Official Marvel Vs. Capcom 2....vol. Team Marvel Get at it

didn't feel like looking through thread..

so this game i out now for 360? i can buy it on xbox live now? how much?
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

didn't feel like looking through thread..

so this game i out now for 360? i can buy it on xbox live now? how much?
Yes you can buy it on xbox live now. It's gonna cost 1200 Microsoft points, which is about $15 or so.
Originally Posted by The Takeover

This my first time playing this game and man... I be gettin my $$* whooped online my record like 0-20, but if anybody wanna see me on SFIV I ain't no joke
same here fam. I play my friend & dude straight murked me 7 matches to 1. He straight cheesin' when he wins but I can't do nothingabout it till I get better. He wrecks me in MvC2 but in SFIV its the opposite
Originally Posted by the north west

dudes on nt are lame complaining about how other people play

if you cant beat someone when you know what they always do then you are trash

its not even complaining. its the truth. what can u do when they pick juggernaut dash assist all day long while they have iron man beaming spamming you allday. and warmachine throwing rockets every 5 seconds. i would love to see how u can beat them.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by LetItRock

Is Servbot, Hayato and Silver Samurai too noobish, or no? I'm prolly WAY more rusty than yall.
hayato got reach with his katana. he can pull off some good combos. servbot sucks but his special takes away lots of health. and samurai , ehh..

i like picking characters that are fast but die fast. cause im a crossup player. so my teams always involve sonson, marrow, spiderman, wolverine, or jill
silver samurai is a sentinel KILLER

i love when those thirsty sentinel players call they help characters and i whip out da electric attack and proceed to french fry everyone on da screen

imagine da thristy sentinel tryin to fly all game ( and can't block)
at all the babies. Before this game released, everyone was the best and no one could see them. Now it's, how do I stop chessin' ppl?
Its not hard to stop the cheesing stuff. all you do is high jump over it or bust em with an assist .

Ninjahood lemme know when your online so i can show you that im better than you and this 2 year debate ends.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

silver samurai is a sentinel KILLER

i love when those thirsty sentinel players call they help characters and i whip out da electric attack and proceed to french fry everyone on da screen

imagine da thristy sentinel tryin to fly all game ( and can't block)
i love that move as well. does crazy dmg when u close.
I'm not stickin with Hayato permanently, but I will use him for a while until I shake the rust off.

And Servbot because like dude said its supers are nasty.

Silver Samurai cause of his awesomeness alone.

360 controller with this is not ballin.
ive come to the conclusion that 95% of NTers are !*%$%+ scrubs at 2d fighting games and are *****y whiners.
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