**Official McDonald's Monopoly Thread vol. Post Your Winnings

Damn, i have yet to start,
Originally Posted by HKM206

Yall is doin it wrong. It's all about the online game. I just won an hour of free wi-fi at mcdonalds.

or McDonalds just got you to sit and buy their food for another hour...

McDonalds is just too smart for coming up with this Monopoly game
i have alot of em cant name all.

Ik i have 2 yellow pieces.

and i have 2 Parkplaces.

Question: How hard is it to get boardwalk? If i get it do i just get put into a raffle or something or do i straight up get a mil?

Ik sumone who works in the back of Mcdonalds and hes gonna try to find me one.
aight guys. i got 2 out of 3 for alott of the prizes. willing to split the money if anyone has..

green piece for 50K - I need Pennsylvania Ave.
black mcdonalds piece for 100k - I need Golden Ave.
light blue piece for 1k - I need Vermont Ave.
railroads for 500$ - I need Short Line

the other pieces I got maybe someone needs um, I got Illinois Ave (red piece), St James Place (orange), St Charles (pink)

lets share and win some $$$$$!
So what stuff has the stickers on it? My medium fries and 10 piece mcnuggets didn't have them to my disappointment but my medium drink did.
they prolly got the winning pieces in some random spot like maine or north dakota. mcdonalds is a billion (possibly trillion) dollar company for a reason.
Illinois Avenue, New York Avenue, North Carolina Avenue, Park Place, so if anyone goes those holla at me and we could split this money. cuz its a recession andeverybody's broke!
Originally Posted by Fox5Kobe

Illinois Avenue, New York Avenue, North Carolina Avenue, Park Place, so if anyone goes those holla at me and we could split this money. cuz its a recession and everybody's broke!
i have all the ones u mentioned..... do u have those or NEED those?
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

i have alot of em cant name all.

Ik i have 2 yellow pieces.

and i have 2 Parkplaces.

Question: How hard is it to get boardwalk? If i get it do i just get put into a raffle or something or do i straight up get a mil?

Ik sumone who works in the back of Mcdonalds and hes gonna try to find me one.
It's something like 1 or 2 pieces made of boardwalk in the world

Might as well give up on getting that piece and aim for the smaller prizes like 100 G or 50 G (which i wouldn't mind as a consolation prize
just got a number1 large and all in one i got this:
25% off footlocker
free breakfast sandwhich
PINK: st. charles place#256
States Avenue#257
i could win 2Gs if i just get #258
GREEN: Pacific Avenue #268
PURPLE: Baltic Avenue #252
need #251 to get $100
and Arches Avenue#272
need #271 to get 100Gs!

located in san jose btw
whats the deal with discounts on Footlocker, I was looking at the Penny 2's and it has fine red print.
* This item is currently excluded from any $ off or % off discounts

Does it work? or you guys want to have the Pennys with your discount?
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