Official MMA Thread-UFC on FOX 3, 5/5/12 - Anyone asking for stream links = banned.

I really like both Henderson and Silva... so I didn't care who won... i had a hard time figuring out how Dan stood a chance in this one though, Spider isjust so tough anyway you go at him.

Another sorta mediocre PPV though top to bottom.. Leben is always entertaining, i swear dude is in back pounding beers before he comes out.. he acts like thelocal drunk in the ring just throwin wild punches, but man is he a tough son of a %#%%%...
rest of the fights were pretty meh...

Next fight I really care anything at all about will be Penn v Sherk.. Penn is that dude.
I can't believe they were talking about Kongo and Herring like that, it was reminiscent of Evans vs. Bisping. Neither guy should be close tocontender's talks and really the only deserving guy right now is Arlovski.

Dustin Hazlett screwed up my parlay bet
but I got some money off Okami.
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Greco didn't work, ground didn't work, so he figured if I can knee him and throw my wild right I might have a chance.

No. Spider adjust to anything and is probably the most prepared fighter in all of MMA. Like I said MJ/Kobe/Tiger/Bruce preparation to the point of perfection.

He almost KO'd him and it would have been his first but out-worked Hendo in his own game ala GSP vs. Hughes.
Greco didn't work? Greco won Dan the first round. Unless i was trippin balls it was the greco clinch that got Anderson to the ground. It was alsothat same clinch that kept anderson from throwing the big knees. Dude were we watchin the same fight? I love watchin Anderson too but he hardly'outwrestled' Dan if tha's what youre implying...Discuss
silva has pretty much shut down the middleweight division.

only thing they can do now is okami/silva and promote the fact that okami beat silva, even tho it was by dq.

move chonnan up and see if he can repeat the flying leg scissors
i would love to see bj penn and silva go at it...the thing is...will penn move up to 185 weight class? or does silva have to go down to 155? either way, great match between these two

Neither of those are possible my man...It's impossible for either of them to gain or lose that much weight and expect them to be competitive.
Originally Posted by kicks and kix

Originally Posted by jbone2308

Greco didn't work, ground didn't work, so he figured if I can knee him and throw my wild right I might have a chance.

No. Spider adjust to anything and is probably the most prepared fighter in all of MMA. Like I said MJ/Kobe/Tiger/Bruce preparation to the point of perfection.

He almost KO'd him and it would have been his first but out-worked Hendo in his own game ala GSP vs. Hughes.
Greco didn't work? Greco won Dan the first round. Unless i was trippin balls it was the greco clinch that got Anderson to the ground. It was also that same clinch that kept anderson from throwing the big knees. Dude were we watchin the same fight? I love watchin Anderson too but he hardly 'outwrestled' Dan if tha's what youre implying...Discuss

I meant it didn't work like Dan wanted, to where it kept Silva on the fence and able to do more than little leg knees. Silva kept him tight so noelbows or big knees from Hendo would come. It lossened up Hendo threw a knee but Silvas was on point and that began the downfall. Silva didn'tout-wrestle Dan but he controlled the ground in the 2nd.

I see what you mean.
confidence is obviously important and it's crucial to be well rounded but why do so many fighters want to fight outside themselves?

too many great ground fighters want to be bangers and they are shying away from their strengths.

hendo is a legit banger and great wrestler but he won that first round with his wrestling and then just decided it was time to throw hands and got beat up andchoked out.
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by kicks and kix

Originally Posted by jbone2308

Greco didn't work, ground didn't work, so he figured if I can knee him and throw my wild right I might have a chance.

No. Spider adjust to anything and is probably the most prepared fighter in all of MMA. Like I said MJ/Kobe/Tiger/Bruce preparation to the point of perfection.

He almost KO'd him and it would have been his first but out-worked Hendo in his own game ala GSP vs. Hughes.
Greco didn't work? Greco won Dan the first round. Unless i was trippin balls it was the greco clinch that got Anderson to the ground. It was also that same clinch that kept anderson from throwing the big knees. Dude were we watchin the same fight? I love watchin Anderson too but he hardly 'outwrestled' Dan if tha's what youre implying...Discuss

I meant it didn't work like Dan wanted, to where it kept Silva on the fence and able to do more than little leg knees. Silva kept him tight so no elbows or big knees from Hendo would come. It lossened up Hendo threw a knee but Silvas was on point and that began the downfall. Silva didn't out-wrestle Dan but he controlled the ground in the 2nd.

