Official MMA Thread-UFC on FOX 3, 5/5/12 - Anyone asking for stream links = banned.

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

smh @ fedor...dude is duckin brock, lets be real here.

relax sparky....if he cared about the competition he'd take what ufc gave him.

m-1/fedor will bankrupt strikeforce like they do to every company they go to its only a matter of time til he gets better competition.
but you're really thinking he's ducking competition? How about the fact that the man just doesn't want to be handled by the Fertitasand Dana?

I fully believe he does not trust them at all(he's been given everything and despite that he still refusesto join the promotion)...and there's no way that man will come to the UFC when Dana says:
"Fedor is a f---ing joke," UFC President Dana White responded Monday after learning that Emelianenko had signed with Strikeforce. "He turns down a huge deal and the opportunity to face the best in the world to fight nobodies for no money!"
Also, are you saying SF is giving him more cash? We know how much dough can he make by going stateside...he doesn't even have to rely on hiscontract alone.

let's quit the common/cliche comments now, it's getting tired really...
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

smh @ fedor...dude is duckin brock, lets be real here.

relax sparky....if he cared about the competition he'd take what ufc gave him.

m-1/fedor will bankrupt strikeforce like they do to every company they go to its only a matter of time til he gets better competition.
but you're really thinking he's ducking competition? How about the fact that the man just doesn't want to be handled by the Fertitas and Dana?

I fully believe he does not trust them at all(he's been given everything and despite that he still refuses to join the promotion)...and there's no way that man will come to the UFC when Dana says:
"Fedor is a f---ing joke," UFC President Dana White responded Monday after learning that Emelianenko had signed with Strikeforce. "He turns down a huge deal and the opportunity to face the best in the world to fight nobodies for no money!"
Also, are you saying SF is giving him more cash? We know how much dough can he make by going stateside...he doesn't even have to rely on his contract alone.

let's quit the common/cliche comments now, it's getting tired really...

Ummm... what else is Dana supposed to say? "Oh damn the best fighter in the world is going to Strikeforce!". Fedor isn't the one whodecides where he fights. Vadim and M-1 do. M-1 wants co-promotion, that has been the only constant from their side the WHOLE time. Notice that Strikeforceagreed to co-promote? And BoDog? And Affliction? Why are we still putting blame on Dana, and Fedor for that matter,when the main hold up has been Vadim?
At this point, the UFC can only hope Fedor gets his #@@ whooped by Rogers, Werdum, etc.

Its safe to say we will never see Fedro in the UFC, as long as hes associated with M-1.
some spastic fighting and just about the worst commentators ever, but the payoff is awesome. especially the end of the vid.

Clutchshooter wrote:
some spastic fighting and just about the worst commentators ever, but the payoff is awesome. especially the end of the vid.

bahahahahaha.��somewhat reminiscent of when David Loiseau had that spinning back kick into the gut of�[Charles?] McCarthy.

what is that dude thinking fighting in�adidas warmups?��he does realize this is an MMA fight and not a bboy battle right?� I mean call me crazy (i dont�trainso maybe im wrong), but�wouldnt the pants just be extra grip for someone to grab a leg and lock in some�sort of leglock?

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Clutchshooter wrote:
some spastic fighting and just about the worst commentators ever, but the payoff is awesome. especially the end of the vid.
bahahahahaha.��somewhat reminiscent of when David Loiseau had that spinning back kick into the gut of�[Charles?] McCarthy.

what is that dude thinking fighting in�adidas warmups?��he does realize this is an MMA fight and not a bboy battle right?� I mean call me crazy (i dont�train so maybe im wrong), but�wouldnt the pants just be extra grip for someone to grab a leg and lock in some�sort of leglock?


full contact karate competitors usually fight in similar attire, and they stated he was a karate fighter, so im guessing that's the reason for them.

what im more surprised at is the fact that it was even allowed. seems like the attire regulations would be more strict.

on the fight front:

stevenson vs. fisher at ufc 104.
You'd be surprised at the type of stuff they let slide at these half !!# promotions. And yeah the pants would make for extra grip.
I love when they showed that on Inside MMA and you hear the one guy saying "Is that Shonie Carter?!?!?!", dudes reffing the fight in like anaffliction shirt with tons of bling on.
Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

another random mma moment i ran across today.


the one with gray maynard is bizarre too
Emerson tried toslam him but Maynard had a lock on the his head too

I remember Maynard being pissed @ the end of the match but he was the one who was knocked, not Emerson
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

another random mma moment i ran across today.


the one with gray maynard is bizarre too
Emerson tried to slam him but Maynard had a lock on the his head too

I remember Maynard being pissed @ the end of the match but he was the one who was knocked, not Emerson


