* OFFICIAL MTV Video Music Awards Vol. Sept 13 9PM EST *

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by bboy1827

People is poppin off on FB. How you gonna get mad at an entertainer for doing something entertaining?
yeah everything entertainers do to create entertainment is ok ............ what kind of backwards remedial *$!# is that? doesnt even make sense to the hearing impaired ...
How was what Kanye did not entertaining? The fact that a solid 85% of facebook and about 96% of twitter is proves the point exactly. I reallycould care less what he does or any other entertainer does, lest physically harming someone. "Pull your skirt back down, grow a setmen"-Jay-z
. How is this different than when any other rapper getson stage and goes at another rapper or entertainer. When Bill O'Riely disses all of hip hop and gets contracts pulled? All of it's entertainment to me,because taking what these people do in their lives so seriously proves that you don't have things in your life serious enough to talk about. "opinionsare like mics, everybody has one, and what most dudes say I just pass on"
Originally Posted by The Gangsta M Crisis

Is Jay-Z performing Run this Town also? If so, I'd hate to see the crowd reaction on Kanye's part
they will probably do without him, he got booted
Kanye got the boot. He prolly dont give a %%@@ tho diddy boppin his way to the chicken n rice spot on 53rd n 6th to feed those drunk munchies.
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