I see what you mean.
I think the win was more so Hendo shying away from his gameplan than Silva imposing his. This was the first time I've seen silva out-worked in knees no anything. Like clutch said...he won the first round with his wrestling. The clinch worked perfectly...closing the gap that a striker needsand setting up for body locks. Why loosen up the clinch and give anderson some space, i have no idea? On the subject of fighters not thinkin right...Idon't understand how fighters don't make every effort to make themselves complete. Crocop's still not training as much wrestling and ground game ashe should, Herring not training takedowns at all according to him, Wandy still has #$%*!! wrestling, etc. As a professional wouldnt you try and be the best youcan be regardless of youre fighting?
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by kicks and kix

Originally Posted by jbone2308

Greco didn't work, ground didn't work, so he figured if I can knee him and throw my wild right I might have a chance.

No. Spider adjust to anything and is probably the most prepared fighter in all of MMA. Like I said MJ/Kobe/Tiger/Bruce preparation to the point of perfection.

He almost KO'd him and it would have been his first but out-worked Hendo in his own game ala GSP vs. Hughes.
Greco didn't work? Greco won Dan the first round. Unless i was trippin balls it was the greco clinch that got Anderson to the ground. It was also that same clinch that kept anderson from throwing the big knees. Dude were we watchin the same fight? I love watchin Anderson too but he hardly 'outwrestled' Dan if tha's what youre implying...Discuss

I meant it didn't work like Dan wanted, to where it kept Silva on the fence and able to do more than little leg knees. Silva kept him tight so no elbows or big knees from Hendo would come. It lossened up Hendo threw a knee but Silvas was on point and that began the downfall. Silva didn't out-wrestle Dan but he controlled the ground in the 2nd.

I see what you mean.
I think the win was more so Hendo shying away from his gameplan than Silva imposing his. This was the first time I've seen silva out-worked in knees no anything. Like clutch said...he won the first round with his wrestling. The clinch worked perfectly...closing the gap that a striker needsand setting up for body locks. Why loosen up the clinch and give anderson some space, i have no idea? On the subject of fighters not thinkin right...Idon't understand how fighters don't make every effort to make themselves complete. Crocop's still not training as much wrestling and ground game ashe should, Herring not training takedowns at all according to him, Wandy still has +%%%%@ wrestling, etc. As a professional wouldnt you try and be the best youcan be regardless of youre fighting?
they should start to build ricardo almeida and set him up for anderson

of course after okami gets a shot tho
It broke my heart to see Tanner go down the way he did

Aside from that fight, most fights went the way I predicted. Hopefully Dana can get Arlovski inked quick and get him back on a PPV soon.
On the subject of fighters not thinkin right...I don't understand how fighters don't make every effort to make themselves complete. Crocop's still not training as much wrestling and ground game as he should, Herring not training takedowns at all according to him, Wandy still has +%%%%@ wrestling, etc. As a professional wouldnt you try and be the best you can be regardless of youre fighting?
like i said there are also fighters who are making efforts to be well rounded but purposely shying away from their strentghs.

why a guy like matt hughes would ever try to stand with someone like gsp is baffling.

they should start to build ricardo almeida and set him up for anderson
they should start to build a cyborg and set him up for anderson.

who am i kidding? that cyborg would get anihilated.

silva stay throwing lasers.

Dana can get Arlovski inked quick and get him back on a PPV soon
i think the fact of having arlovski on the undercard points to the likelyhood that contract talks have pretty much ended unamicably and arlovskiwas just honoring the last fight of his current contract before he moves on.

im expecting fedor/pitbull soon enough.
Originally Posted by kicks and kix

think the win was more so Hendo shying away from his gameplan than Silva imposing his. This was the first time I've seen silva out-worked in the knees no anything. Like clutch said...he won the first round with his wrestling. The clinch worked perfectly...closing the gap that a striker needs and setting up for body locks. Why loosen up the clinch and give anderson some space, i have no idea?

couldnt agree more. After Rd 1 I felt good about the fight. I thought if Hendo continues to close the gap, keep it tight and utilize his wrestling hewould have had a chance to eek out a victory but he decides to keep the distance and trade with the 1 dude in the game that you dont want to trade with. SorryFedor, but the one truly unbeatable guy in the game is Anderson Silva.

Can anyone fill me in with what happened on the Kos v Hazlett fight? I had to watch the fights on delay because I was out to dinner and my DVR cut off rightafter the main event. Stupid Time Warner Cable.
Can anyone fill me in with what happened on the Kos v Hazlett fight?
Exciting fight for Kos, Kos used a bunch of leg kicks. Hazlett caught Kos with a head kick, Kos stumbled back against the cage and Kos ate a hardknee. Hazlett had Kos in a guillotine, Kos got out of it. They trade punches, Kos gets a takedown but Hazlett has him in a weak triangle. Round ends. Theybegin to trade until Kos lands a headkick that sends Hazlett to the mat and Kos slips on his back. Kos sees that he hurt him and runs to rock him once on thechin. Ref stops it
See this is what makes me not say well it so and so did this he would have won, it takes away from who actually won the fight.

