Dahrma's for experiements, and the polar bear that charolette found in the desert ended upthere the same way Ben did.
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