Official MMA Thread-UFC on FOX 3, 5/5/12 - Anyone asking for stream links = banned.

I didn't even realize this thread existed.

The only thing I have to say about the Silva vs Leites fiasco is this: The UFC is a BUSINESS, not a SPORT. Having a champion like Silva isn't good forBUSINESS. You can raise as many arguments as you want about his ground game, etc, but the bottom line is his marketability has plummeted due to his last twofights and that is why Dana White apologized. It's called damage control. Dana doesn't give a sh*t about you or me.
lidell in this game is liddell circa 05 .......x 30.......with bowling balls in his gloves.

im having trouble not ko'ing guys and im playing on expert.

im trying to make the fight go to decision to see if i can win rounds by 2, but the fight is always one overhand right from being over.

i tried to not throw it one fight and just ended up getting the ko with knees to the body a little reminiscent of gsp.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

I didn't even realize this thread existed.

The only thing I have to say about the Silva vs Leites fiasco is this: The UFC is a BUSINESS, not a SPORT. Having a champion like Silva isn't good for BUSINESS. You can raise as many arguments as you want about his ground game, etc, but the bottom line is his marketability has plummeted due to his last two fights and that is why Dana White apologized. It's called damage control. Dana doesn't give a sh*t about you or me.
I agree with you that Dana is trying to run a business, and The Silva fight was not good for business.
The game is sick, I'm hooked on the demo. I need a lot of practice, there's so much stuff to learn.
i found this very funny...

NS: Do you have any advice for the nerds on how to get girls?

PB: Do steroids, lift heavy weights, get contacts, go tanning. And stop playing all those gay !$*!%#@ video games. You can't get #!%@# in front of a TV playing games with your geeky friends. Go out to night clubs and bars, hit the beach. If you got money, floss. Whatever you do, don't be yourself.
i've played the demo for the first time today. pretty good job. they've really did excellent in trying to translate mma into a video game. although,having some experience in mma, i don't find that it helps at all in any aspect of the game, except setting up takedowns and planning outpositions/transitions on the ground.
controls arent very intuitive, but i'm expecting some improvement in the final version
how do you do submissions i keep trying and shogun just doesnt pull them off. once i push L3 do i have to button mash?
Originally Posted by cjspida619

how do you do submissions i keep trying and shogun just doesnt pull them off. once i push L3 do i have to button mash?

the submissions are tricky. while you can attempt them at any time, there is absolutely zero chance that you will just catch someone with one out of theblue like in an actual match. (i imagine a control scheme for such a thing would have been overly complicated, whereas with the flash ko's any punch thatlanded flush could level a fighter) you have to wear down the opponent a lot first and likely work over the same appendage multiple times before a submissionvictory is possible.

as far as controls for submisionns, yes you have to mash buttons or rotate the right stick after initiating an attempt. also ive played both ps3 and xboxversions and i believe the sub button is R3.
ya your right i know which one it was my bad.

man i love the game but i want to submitt some one i canty wait to fight with the other fights i play like 3 hours just with those 2 fighter
The old school Chuck is in the game, it's almost too easy to get a one hitter quitter with him.

It's fun playing with Shogun though, I'm starting to get his moves down. I KO'd Chuck with a flying knee, it was sick!

As for submissions, I have the PS3 and you just press down on the right thumbstick and start tapping any of the buttons like crazy. It seems like you can onlywin by submission by wearing your opponent down and when their stamina bar is low.

Overall though, the game is nice and will be copped!
alright back in this thread again
and got some breaking news..
Forrest Griffin vs. Anderson Silva set for UFC 101
Ultimate Fighting Championship president Dana White made good on his promise to land a significant fight for suddenly under siege middleweight champion Anderson Silva, telling Yahoo! Sports on Tuesday that he had signed a deal for Silva to face ex-light heavyweight champion Forrest Griffin in the co-main event of UFC 101 in Philadelphia on Aug. 8.

Regarded by many as the pound-for-pound best fighter in the world, Silva has come under a barrage of criticism for his performances in his last two fights, including from White. White said he was embarrassed by Silva's performance in a decision victory over Thales Leites at UFC 97 in Montreal.

That came on the heels of a questionable performance against Patrick Cote at UFC 90 in Chicago in October in which it appeared that Silva was toying with Cote.

White wanted to find a fighter who would challenge Silva, winner of a UFC record nine consecutive fights, and believes he has done it by signing Griffin.

"Forrest loved the idea and said he'd do it right away, and Anderson told me he would fight anyone I wanted him to fight, no matter who it is," White said. "So we got the deal."

The fight will be the co-main event in the UFC's first foray into Philadelphia, sharing top billing with a lightweight title fight between B.J. Penn and No. 1 contender Kenny Florian.

Silva's manager, Ed Soares, said the champion is excited by the opportunity to face Griffin, who took the light heavyweight title from Quinton "Rampage" Jackson in July, but lost it in December to Rashad Evans.

He said Griffin has a complete game and has a big name, which makes the fight more interesting to Silva.