Spider in one way or another was going to beat Dan, period. He made claims Silva doesn't hit hard, this that and the other. But he got hit and almost gotKO'd.

So lets put that to rest because it's not like Wandy vs. Chuck. Wandy clearly didn't even attempt anything but punching like he was a boxer.
-Anderson Silva: $140,000 (defeated Dan Henderson; win bonus was $70,000)
-Dan Henderson: $100,000 (lost to Anderson Silva; win bonus would have been $150,000)

-Heath Herring: $140,000 (defeated Cheick Kongo; win bonus was $70,000)
-Jon Fitch: $60,000 (defeated Chris Wilson; win bonus was $30,000)
-Chris Leben: $50,000 (defeated Alessio Sakara; win bonus was $25,000)
-Cheick Kongo: $30,000 (lost to Heath Herring; win bonus would have been $30,000)
-Yushin Okami: $28,000 (defeated Evan Tanner; win bonus was $14,000)
-Evan Tanner: $25,000 (lost to Yushin Okami; win bonus would have been $25,000)
-Alessio Sakara: $17,000 (lost to Chris Leben; win bonus would have been $17,000)
-Chris Wilson: $12,000 (lost to Jon Fitch; win bonus would have been $12,000)


-Andrei Arlovski: $170,000 (defeated Jake O'Brien; win bonus was $65,000)
-Diego Sanchez: $60,000 (defeated David Bielkheden; win bonus was $30,000)
-Josh Koscheck: $20,000 (defeated Dustin Hazelett; win bonus was $10,000)
-Luigi Fioravanti: $16,000 (defeated Luke Cummo; win bonus was $8,000)
-Luke Cummo: $16,000 (lost to Luigi Fioravanti; win bonus would have been $16,000)
-Jorge Gurgel: $14,000 (defeated John Halverson; win bonus was $7,000)
-Dustin Hazelett: $12,000 (lost to Josh Koscheck; win bonus would have been $12,000)
-Jake O'Brien: $11,000 (lost to Andrei Arlovski; win bonus would have been $11,000)
-David Bielkheden: $8,000 (lost to Diego Sanchez; win bonus would have been $8,000)
-John Halverson: $3,000 (lost to Jorge Gurgel; win bonus would have been $3,000)

Fight of the night: Silva/Henderson
Sub of the night: Anderson Silva
KO of the night: Chris Leben
All receive $60,000 bonus

Payouts are improving. On average, they are much better. I wonder when Anderson's contract expires, he shouldn't be making less than $250,000 beforebonuses
It was so hard to watch that fight for me.

Seeing 2 fighters that I admire like that. It almost hurt to see Hendo get choked out. I've seen that dude in some ridiculous throwdowns.

It's incredible to me that it took more time for Big Nog and Rampage to beat Hendo than it did Silva.

Seems like Hendo had a harder time with the MW champ than he did with the LHW and HW champs.

Go figure. Guess that's why they say styles make fights.....
Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by El Rey Pappa

Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by El Rey Pappa

Originally Posted by illphillip

I was going to say the same. Sakara is a former Boxer, which to me would men his striking will be sharper than Leben's, who is a bit of a wild thrower.

%%!+!$% AMPED for Hendo/Silva!!!!

His boxing sure didn't come handy against Houston Alexander.

I haven't seen a whole lot of Hendo fights but from what I've seen of Silva, he's such an exciting fighter to watch due to his versatility. So I hope he keeps the belt. I also think he's the more humble fighter.
And? Was anyone in here talking about Houston Alexander?

Don't be so sensitive. My comment was in reference to your praise for his boxing skills, which apparently didn't prevent him from getting KTFO by Houston. What's wrong with that?

I didn't praise his Boxing skills. I just stated that he was a Boxer and that his striking should be sharper than Leben's. He is fighting Leben. Who historically is a wild swinger. No one said anything about Houston Alexander, who by the way, is not Chris Leben. And who is also infinitely stronger than Chris Leben. Let's stay focused here son. Dude, watching that Countdown has me even more amped. I love both fighters. Hendo will be Silva's toughest task to date. In honor of Anderson, one of the illest knockouts I've ever seen.

Looks like even somebody "infinitely" weaker than Houston Alexander still had no problem knocking this dude out.

This was a pretty good fight until the KO and to Alessio's credit, at least he didn't run from Leben.
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