Official Marvel Vs. Capcom 2....vol. Team Marvel Get at it

I got my XBL points registered so I'm just patiently..................waiting........................

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

I got my XBL points registered so I'm just patiently..................waiting........................

@ random Bears but i dont think u want it in MVC2 wats ur GT dawg?
Mannnn, *$%* used to get heated with this game

Lord knows I logged in my hours and I can't wait to add to it, but...

What are ya'll doin' about the controller situation? The PS2 controller was PERFECT for this. I just can'tget wit the 360 jawn for fighting games.

Suggestions? (other than scooping a ps3
Originally Posted by CollegeKicks

Mannnn, *$%* used to get heated with this game

Lord knows I logged in my hours and I can't wait to add to it, but...

What are ya'll doin' about the controller situation? The PS2 controller was PERFECT for this. I just can't get wit the 360 jawn for fighting games.

Suggestions? (other than scooping a ps3
^ wrong.

yo how much is the stick?

i might be getting a 360 soon and more than likely marvel.

rogue storm sentinel all day.

just cause i like rogue lol.

otherwise rogue storm tronbonne...

or a real team

storm sentinel commando
at some of the teams on here
I bet alot of you over value Cable

Jill, Iceman, & Doom...
Sentinel, Colossus, Ruby Heart & Magneto off the bench

July 29th.... see me... seriously
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

so lemme get this straight, there is no hard copy????

there are hard copys out there only for xbox and ps2 and they run upwards to 100 150 dollers

tomorrow is the realease
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

I am stoked. Haven't used that word in a while. Anyway, anyone know what time this drops tomorrow?

iono maybe around noon but ima definately be on by 5 tomorrow laying down digital i use to play this like crazy in the arcades but there wasnever really any competition so i was stuck beating the computer over and over.
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