*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Originally Posted by Kobe Fan

NYCKNICKS, can you give me the spoiler for who Danpat is?

Episode was 8/10 kinda slow, but the Sayid Flash Forward was good.

DanPat is some chick that gained popularity amongst the forum goers on the web...

She has nothing to do with LOST...we were thread jacking for awhile.
Therefore, until the very end, we won't be sure that what we're seeing are "flashforwards" or alternate pasts.
On the real..

Sayid's flash forwards/flash backs are the probably the illest of all the characters. This dude always gets some type of flashback with guns, violence, andwomen.
Originally Posted by ObeyNow

Therefore, until the very end, we won't be sure that what we're seeing are "flashforwards" or alternate pasts.

I cannot answer that question right now...There are some things im allowed to mention, and somethings that I'm not. And that happens to be a popularquestion being asked.
Originally Posted by EG47

On the real..

Sayid's flash forwards/flash backs are the probably the illest of all the characters. This dude always gets some type of flashback with guns, violence, and women.

I agree that he does have some of the most intriguing stories. His episodes have so much substance rolled into one hour of television programming. But, toobad he falls short of Desmond when it comes to stories. Dude probably has the most provocative story out of all the characters in LOST.
Does related at all with Dharma and maybe thats how Desmond got stuck on the island?
Cuz he didnt like Desmond with his daughter??
Damn its all a big game of connecting the dots here

The final question is was is Faith that decided to crash on the island
Was it enginered by Dharma to get all those diffrent kind of people
with different abilities on the Island?
^^^Now your onto something...

It's late out here in the east coast. I have work at 9am tomorrow. Goodnight NT...See you next week!!
Yea That old Lady was very (scary) and pointed out what he had to do
So if its Engineered Then Locke is wrong in a way
Great ep and a lot of good posts already. I totally agree with dude who posted the theory about Sayid taking out all the powerful "players" whofunded Dharma. The most interesting connections of the ep to me were: 1) Braclet Naomi and the girl Sayid killed word. Did anyone check to see if the dude onthe golf course was wearing one? I have to go back and look. 2) 31 minute difference and the fact the copter has to come in at the same trajectory. Whichintrigues me as to how food is dropped on the island. 3)Sayids quote about working for Ben. Very powerful quote. 4) I also agree Michael is on the boat orWalt. Question What do you guys think Locke will do with Miles and will he be able to get any information out of him? I think one thing people are missingthough that may have been lost with all the other things going on in the show. Is the connection between the Losties....that is very important. It is veryimportant HOW they are connected and it is scientific (nycknicks knows the secret).

EDIT: The dude at the golf course was not wearing the bracelet.
Another great ep.

I definitely feel that the reason that Lapidus and Daniel made those shady faces when Desmond was questioning them about how they know Penny has something todo with her father. I can't wait for the next Desmond-centric episode.

Hurley referring to Sayid's neckbreack move with his ankles as a break dancing move was
Could Naomi somehow come back to life after she goes through the "portal" back to the real world?

Why they carrying her around all these episodes even though she's been dead for a good minute now...

I read from some place that they could have established the time differential by having Daniel call the boat crew and ask "What time you got therenow?"...So what I'm getting at is, the time per se is same on the island and in the real world...it's just that it takes additional time whengoing through the "portal".

This make any sense?
so anyone know who the black guy that gave orders to Naomi and 4 "rescuers"???
...same dude that visited hospital in the mental hospital.
...Do these people want to destroy or working for Dharma?

I wonder who is Ben's spy on the ship? Michael? Is he even still coming back?
...well I'm assuming that who ever the spy is on the ship, it has to be some one who was on previous episodes.

Maybe I missed something...how was Ben and the others able to bring Locke's dad to the island?

Was it me...or the part where Sayid working for Ben isnt a flash forward but more flashback? I think when Ben said he has a SPY on the ship, he meansSayid...he didnt have one at the time but he does now. Any possibility that Sayid has been working for Ben all along, maybe was even the person responsiblefor the crash of Oceanic 815.
^he said that he was in a plane crash, there is no way that it was a flash back. i think it was pretty obvious that it was a flash forward
what happened to the remaining others?


i know alpert is on that other show, but for real.

where are the other others?
Originally Posted by Escander45

^he said that he was in a plane crash, there is no way that it was a flash back. i think it was pretty obvious that it was a flash forward

Sayid did say that to the guy that he shot at the golf course...but maybe I missed it when he told her that.
I know this is really random, but what ever happened with those sharks with the Dharma logo on them and the large statue of a 4 toed foot?

So weird.

I havent looked at the spoiler yet, but I think that the Inside man on the ship HAS to be Michael.

I remember from season 2 when Ben let Michael and Walt go.

He told them "Stay on this bearing for xxx miles and then you will be picked up by a freighter." right before he let them sail off in that boat. ItHAS to be Michael and or Walt....I remember that part exactly cause I was pissed that Michael had sold out Kate, Sawyer, Jack and Hurley.

My only question now is why would Michael be working for Ben?
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