Official MMA Thread-UFC on FOX 3, 5/5/12 - Anyone asking for stream links = banned.

So Wandy has cracked ribs and is out of the fight with Akiyama at 116...guess who stepped up...


he just fought his heart and toughness...but he will get rocked in this one.
Hominick vs. Jabouin was great.  Probably better than the sloppy fight that was garcia vs. korean zombie (even if people in the ufc called it the fight of the decade 
).  WEC puts on more solid cards than ufc or strikeforce.
So who saw the interview with Kogan(director of operations for M-1) on MMAfighting? Anyone have thoughts on it?

I thought Kogan on the show was a complete doucher and he and M-1 are full of bull. They're all dirt bags over there. The interview was completely pointless because he was absolutely unwilling to actually answer the questions but rather was focused on dodging them and dancing around the topics at hand. Ariel did a fantastic job and the fans asked some great questions, but the idiot would not co-operate. This guy is supposed to be the "Dana White of M-1" but displayed the most politically correct, capitalist corporate pig, lawyer type answers. He will not last as their global director of operations, he looks so timid and clueless, his answers leave much to be desired and frustrate people more rather than give explanation. He also straight up LIES and poorly too...In the interview he went on record and boldly stated that Fedor is the highest paid fighter in MMA and doesn't need to be on UFC because he already is the highest paid when no one even asked. Then when later asked if he's seen UFC salaries, he responded that he hadn't and but he THINKS Fedor is the highest paid....

Also, Fedor was supposed to be on the show and but ended up not showing up....First fights, now he's ducking interviews.
Originally Posted by shogun

Hominick vs. Jabouin was great.  Probably better than the sloppy fight that was garcia vs. korean zombie (even if people in the ufc called it the fight of the decade 
).  WEC puts on more solid cards than ufc or strikeforce.

   yeah it was a great fight,a back and forth fight and the only other fight ive seen like the garcia vs chan sung jung was cyborg vs manhoef (youtube it for those who have never seen it)

and Brock alreadly taking shots 
 "Get in line, everybody [Dave Batista] and their dog wants to get into fighting," Brock said. "Next question. We're talking about a heavyweight championship fight, not some wannabe."

 and anyone think fedor is going to lose ?
fitch vs alves is official for 117
Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

No Wand, was looking forward to him fighting. 
But if Leben wins, which I doubt, a Wand Vs Leben fight is going to be

Leben's too slow.  He'll be eating power shots from Sexiyama all night.  no pause  

Fedor is losing a lot of respect by being a part of this M-1 global %@%*!*%*+ group.  Strikeforce is dumb as hell for co-promoting with them.  M-1 doesn't do crap but still gets to put their name up.
There has been a discussion between Bellator and Strikeforce to host a New Years Eve Event similar to Dynamite!! in which we will see 'Bellator vs. Strikeforce' matches similar to what happened at Dynamite!! 2009 with Dream vs. Sengoku.

with the main event likely being Eddie Alvarez vs. Gilbert Melendez
With the next Fedor fight 2 days away, Ill post this for the people who have never seen it/ haven't seen much of Fedor before...
Originally Posted by ChrisPhenephom

Akiyama has been training hard for wand.  I doubt Leben will do much.  I think its gonna be an arm bar tho. hes due for a sub.

I hope Sexyama can pull off the sub, can he get him down on the ground at will though? (or flying armbar!!!!!)

I dont know if Simpson just felt like standing and trading with Leben, but I thought he is supposed to be a high level wrestler and its not like he was able to take Leben down whenever he wanted to.
I honestly has Leben over Akiyama. I don't even know why. I can't help but pull for him after taking this fight on short notice when he just fought.
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

I honestly has Leben over Akiyama. I don't even know why. I can't help but pull for him after taking this fight on short notice when he just fought.

I agree, and I think Akiyama is a solid fighter. But I have the feeling Leben fighting in short notice and recently having a win just like a week ago or so will benefit him. Kinda like a hot streak.
Wand and Sexy were half the greatness of 116. Majorly dissapointed. I think Leben vs. Wand would be a WAR. Now i got Sexyama winning the Co main event. Still should be a great card. And as for Strikeforce, Werdum has little to no chance. Fedor via. Destruction. Then we'll move on to Demolition man vs. The Last Emperor. Now Thats a fight.
I have high hopes for Leben next weekend.

I'm not saying he's definately gonna win, but I'd like to see him pull off the upset, especially for taking the fight on such short notice.

As for tomorrow night, I'm hoping to see a good fight. I'm not a Fedor nut-hugger, but I don't discredit his skills either. I don't really care who wins either way, I just want to see a battle.

Cung Le will not disappoint that's for sure! Win or lose, every fight is worth watching.
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