Ummm... what else is Dana supposed to say?
I think you lost me there dude. I'm pointing out the fact that at this point in time, where pursuing Fedor has gone to its greatest heights,probably would change the way the UFC owners think about chasing Fedor.
M-1 wants co-promotion, that has been the only constant from their side the WHOLE time. Notice that Strikeforce agreed to co-promote? And BoDog? And Affliction?
I know. Relax.
Why are we still putting blame on Dana, and Fedor for that matter, when the main hold up has been Vadim?
I, for one, belong to a group of people who has no hatred for Dana at all. Don't mix me up with people who make cliche comments here(commentsabout Lesnar, anyone?). As well, I got no beef with Vadim here coz he's running a business...and this is what most people don't realize in sports.
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Ummm... what else is Dana supposed to say?
I think you lost me there dude. I'm pointing out the fact that at this point in time, where pursuing Fedor has gone to its greatest heights, probably would change the way the UFC owners think about chasing Fedor.
M-1 wants co-promotion, that has been the only constant from their side the WHOLE time. Notice that Strikeforce agreed to co-promote? And BoDog? And Affliction?
I know. Relax.
Why are we still putting blame on Dana, and Fedor for that matter, when the main hold up has been Vadim?
I, for one, belong to a group of people who has no hatred for Dana at all. Don't mix me up with people who make cliche comments here(comments about Lesnar, anyone?). As well, I got no beef with Vadim here coz he's running a business...and this is what most people don't realize in sports.

I mean if I came off "mad" I wasn't, I was just saying
. And Dana shouldn't change. Dana doesn't need Fedor. Fedor doesn't need Dana, but IMO Dana has done everything he can within reason tomake this happen for us. He shouldn't change his ways and just roll over to please one man.

But you're right, Vadim is running a business and I'm not mad. I'm just saying, if you're to blame someone for this whole fiasco, it'sVadim. He's not gonna have a business anymore once Fedor is gone.
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

the one with gray maynard is bizarre too
Emerson tried to slam him but Maynard had a lock on the his head too
it was actually the other way around.

maynard was the one slamming emerson.
Awww yeah, Countdown show from last night has me antsy for the Spider fight Saturday night!! I'll be wearing my standard Silva-fight attire (autographedSinister shirt from Spider) in hopes of his record 10th straight UFC victory!!!


Champ B.J. Penn vs. Kenny Florian (for UFC lightweight title)
Champ Anderson Silva vs. Forrest Griffin (non-title fight)
Johny Hendricks vs. Amir Sadollah
Ricardo Almeida vs. Kendall Grove
Josh Neer vs. Kurt Pellgrino


Shane Nelson vs. Aaron Riley
John Howard vs. Tamdan McCrory
Thales Leites vs. Alessio Sakara
Dan Cramer vs. Matthew Riddle
George Roop vs. George Sotiropoulos
Jesse Lennox vs. Danillo Villefort
Damn... cant believe I forgot to DVR the Countdown show last night. This is a make or break event for me so I DEFINITELY will be watching. Foryou MMA bettors, I hope some of you guys took advantage of my early advice/heads up and got your money on Anderson Silva when he was at -280. I hate goinginto a bet feeling too confident, but the fact that the line jumped from -280 to the -400 range has got me feeling good. The big fight of the night for me isBJ v. Kenflo. If BJ somehow loses, not only will my fiancee kill me for losing a grand on MMA betting, but I will probably have to cut that money out of mywedding fund and serve my guests Absolut instead of that Goose. For the same of all my friends/family alcohol palate.... GO BJ!!!!

Last minute betting odds tips (take em at your own risk)

Pelligrino is currently being offered in the +170 to +200 range. I think this is a great value (maybe its just cause I think Neer is overrated). I hopePelligrino will use his boxing to keep distance and score points, and then setup for the takedown to work his way to a Unanimous Decision.

The line for the Almeida v. Grove fight is all over the place. Ricardo is dropping down to 170 after this fight, but I don't think he is going to begiving up that much in the size/strength category to Kendall. If you can find anyone booking bets on Almeida at or near even money (-110 range) I would takeit. Both of my books have him listed in the -150 to -170 range which is a tad too rich for my blood.


Champ B.J. Penn vs. Kenny Florian (for UFC lightweight title)
Champ Anderson Silva vs. Forrest Griffin (non-title fight)
Johny Hendricks vs. Amir Sadollah
Ricardo Almeida vs. Kendall Grove
Josh Neer vs. Kurt Pellgrino


Shane Nelson vs. Aaron Riley
John Howard vs. Tamdan McCrory
Thales Leites vs. Alessio Sakara
Dan Cramer vs. Matthew Riddle
George Roop vs. George Sotiropoulos
Jesse Lennox vs. Danillo Villefort
^If I knew 'how' to place bets, I'd try my luck on a few fights every so often. $20 on main events with friends is about all I can make each eventthough lol.
I know Bastich checks this thread often so please delete and let me know if I am out of line with this.

There are a ton of online sports books that you can get action at, but that is an entirely different topic in itself.

Personally I am a penny's player myself, typically keeping my overall wager on an event at a few hundo. UFC 100 was the first one I scaled up a bit andincreased my risk total above a G. UFC 101 I am going for broke (bad choice of words) because I feel pretty good about the perceived value at the time I lockedin my bets. Usually if I am betting this much, I will just make the trek out to Vegas which isn't all that inconvenient. For this event I am watching itfrom the comfort of my home (or my betting partners home) because I was introduced to someone local who takes action on MMA. If you're in socal I can setyou up with someone if interested. Just PM me.
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