"It's a great fight for him and he's anxious and excited about it," Soares said. "Forrest is a bigger, stronger guy with a lot of cardio and he's the full package. The other thing Anderson likes about it is that Forrest is a big name with a huge heart and is a fan favorite kind of a guy. That's the kind of match that makes a legendary kind of a fight and that's what Anderson wants."

White said he met with Silva and Soares last week and expressed his concerns about Silva's performance in the last two outings. Silva defended his performance, noting that Cote did not attack and that Leites fought exceptionally cautiously.

White called Silva out at the post fight news conference at UFC 97 for backing off as he was pounding Leites on the ground, but Soares said he didn't back off for no reason.

"There was a moment when he was in the half-guard and pounding [Leites] out when it looked from outside the octagon like he stood up and walked away," Soares said.

"Unfortunately, people outside the octagon don't see the fight the same way as those who are in it. Anderson said that what happened was that Thales was covering up well and that in one of those situations, he hit his hand very hard on Thales' elbow.

"He thought, 'Oh man, I could break my hand,' so instead of risking a broken hand that would keep him out for six months if the guy was going to keep covering up like that, he'd stand up and fight him on the feet. But people outside the octagon probably didn't notice that."

Silva made his reputation in the UFC by roaring through competition, knocking out most of his foes violently. He destroyed Rich Franklin twice and also knocked out Nate Marquardt and submitted Dan Henderson.

White was his biggest advocate, insisting there is no fighter in the world close to Silva. And though he was disappointed by his performance in the last two fights, White said he still feels strongly that Silva is the best.

He said Silva will remain middleweight champion and said he thinks there will be viable opponents soon. One would be ex-light heavyweight Michael Bisping, who fights Henderson at UFC 100 in July. If Henderson wins, a Silva-Bisping fight for the title would be a major event.

And White said he is working on signing another middleweight that he would not name who he said "would blow your mind."

"I'm a fight fan like anyone else and I want to see the best fights, too," White said. "Other than the Bisping-(Matt) Hamill fight, where I literally got death threats and people said they were going to kill me if they ever saw me, I got more nasty email about the last [Silva-Leites] fight than any one I've had in nine years of doing this. I got four of them [Monday], personally, to me. I can only imagine what it's like to the address."

White said that Silva also expressed an interest in fighting heavyweight Fedor Emelianenko, who is under contract with Affliction. White has made several attempts to sign Emelianenko, none successful.

Soares confirmed that Silva would like a fight with Emelianenko and said that size wouldn't be an issue. Silva walks around between fights at 215 and Emelianenko fights around 230.

"We'd come in at about 220 if we ever got that fight," Soares said. "Anderson thinks that would be a great fight for him. He didn't say he expected to blow him out, but he thinks he can give him a very good fight."

But long before he considers fighting Emelianenko, he has to worry about a match with Griffin.

"I talked to [a reporter] the day after [UFC 97] and that's when I started working on this," White said. "At the end of the day, it's my job to put on the kinds of fights that you in the media will like and that the fans will want to see. Silva and Griffin is the kind of fight that even other fighters are going to go crazy for. That's what I do for a living.

"I as a fan didn't like what I saw [at UFC 97] and I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted to walk out of the building because of how embarrassed I am. But I can tell you this: I'm going to be counting the days until this fight."

spider gonna put these credits to rest
, and big ups to forrest too cause u know he's actually gonna bring it to anderson and try and challange him, interesting match up putting the185lb champ against probably the biggest 205er in the division
anderson vs. forrest is gonna be really interesting

silva usually walks around at 220 - 230 and has to cut a lot weight. griffin is a big 205. size wise... this is gonna be intriguing.

silva definitely has the edge in stand-up, but forrest got really good wrestling skills and is not afraid to go toe to toe.

silva has got some pretty good ground game, but forrest also has some underrated ground game that most dont see too often.

bottom line... this is gonna be good. forrest definitely has the heart to move forward and not back down
Originally Posted by OwensStr8Clownin

Forrest will be put in his place by the spider. Although Forrest is a tough guy to knock out,
Forrest is not a tough guy to knock out, he was born with that glass jaw.....Anderson will toy with him, the spiders punchs, kicks and knees areto accurate. Overall, it's going to be a good match for the casual and hardcore fans. LET'S GO BJ AND ANDERSON! It's PENN'S STATE! aha....
Forrest is not a tough guy to knock out,
This guy has been through WARS...and I mean slugfests where punches were thrown to KO a dude, but he survives.

He isn't exactly a man with a glass jaw (Arlovski, anyone?). He got caught by Rashad and Jardine (funny on how both dudes are on the same camp)...butlooking at the Tito-Bonnar-Rampage-Rua (if you wanna add that), he stood up with those dudes.

Not tryna be captain Mr. Save-a-TUF, but lets get real here.

Despite that...I'm rooting for Silva here. The only department that Forrest might have an edge is wrestling. Other than that, Silva's got his basescovered.
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