Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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ESPNS Chris Palmer: LeBron finishes with 6 MVPS, 4 Rings, 3rd All-time in scoring. Clinches Best Ever.
Idk about all palmer how em Lottery Numbers looking like though
How is Chris Palmer employed? Guy fires off the reactionary/hypothetical tweets nightly. He's comes off as a moron.
How is Chris Palmer employed? Guy fires off the reactionary/hypothetical tweets nightly. He's comes off as a moron.
I wonder about this all the time. Guy is an NT troll on steroids.
@ESPNChrisPalmer: Best Defensive 2 Guards last 25 years: 1.Kobe 2. MJ 3. DWade
@ESPNChrisPalmer: Great question. Two dribbles...Melo. No doubt. RT @ReillyyReidd: best current pull up shooter, off the dribble?
@ESPNChrisPalmer: No. 2. Behind MJ. RT @JBChaleboyHPP: Kobe's rank in your all-time list?
@ESPNChrisPalmer: If Kobe wins No. 6 and passes MJ in scoring (he will) Best Ever is pretty much up for grabs.
@ESPNChrisPalmer: Not sure Bird would have been great in this era. Emphasis on athleticism....
RT @ESPNChrisPalmer: Bird was a shooter? Nick Young has a higher career 3FG%...
@ESPNChrisPalmer: It's late but you guys know I take Kobe over MJ.
@ESPNChrisPalmer: Regardless of era, Kobe is simply a more skilled player. No disrespect at all to MJ.
@ESPNChrisPalmer: The defenses MJ faced were much weaker than what Kobe sees.
@ESPNChrisPalmer: I respect MJ like the next guy but nostalgia doesn't count towards greatest ever.
@ESPNChrisPalmer: Kobe patterned his game after MJ. Smart move. Improved on greatness.
@ESPNChrisPalmer: Top 5 Greatest Ever: 1. MJ (for now) 2. Kobe 3. Kareem 4. Magic 5. LeBron
@ESPNChrisPalmer: Larry Bird is the most overrated shooter of all time.
@ESPNChrisPalmer: Different generations, sure. But zero case for Bird as a Top 50 shooter all-time.
@ESPNChrisPalmer: Can't question Bird's greatness. But as a deep shooter vastly mythologized. Truth hurts. Tell me about it.
@ESPNChrisPalmer: Can't wait to watch Manny Pacquiao put in work. The best to ever do it.
@ESPNChrisPalmer: I'll give Floyd the greatest ever crown. When he beats Pac-Man.
@ESPNChrisPalmer: Mayweather is the best defensive fighter of all time. But stop running from Manny.
@ESPNChrisPalmer: Got the Knicks as NBA champs. I'm all in.
@ESPNChrisPalmer: Not knee jerk. Not bandwagon. I've had an epiphany. Knicks are the next champs.
The Warriors may be plateauing a bit. They are getting waxed...agaaainnn. It seems like everytime I look up they are getting blown.
What is going on it the warriors lately :x

Wow at that Larry bird nick young comparison. Dude is an idiot
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I love seeing good sportsmanship
me too 
What is going on it the warriors lately :x

Wow at that Larry bird nick young comparison. Dude is an idiot

Man I'll come out and say it. I wasn't a believer in them from the beginning, I felt like at their very best they would be battling for a playoff spot this year. They weren't even in the playoffs last season. But thus far, they have shut me up so i've reserved comment on them as they've superseded my expectations of them completely. As the season goes on though, and we see some of these losses and just overall the way they play, maybe they'll start to plateau a bit and come down closer to where I thought they should be.

No way did I believe they would be a top 4/5 team out west. Before the season I thought teams like the Lakers, Mavs, etc. where a much better team than them. I felt like they were nothing but a bunch of jumpshooters who would have a hard time getting anything other than that. They have proved me wrong thus far, we shall see what the end of the season looks like for them.
I don't think Larry Legend could hang with the guys in todays league either. Yeah he played tough and he played to win but honestly he is no Superstar if he was playing now.
If Bogut could ever find a way to stay on the damn court then I think GSW willl be just fine and could win a series come playoffs.
[quote name="CP"]No Wade, no Bosh, no Ray tonight?

Bron goin for 97.[/quote] I know Wade ended up playing, but... 11 shots, 6 assists :wink:

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Game is esentially over. I don't know what is Marc Jackson's deal with not putting in the starters when there is 1 more quarter to play... He also takes them out in the middle of the 3rd, giving the team no chance to recover. Why? Just let them play!!!
Warriors were only down 13 with 11 minutes to play... Curry taking too many shots but then again no one has any offense going for the dubs. Jack is missed.
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